The fight to end your right to protect yourself and your family marches on. Capital News has reported that Kathleen Willis, a Democrat from Illinois is pushing for a 400% cost increase for those who want to obtain a firearms ownership ID card (FOID), a.k.a. register their guns.
Not only that, but her idea would make it a requirement for every gun owner in her state to be fingerprinted and for FOID cards to expire every five years rather than every ten years.
In addition to being more restrictive and more intrusive- law enforcement would be prompted to actively seek to confiscate the firearms of any FOID cardholder who does not obtain a valid FOID card before theirs expires.
We all know that Chicago, Illinois has the worst gun crime numbers of any state in the union. We also know that their abysmal crime statistics are the direct result of liberal policies. We can point to any major city, run by liberals, and see astronomic gun crime stats. But Chicago’s are the worst. It’s so bad that the locals refer to it as Chi-raq, a play on “Iraq.”
According to 43 people have been shot and killed in Chicago, as of May 2019, 177 have been wounded by gun crime, 220 have been shot, and 46 total homicides have taken place. This is the direct result of liberal policies including some of the most restrictive gun control measures in the country.
According to “[…] 54% of American counties had no murders, and that a minuscule 2% account for a colossal 51% of the murders nationwide.”
Don McDougall of Ammoland writes in his article entitled, “’Gun Crime’ is a Made-Up Word from the Anti-Gun World. Here are the Real Numbers” McDougall writes, “If not for gangs and drugs, the number of murders by guns is below 1,700 in a county of 330,000,000 people. Remove the gangs and drugs, and the US is one of the SAFEST countries in the world.”
The fact that people like Kathleen Willis persist in pushing for laws that clearly result in more crime, more violence, and larger numbers of illegally owned guns on the streets of the major cities of our country proves that they are either willfully unaware of the truth about gun crime, or they are intentionally trying to make it worse. goes on to cite a study produced by John Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center and the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report. The reports conclude that the vast majority of all gun crime comes from a tiny minority of counties- and that more counties had zero gun crime than had any at all. Not only that, but as any educated gun owner knows the locations with the least crime also had the highest numbers of legal gun ownership.
They write, “We can see this in our own California backyard, with Los Angeles County as a perfect example. In 2014, the County was clearly embarrassed to report a staggering number of murders: 526 to be exact. According to Lott’s research, however, there was a much higher likelihood of a murder occurring in very specific parts of LA. It clearly shows the northwestern part of the county has a very small number of homicides in comparison to other areas.”
In the conclusion of the Crime Prevention Research Center’s report, John Lott writes, “But 23 of the 77 neighborhoods in the city have zero murders, and most of the 40 neighborhoods have only one murder. Twelve of the neighborhoods have 10 or more murders.”
To make things worse, Willis’ amendment is hidden inside the wording of another law, namely, Senate Bill 1966, in order to make the provision harder to vote down.
According to the NRA, Willis’ amendment “requires FOID applicants to pay all costs for fingerprinting and processing the background check, totaling around $150 on top of the application fee.”
This would raise the total price of an FOID card from $10 to $200, as a simple check of the numbers reveals.
The end result here is that honest, law-abiding people- people of modest means- will be criminalized and financially elbowed out of legal gun ownership.
As usual, the people who will be harmed the most are single mothers who are looking to protect their children in the most violent state in the union who cannot afford an additional $200 on top of the already high price of legal firearms ownership.
What you’re going to see is an increase of otherwise law-abiding people turning to illegal gun ownership just to be able to protect themselves in the middle of an urban war zone.