Legal ownership of firearms clearly is a contentious issue heading into the 2020 general election. Like many other contentious issues, the partisan liberal run media are doing their best to portray firearms as something only delusional domestic terrorist own.
Emotional appeals and falsely applied terms, like “assault rifle,” influence civil discussion and potential state and federal policy, and not always for the better.
Among the most recent examples is an article published in The Missourian. “Gun Violence in Missouri becoming a disease of youth” was published by Missouri University and edited by journalism school professors.
The article suggests unregulated, legal private sales greatly increased gun violence among Missouri youth. The “disease of youth” to which the article refers, it would appear, is lawful gun ownership.
The article cites ATF reports showing a 40 percent rise in firearms traced to teens under 18 years of age. The number rose from 155 in 2012 to 217 last year.
The article blames access to handguns and suggests private gun sales are responsible. The article suggests the handguns are obtained via transactions arranged online, but cites no sources.
In other words, the writers and editors injected a blatant assumption that falls apart under even light scrutiny. The aim, clearly, is to appeal on an emotional level since they don’t have facts to support their theory.
There are some big problems with that notion. The first is that people under age 17 simply cannot purchase a firearm from anyone. It is against federal law. At best, they could accept a gift, such as a hunting rifle. Clearly, youth under age 18 are not buying firearms legally in Missouri or any other state.
Even younger adults from ages 18 to 30 mostly do not obtain firearms from legal sources. And none buy them via legal private transactions. The only private transaction in which they partake to buy firearms are black market transactions, which are illegal. And youth in Missouri mostly are getting firearms through theft or the black market.
Federal studies affirm as much. Virtually no state or federal inmates who used firearms while committing the crimes for which they were imprisoned got their guns via private sales. A 2016 survey of state and federal prison inmates shows very few obtained their firearms from an FFL dealer.
The U.S. Dept. of Justice reports shows their preferred source is the black market, or from someone they know. Others stole the firearm, or found it at the scene of the crime.
The breakdown is as follows:
- 43 percent from the black market.
- 25 percent from friends or family.
- 7 percent found at scene of crime.
- 7 percent from an FFL dealer.
- 6 percent from theft.
The report shows most prisoners – 79 percent – did not use firearms during the crimes for which they were convicted. Of those who carried guns during crimes, only 13 percent used the firearms by showing, pointing or firing them.
With criminals mostly not using firearms, and none obtaining them via private sales, The Missourian clearly is pushing a false narrative with the aim of eroding gun owner rights.
What would help, though, is education. Letting organizations like the NRA, USCCA, and other gun safety advocates into public schools to teach gun safety and proper handling will go a long way towards combating gun violence.
I am a strong advocate of gun ownership, and support the 2nd Amendment for the purpose(s) it was written. My father gifted me a .410 shotgun when I was ten years old, and I have expanded my collection ever since. I remain an avid hunter, and while most of my acquisitions have been for bird hunting, I do possess big game guns as well. There seems to be a stigma concerning AR-15’s as well as “legal” AK-47’s. They are being improperly named “Assault Rifles”. The versions which are obtainable through legitimate FFL dealers are nothing more than semi-automatic rifles whose appearances resemble true assault weapons. I do not believe most of those who are objecting to gun ownership have a clue as to the difference. Our 2nd Amendment was plugged into our Constitution in an effort to prevent our government from becoming a tyrannical element. As we, the American people, represent one of the largest armies in the world, I believe ownership of weapons, including the so-called “Assault Rifles” by law abiding citizens is truly necessary to sustain our way of life.
Politicians that are against gun ownership actually fear that “we the people” are fed up with their and crap we will use the guns against them.
All that happens when they try to take the guns away is that they try to diminish our ability to protect ourselves.
I’m certain that law abiding citizens have no ill intent just because they own guns.
I’m also certain that an illegal firearm, in the hands of a criminal, will be used in a criminal endeavor.
The first thing the British did when they invaded the colonies was to confiscate all firearms. You can’t fight back if you are out-gunned. That’s why our founding fathers inserted the 2nd Amendment into the bill of rights.
If guns are bad and dangerous then why is the president always surrounded by armed guards whenever he goes public.
It’s the criminals and nutjobs with guns that we need to be afraid of.
My friends and I have owned firearms for over sixty years and nobody, I repeat NOBODY, has ever been harmed.
