Could a critical food shortage that leads to mass starvation in some parts of the country just around the corner? Lisa Haven seems to think so and she has evidence to back up her theory.
The food infrastructure in America has been fragile for many years, especially since 20th century urbanization saw more and more people leaving rural areas for the bigger cities. The question now, as always, is how much should we worry about or prepare for this? Various people have been warning about an imminent food crisis since the 1960s, when President Kennedy signed Executive Order 10998.
Lisa Haven points out some reports that you probably haven’t heard about yet. For example, did you know that multiple supermarket chains are in the process of filing for bankruptcy? This includes Southeastern Grocers, which owns the Winn Dixie and Bi-Lo supermarket chains, as well as Tops Friendly Grocers on the East Coast. Scary to think about!
Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods is another point that Ms. Haven brings up. While Amazon has been able to monopolize the online retail space, it turns out that running a chain of grocery stores is not as easy. Whole Foods stores are constantly running out of groceries and customers are walking in to find empty shelves.
Watch the video below to see all of the evidence Lisa Haven has compiled about the possibility of a food shortage. Pay close attention when she mentions what many of the elites from Washington, DC have suddenly begun doing!
Organic food is destroying Food Production. It require far more space, work and time to produce a sub normal quality food.