The first Democratic Party debates left no doubt their goal is to demolish the Bill of Rights. No longer relegated to individual voices or far leftists like Bernie Sanders, the vocal and unified nature of the party’s attack on our basic rights, has even been cautioned by no less than the radical leftist media outlet the New York Times.
Several op-eds over the last couple of weeks at the Times warned against being so upfront about doing away with our basic rights, but for a reason that may not at first be apparent to the casual reader.
Sunday, June 30, 2019’s op-ed expressed the paper’s concern for the mood and tone of the two recent Democratic Party debates, saying, “Several of the candidate hopefuls were falling all over themselves in their call for radical change for the Nation—calling for no less than a Marxist Revolution. Their exuberance was on clear display for all to see.”
What millions of Americans saw, especially in the second debate, was nothing less than a call for an end to the Bill of Rights.
What was most troubling about this is that the fact that the Times did not see a problem with the Democrat’s being hell-bent on dismantling the 1st, 2nd, and 5th Amendments, but rather that they have stopped attempting to hide their agenda from voters.
Democrats are no longer hiding under the banner “but we’re not socialist.”
And it isn’t just the newcomers who are projecting blatantly socialist policy positions. While AOC, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren may be getting a lot of attention these days for the things they say, moderates in the party like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are also being more and more open about their true socialist leanings.
If the New York Times columnists are calling for restraint, that means they understand what other Democrats do not: the great majority of Americans do not want to see their Bill of Rights constrained or repealed.
People like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell fear the Bill of Rights because they are all too aware of what an armed citizenry might do should there be an outright Marxist-Collectivist takeover of the country.
It’s no wonder Cuomo and his surrogates masterminded the New York Safe Act that banned the very firearms that would most deter such a reign of tyranny. Another New Times columnist, Brett Stephens has on two separate occasions used his paper to call for lawmakers to “repeal the Second Amendment.”
One need only listen to those first two debates to know the party is not your father’s Democratic Party.
Democrats utter disdain for the Bill of Rights isn’t reserved just for the Second Amendment either. In a speech at an Iowa community college, Hillary Clinton said, “We need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all, even if that takes a constitutional amendment.”
Clinton didn’t say at that time how she proposed to amend our right to free speech. However, two years later 54 Senate Democrats voted for a new constitutional amendment that would do just that.
Before that vote, Democratic Whip Dick Durbin said, “I expect a fully partisan vote” and that is just what he got. Had the Democrats’ amendment been successfully implemented, the First Amendment would have suffered a serious broadside.
After Democrats voiced approval of S. J. Res. 19 in 2014, an official letter from National Right to Life to the Democrat Party Senate leadership put everything in focus:
NRLC is strongly opposed to this sweeping attack on the protections that we currently enjoy under the Bill of Rights … a vote in favor of the amendment accurately described as a vote to empower incumbent federal and state lawmakers to restrict and criminalize speech that is critical of their actions on crucial public policy issues, including abortion.
From Barack Obama, to Hillary Clinton, to their current freshman crop, Democrats present themselves as the champions of American’s rights. They preach the “right to affordable health care, a college education, and a livable wage.”
At the same time, leading voices in the party agitate their base to restrict or outright repeal existing Constitutional rights. It’s not just celebrity lefties like Bill Maher calling for an end to the Second Amendment anymore.
For Democrats, socialism has gone mainstream.