Evil never tires. No matter how much you might feel tired, beaten or weary, it’s important to remember that evil never tires. It will find corrupt hearts, and it will lead politicians to corruption and tyranny. You don’t need countless history lessons to know the truth of that.
Right now, in our own backyards, Democrats are working tirelessly to take our guns away. They’re doing it because they want absolute control over our lives. We all know it. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise should be pointed to this story.
Jason Pizzo
Too few people know this name. It’s only natural, seeing as how he is a state senator in Florida. Regardless, he might be the single biggest enemy of freedom in our country. Three years ago, he proposed legislation that targeted people who posted pictures of guns on social media. Seriously.
The legislation he suggested would have the people banned from the site, and, much worse, would justify a seizure of their firearms. When challenged on the legislation, he responded, “If you post it [guns] on social media, that’s probable cause for us to come get the guns out of your house.” As you might imagine, this bill didn’t pass in Florida.
Well, he’s at it again. Before we get into the details of the new bill, it’s important to note the change of climate in Florida politics. After the Parkland shooting in South Florida, once sane Senator Marco Rubio gave up massive ground to the gun control junkies in his state. Now, they’re bolder than ever, and there is a much bigger risk of Florida ceding gun rights than there was a few years ago.
That’s why this new version of Pizzo’s bill is so dangerous. It takes the extreme measures of the last attempt and dials them up even higher. Part of the bill suggests that any minor posting a picture of anything that could be construed as a firearm is grounds for search and seizure.
Think about that for a minute. If a 17 year old posts a picture of an airsoft rifle, this bill would give police the right to invade the home, steal any weapons they find and potentially kill the residents if they resist or put up a fight.
That’s to say nothing of hunting pictures or parents teaching their children how to safely handle firearms. This is easily one of the most aggressive gun control measures ever introduced in this country.
Legal Problems
This bill faces some pretty steep legal battles. It’s clearly a violation of the 2nd Amendment, but that hasn’t stopped state legislatures from infringing on rights before. This particular bill is also a violation of the 1st Amendment. It goes way past incitement and threats and outright utilizes targeted speech to punish citizens.
Fortunately, there is a long, complete legal history that stands against this bill. Even assuming it was reworded in a way to get past the 1st Amendment issues, it’s likely the Supreme Court would be willing to rule against such an extreme overreach. After all, the 2nd Amendment doesn’t say “the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, unless you post a picture of it.”
Why it Matters
Here’s the thing. If this bill becomes law and is struck down by higher courts, the American people still lose. Florida is one of the most pro-gun 2nd Amendment havens left in the country. It also has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country. Countless states and local governments are already violating the 2nd Amendment. Losing the ground we have in Florida is a big deal.
This is precisely why the left is investing so heavily in gun control in Florida. They know it’s an important battleground state. If they can prove that even Florida will entertain draconian gun laws that violate the Bill of Rights, they can ramp up their narrative pressure and try to convince the whole country that these kinds of measures are normal. That’s the end game.
If we allow the would-be tyrants in this country to gain ground, we’ll never get it back. Just think about what has been lost so far. Every “progressive” step forward has been permanent, and currently, we enjoy less freedom in our country than the generations that came before us.
It’s still the greatest place in the world, but if we keep ceding freedom, eventually we won’t have enough left to fight back. Allowing the government to forcefully enter our homes and seize our weapons over an Instagram picture or Facebook post or pro Second Amendment tweet is many bridges too far. We need these tyrants out of our government, now and forever.
The only way to win this war is to beat the Democrats at their own game. If Republicans canvassed and worked grassroots efforts half as hard as Democrats, we would never hear a story like this again. It’s no longer enough to pay membership dues and let the lawyers handle things. We have to motivate our communities to fight for their rights before it’s too late.
With proposed legislation like this, it makes one wonder if the politicians have ever heard of the constitution and bill of rights. Maybe we need to have political candidates take and pass a test on the constitution and bill of rights before they can appear on the ballot.
Also pass a basic background investigation before they can run for office.
Does that mean if there are no pictures then the weapons do not exist?
This guy is a complete NUT job! He need voted out of office ASAP! He only has two brain cells working and he has those out playing with them!
