A group of actors responded to a casting call and got red-pilled with some solid facts on firearms ownership. The actors were only told in advance that they would be doing a “cold reading” from a teleprompter, and that the gun facts were all heavily-researched and true.
The looks of confusion that come across the actors’ faces when they start reading real statistics on gun ownership, crime and other facts that are suppressed by the mainstream media are truly priceless. Actors live and breathe in one of the most liberal, anti-reality, gun-grabbing bubbles on the planet, but this group (surprisingly) took the news well.
Among the facts they stated in their cold reading: The US ranks first worldwide in gun ownership but is 28th in gun homicides, police shootings increase in states that ban open-carry and the vast majority of police chiefs and sheriffs (86.4 percent) actually support concealed-carry laws. All of the facts in the video are well worth restating, because there is a complete media blackout on the truth about firearms and the 2nd Amendment.
If you’re weary from watching the clueless and irresponsible Fake News media report endlessly on “semi-automatic machine guns” and “AK-47 attack mortars that are easier to buy than a toaster,” check out the video below.
Wait until you see the reactions of these actors when they are hit between the eyes with a cold, hard dose of the truth on gun ownership in the USA!
I always knew that it was a HUMAN issue, not an issue of inanimate objects. It is easy to blame something that cannot actively defend itself. Even easier to ignore human culpability.
Gee even liberals once confronted with actual facts and truth know things are not what they seem to be in the media !!!!
Great…they make decisions without looking at all the facts……sheeesh what a bunch of sheep.
We need more of this!!!
Awesome!!!! I’d love to see this information on the front page of the newspaper 🙂 🙂
While I agree with B Curtis and would love to see it played in commercials on all channels and on the front page of the major newspapers, it won’t happen because they are controlled by those who want.to destroy the second amendment. Great piece!
So the light comes on for these few, How long do you think it will stay. Guns DO NOT kill people, PEOPLE kill people, The gun is just a tool!
Excellent….now make is a total read classroom curriculum….and let the eye opening begin….!
Mainstream media only promotes whatever supports the agenda of those who control the station any facts or news that gets in the way of their agenda is suppressed. It has been this way for decades even a judge supported their lies by upholding the wrongful firing of a reporter when they fact checked a report about a school shooting that supposedly was happening and was informed by police that it had not happened. They fired the reporter when they refused to PANIC the public with the false story the station owner wanted aired so they could play on the emotions of the audience to encourage congress to pass an INFRINGEMENT on gun ownership that was currently before them.
In other words ILLEGAL manipulation of CONGRESSIONAL votes by emotionally manipulating their audience in order to get their personal agenda of DISARMING their intended victims imposed upon this nation.
Since history has shown that EVERY NATION that has disarmed a people later MASSACRED those same people the CITIZENS of this nation should be demanding to know who these anti gun politicians have in their sights as the next group to be massacred by GOVERNMENT order that they feel so strongly about that they feel they must disarm the intended victims.
In 99.9999999+ % of all gun violence not one gun has killed anyone or any living thing. How can that be? Well, think about it. The only way a gun can hurt anything or anyone is if it is used as a club or first loaded with ammunition and then discharged by a PHYSICAL movement to initiate the discharge of the loaded ammunition. ALL of the actions must be caused by the PERSON in control of the gun.
I will affirm that loaded guns make it easier to commit crimes of violence but that does not put the onus of gun violence on guns. The truth of the matter is illustrated by the numbers of murders and other physical violence in the USA is done with knives rather than guns. I guess that we will just have to ban knives before we ban guns.
Convoluted thinking? Not really. The real issue here is PEOPLE! People commit all these crimes! Are we going to ban people too? No, we’ll only ban the BAD people! The thing is, how are we going to be able to sort out the good from the bad?
We could use statistics! If most murders and other violent crimes were committed by blue eyed or dark haired or left handed people, maybe we should ban them from buying guns & knives. Or maybe not. What do you thunk?
[…] 1 reviews It's always great when you can educate the libs with facts. This is pretty good. Casting Call for Actors to Cold Read Gun Facts Off a Teleprompter ? American gun news Sparky To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You […]
This same forum needs to be done with new actors every week. It needs to be on TV as well. New actors every week will
make it a headline ‘must watch’ to see whom steps up each week and it will spread the real-life word instead of the ‘scare-tactics’ ‘fake news’ media we have been seeing that is only geared toward disarming the citizens of the US.
JW, unfortunately it is not unusual for the ABC, CBS, NBS and PBS to reject such ads. It is not the message/truth they want the public to receive. They prefer people continue to be in the dark like the actors in this video. It was refreshing for these actors to be very candid about what their ‘pre-conceived’ beliefs were and why.
I’m surprised they didn’t let the facts get in their way.