Have you ever been in an argument with someone who would say just about anything to win? Whether it’s right or wrong, they don’t give a hoot- they just want to win. That’s what dealing with left-wing gun control advocates is like. They don’t stand on principle, they just push an agenda and run their tactics to ram through to victory.
You might have noticed that the Democrats have been spamming the airwaves with gun control ads. It’s about the midterm elections, and some of the ads are still running even though most of the polling is finished because they bought more airtime than they needed. But it’s just kind of gross that they claim to believe guns jump out of cabinets by themselves and shoot up gun free zones- yet they only believe it enough to play public service announcements during election time.
Grosser still is the fact they have changed their position from the 2014 midterm election cycle when being pro 2nd Amendment wasn’t a deal breaker for them. This stems from the political fallout surrounding the shootings in Florida which were heavily politicized by the left wing mainstream media.
The bad news is that the public appears to be on the same page with them. Despite the fact that more people die in car accidents every day than from gun-related events every year, polling data shows that people are in favor of more gun control. People particularly like stricter controls on sales, and expanding background checks.
Curtailing American’s gun rights has long been an untouchable topic. But now that school shootings are perceived as a pandemic that cannot be solved any other way- many people are afraid to say they think gun control doesn’t work. It really proves how incredibly effective advertising and irresponsible news reporting can be.
Candidate for the Florida Democratic gubernatorial primary, Philip Levine says, “I’m running for governor because I’m a parent who will not stop at anything until we make our gun laws stronger and our children safe.”
Moments after making that statement, one of his armed bodyguards tripped over a terrier and accidentally discharged his Glock into a bank of microwaves in the snack area. Just kidding.
Since 2014, support for gun control in the House and Senate has gone up 31 percent. This year, there were roughly 82,000 pro-gun control ad spots compared to 57,000 anti-gun control ads and voters are changing their minds accordingly. According to a USA Today poll taken during the last three midterm elections people’s stances on gun control have changed dramatically:
558 pro gun control
8,598 anti-gun control
4,450 pro-gun control
12,979 anti-gun control
18,416 pro-gun control
8,897 anti-gun control
It’s important to note that, while there was some overlap, the anti-gun control people were almost all Democrats, and almost all of the anti-gun control people were Republicans.
So, here’s the good news. While it does look on the surface that the Dems are winning the gun control debate, the fact is Democrats and Republicans are basically voting for or against gun control in the way that you would expect. If the USA Today poll is correct, it means that not a lot of minds are actually being changed.
Conservatives know guns don’t kill people and that banning them only empowers criminals. That’s not going to change just because CNN turned a handful of shooting survivors into junior pundits. What is shocking is that a small number of Republicans actually did favor gun control. But they are insignificant outliers.
But what the numbers really show is that all the televised hand-wringing has only motivated more people who already oppose Second Amendment rights to come out and vote. In other words, nobody’s mind is being changed. The anti-gun movement has only energized an already anti-gun demographic.
It means that responding in kind will not be effective. It means we’re dealing with a demographic that is motivated by emotive language and isn’t thinking clearly. They see a sad story and call on big daddy government to ban all the bad things. But what we can do is work to get more Second Amendment supporters out to vote.
We’ve got to get the message out to people who understand how important it is to have a formidable population to get out there and vote to keep these greasy socialists out of our gun cabinets.
Please make sure you do your part and vote in the November elections.
~ American Gun News
The liberals and their gun control can kiss my butt. A bunch of cowards. These men who scream for gun control are whiny babies. Who never service their country. It’s not gun control that’s the problem it’s how people raise their children and criminals. Nazis all of the democrats. That is why we have the constitution. To keep dictators out of America. Obama was trying to be one. Hillary would of been the biggest one of all.. Levine in Florida is just wanting votes. He has armed body GUARDS but for us he wants unarmed and stupid. No thanks. Gun are not the problem it’s people.
We are going to keep our 2nd Amendment rights and we are going to see the end of the Hillary hype and the obamanation that we had for president! California will clean up but a lot of conservatives and real Americans are going to have to step up to save it and New York. The Indians will take care of Elizabeth Warren and the socialists are going to starve to death!
What AMERICA NEEDS is for Republican candidates to do the research on the following:
Beginning with the Texas Tower Shooter, EVERY MASS SHOOTER has come from a liberal background whether it was learned at home, or indoctrinated in schools and college.
Liberals first thought when someone makes them cry, their first idea is to get a gun and start shooting the big bad meanies.
They then project that response to everybody because they ‘know’ that everybody else is stupid too.
Dig out the real, provable facts, and base their platform on the sheer stupidity of liberalism.
They don’t need to name an actual opponent, just lay out the problems that are directly caused by liberals in any government position.
When they are shown WHO DOES THE SHOOTING, the ‘democrats’ that vote democrat because great grandpa and great grandma voted democrat, their minds will open up to reality.
When it gets down to the nitty-gritty of deciding to surrender a right, I’ll bet the story changes. In such a situation, the ANTIs won’t be the only ones advertising.
Our 2nd Amendment rights are Constitutional and they are
Biblical { Luke 22 vs 36 }
Media hype impresses me not in the least. That said, what is this I’m Not A Robot, Pick or Match Pictures rubbish?
I served my country for 20+ years and there was a lot of talk about firing on American citizens. Well I remember the most important part of my oath of office, the part that says “to defend against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC” I’m not to concerned about the foreign but I am the “domestic”. We are the only country in the world where law abiding citizens still have the right to bear arms and our Forefathers had enough historical memories to fore see another King George could possibly happen in the future so they gave us the 2nd amendment, legal protection from tyrannical governmental overloads and that is why we still have some freedom. There are more of us armed citizens than there are of them and they are afraid one day we may wake up and say enough is enough. I hear the words spoken by Charlton Heston “If You want to take my guns you can take them from my cold dead hands”. “MOLON LABE”