Sounds like to me this whacko Pizzo either needs to be arrested and jailed or, at the very least, spend some time in MH facility. If he doesn’t understand what the 2nd amendment means, he surely doesn’t qualify to serve as a senator, state or federal.
Not only the First and Second but also the third provision of the Fifth: “No one shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process and property without just compensation.” And “just compensation does not mean pennies on the dollar Australian style. The Commiecrats never cease and RINO’s like Rubio need to wake up and smell the coffee burning.
Those who value their 1st and 2nd Amendment RIGHTS specifically, as well as the foundational rights and freedoms named in our Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution, must NOT rely upon “conservatives” or “republicans” to uphold and defend our inalienable rights. Everyone who values freedom and liberty in America should be steadfastly opposed to efforts by anti-gun, anti-constitutionalist members of all political parties in America. We have a real problem when we start trying to lay the blame at only democrats or only RINO “conservatives”. I often wonder, while reading or hearing about our elected representatives who would so easily want to deny WE THE PEOPLE (who sent them to represent us) from our Constitutional and God-Given RIGHTS. Are these elected people truly patriots? Are they simply uneducated and ignorant? Or, are they actually raised believing that they MUST overthrow the consensus of the history, lessons learned, and knowledge of the American system? I worry that it seems like more and more of our representatives that are getting voted in to represent us are more interested in representing anti-Americanism.
I would guess that if you even wore a shirt or jacket or belt buckle with a gun manufacturer’s brand name or image of a patriot and American flag, THAT would be enough grounds for Pizzo’s police thugs to arrest you, force their way into your home, and steal anything firearms-related.
Get rid of Pizzo & take Rubio away also…,
Hey, How’s Trump doing?
Not a very complete list! But for starters…
1) Selecting Neil Gorsuch For The Supreme Court.
2) Ending the fraudulent and disastrous climate agreement.
3) Killing The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal.
4) Actually cleaning up the VA instead of just talking about it. Over 850 incompetents fired already.
5) Decreasing illegal immigration by 54%
6) Restricting the immigration of people who hate us from predominantly anti American countries.
7) Canceling 876 obama era regulations.
8) Freezing all Federal Hiring Outside of the Military.
9) Approving The Dakota Access Pipeline And The Keystone Pipeline.
10) Ordered Federal Agencies To Cut Two Regulations For Every New One They Propose.
11) Putting Out An Executive Order Asking The DOJ And Homeland Security to Withhold “Federal Funds, Except As Mandated By Law” From Sanctuary Cities.
12) Canceling obama and clinton’s promise to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrian muslims to this country.
13) The start on the wall.
14) Reinstating The Mexico City Policy.
15) Giving little girls their restrooms back.
16) Stopping the transsexual madness and allowing the military to put its actual job above political correctness!
18) Putting the left’s/Fake New’s anti America, anti Constitution bias so clearly on display so that even the blind can see it.
19) Enabling America to become energy self sufficient by unleashing our own energy industry.
20) A soaring stock market and record employment.
21) Actually begin the dismantling of obamacare.
22) Shut down obama’s “Operation Choke Point” that was designed to infringe on American’s second amendment rights.
23) Pardoned Sheriff Arpaio who was prosecuted for ENFORCING our border laws!
24) Federal jobs down 11,000 in six months!
25) Halting visas for government officials of countries who will not accept their criminal illegals back.
More To Come! You Can Count On It!
Order in the courtroom here come de judge Kavanaugh, SWEET!!
And he does it all for FREE! SWEETER YET!!
People better wake up before it’s to late !
We are in the “soft” Civil War now.
AC has it partly right. We need to get out and meet our neighbors and do a better job than the Dems in getting our message across. Where he comes up short is that anyone who wants and publicly seeks a political position should automatically be disqualified because they are either dishonest or crooks or both. This applies to both parties.
Lets get out and make sure that freedom becomes a cool thing again.
Pizzo represents Florida Senate District 38, the extreme northeast corner of Miami-Dade County.
I think there needs to be term limits for all elected offices and the same social security that we all have.. THEY SHOULD SIGHN AN AGREMENT TO UPHOLD THE CONSTUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS ,WITH THE PROVISION FOR PRISION TIME FOR NON COMPLINCE !!!!