In my opinion, all this about gun control and firearm confiscation has virtually nothing to do with firearms. It has to do with control over we the people who’re supposed to be the “bosses” and the politicians who’re supposed to be our “employees” want to rule us instead of represent us. Speaking for myself, I feel I’m a good example as a firearm owner. I have an old Winchester Model 12 shotgun my dad bought along with his in 1927 when I was 2 years old. In 1937 when I was 12, he got it out, cleaned it up and gave it to me. It’s the only shotgun I ever used. So am I going to go out and rob a liquor store with a shotgun that has a 32 inch barrel? No! The only thing I might use it for is to defend my wife our home and myself. I’m now in my mid 90s and no longer hunt. But my old Model 12 has an honored place in the safe along with my dad’s. I’m well trained in the use of any firearm and have a CCW. The only laws I’ve broken are speeding a few times. As I mentioned, I feel the firearm laws have nothing to do with gun ownership. Biden and his followers simply want us totally disarmed so we have no way of defending ourselves against criminals. By criminals I also mean the socialist politicians we now have to deal with.
OK, soapbox time is over.
The Leftists are desperate to disarm law abiding citizens so we can be controlled.
MY son has a close friend living in Australia. He was very serious when they talked last week. This friend told my son “FOR GODS SAKE DO NOT ALLOW YOUR GOVERNMENT TO CONFISCATE THE CIVILIAN POPULATIONS FIREARMS ! THEY DID THIS OVER THERE DURING THE LAST FEW YEARS AND NOW HIS WIFE AND DAUGHTERS CANNOT GO TO TOWN AFTER DARK. THE CRIME PROBLEM IS VERY SEVERE. SINCE THE CIVILIAN POPULATION CAN BE EXPECTED NOT TO BE ARMED THE CROOKS (WHO ARE STILL ARMED) ARE ROBBING, RAPING AND MURDERING PEOPLE FOR THE SMALLEST AMOIUNT OF MONEY. THIS MAN DID NOT GIVE UP HIS HAND GUN AND ACQUIRED RE;LOADING MATERIAL SO ALTHOUGH HE COULD BE ARRESTED IF THEY FOUND HIS WEAPON ITS STILL BETTER THAN DEAD. Maybe we should rethink the gun confiscation program here. It appears the best deterent for violence is the fact that anyone could be armed so the crooks wont be as quick to attack. . Thugs on;ly want to get victims who cant fight back for self preservation ! !
I will give my gun up when the president and all members of congress give their huns and body guards uo.
I have suggested to politicians that penalties for certain crimes basically be doubled such a felon in possession 20 years with no parole and if stupid enough to do it again, life
Strawman purchases 20 instead of ten years and we’ll see how many wives and girlfriends will buy for some unworthy miscreant.
And I would add no plea bargaining or reducing charges to misdemeanors. But they’re only interested in criminalizing law-abiding citizens.
Nor are they able to tell me how their laws will keep guns out of criminal hands since we can’t seem to be able to do much about drugs.
I vaguely recall reading this article when it first was published. I guess I didn’t comment due to lack of time. But my opinion remains the same. First, criminals rarely prey on criminals. Secondly, they often surveil their victims to ensure their own safety.
Finally, nuts like New York Mayor Eric Adams never change their response: “Crime rates are spiking! Disarm the victims!”
First off a lot of law abiding citizens own guns most of them hunt for their food. And some have to protect their livestock from predators. I don’t think that it a crime just because these corrupt power hungry politicians want to control everything. They all need to wake up from their fantasy dream of ruling the world. I hate to be the bearer of bad news the people have a right to own firearms if they have not committed crimes. See if every American was armed just like I read in one comment the crime rates would drop because the criminals wouldn’t know who has a sidearm. This is proven. Unless you have an idiot criminal. I think every Law abiding citizen should own a gun and learn how to properly use it. Like I said you use them for hunting to protect your livestock and home protection for your family. It is the Right of the People. No question about that. The Constitution also states the People have the right to bear arms and take up those arms when the government has become corrupt and has committed treasonous crimes which we see today. This is why they advocate to take our guns so they have more power over We The People. But don’t worry if they start to go door to door I believe bad things will take place. I hope not but when you keep poking the bear he starts to get mad. So all I have to say is I encourage everyone to go out to a gun store and go shoot at a range and see if you like it or not. If you don’t like it that is your opinion but don’t go after law abiding citizens just because you got scared. Like I said and I will say it one more time some use them to put food on the table to feed their families. There is nothing wrong with that. These kids need to learn the truth and stop calling an AR an assault rifle it is not, and for all your information AR stands for a company that designed these light weight sporting rifles their name is armaLite rifles. Do the research and don’t believe what you hear from the corrupt politicians and the lying media. That’s all so for that happy trails.