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Animal Farm L.A.: Some Black Lives Matter More Than Others

The black husband of the Los Angeles District Attorney greeted unarmed Black Lives Matter protesters on their front porch with a loaded gun. He pointed the gun at the unarmed ladies and said, “I will shoot you. I don’t care who you are.” He hasn’t been arrested for brandishing a firearm in anti-gun California, and he probably won’t be. We all know why: Because some black lives matter more than others.

This mess couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of people. The progressive District Attorney of Los Angeles, Jackie Lacey, is every bit as anti-gun, anti-Trump and anti-freedom as you might expect. And the Black Lives Matter crew, of course, is the group that started out as a black rights group before George Soros took it over and morphed it into some sort of weird transgender rights group.

The BLM crew showed up at Jackie Lacey’s door at 5:30 a.m. and started making a ruckus. There’s a video of the altercation floating around on Twitter and it’s well worth watching if you track it down. They were being noisy jerks, but they were not threatening Jackie Lacey’s family or property. They simply knocked on the door at a very rude hour.

The reason for this is because Jackie Lacey campaigned for the DA job by promising to have a “community dialogue” with Black Lives Matter. This helped her win the election, and then she stiffed them by never holding that “dialogue.” So… BLM showed up at her doorstep in the wee hours of the morning to have that meeting. Ha!

That’s when Lacey’s husband – who may not be the sharpest tool in the shed – throws open the front door and points a gun at the unarmed ladies as they’re taping the encounter on their phones. Nice going, Mr. Lacey (or whatever his name is). Verbally threatening to shoot them was a really nice touch.

He also clearly has his finger on the trigger. And… the gun looks like it holds more than 10 rounds in the magazine, which is a clear violation of California’s ban on large-capacity mags.

But whatever. He’s married to a powerful and important figure in progressive California politics, so we can already write the script for what happens next.

The gun-wielding, life-threatening spouse of the District Attorney was not arrested on that day and he hasn’t been arrested in the days since the altercation. He also hasn’t been red-flagged by anyone, so law enforcement hasn’t come to the home and removed that specific gun and any other firearms that they have. Those things won’t happen.

The LAPD says it will “investigate.” Uh huh. This is the same LAPD that never managed to arrest Adam Schiff’s biggest donor Ed Buck, despite repeatedly finding the dead bodies of gay homeless black men who had perished from drug overdoses in Buck’s apartment (the feds finally arrested Buck after the most recent dead gay black homeless man turned up there after a house party).

After they “investigate” the DA’s husband, the worst-case scenario is that they will find some petty misdemeanor thing to charge him with. He’ll get to keep his guns and he won’t spend a day in jail.

Now imagine that the spouse of any pro-gun politician in America had pointed a loaded gun at BLM protesters on their front porch, on camera, and threatened to shoot them.

One of the great joys in my life has been reading George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ to all of my children when they were old enough to understand the concepts. It gives great examples of the double standards and unfairness of progressive gun-grabbers and socialism that kids can understand. Plus, it gives me a good excuse to talk about what a terrible person Bernie Sanders is.

This incident in Los Angeles is a classic example of Orwell’s Animal Farm politics, if only the Black Lives Matter protesters could see it and grasp it. Progressive politicians want to take your guns away and they smear lawful gun owners as reckless cowboys who wave our guns around like crazy people. Meanwhile, the DA’s husband in Los Angeles does exactly that, and doesn’t get immediately hauled off to jail. As Orwell wrote, “All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.”

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