Many of us were horrified when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell proudly declared that he and President Trump were seriously looking at a gun ban earlier this year. Fortunately, that’s off the table now – because of Trump, not McConnell.
Try not to let your frustration with our President get the better of you. It’s always best to wait two or three days after he says something, to see how he’s going to act. And it’s okay to get mad at Trump from time to time, but let’s not kid ourselves. There’s no other choice in 2020.
For all his missteps, would you trade President Trump for the obviously racist, senile, gropey Sleepy Joe Biden?
Didn’t think so. Trump is literally standing alone in the Executive branch against the tides of globalism, socialism, open borders, economic disaster, stock market crashes, joblessness, endless war and an insane weather cult.
Most elected Republicans wither and fold into a puddle of apologies anytime the mainstream media lyingly calls them a “racist” – which they’re going to do no matter what. MSNBC did seven different news features comparing Trump to Adolph Hitler – and that was just in May! He’s still standing strong against daily smears, lies and conspiracy theories about Putin.
Despite previous differences within his own party, Trump said, “Republicans are going to be great and lead the charge along with the Democrats.” He told reporters he had already spoken to Senator Mitch McConnell saying the Senate Majority Leader is totally onboard.”
Following several high profile mass shootings over the last 12 months, the pressure to do something is mounting. The debate with conservative rank is not whether something should be done but what.
The NRA has contributed millions to several Republicans and President Trump and has been vocal in its opposition to most new gun control proposals. However, the gun lobby’s chief executive, Wayne LaPierre agrees that some federal gun control proposals “would make millions of law-abiding Americans less safe and less able to defend themselves and their loved ones.”
Trump and McConnell discussed background checks and “red flag” laws last week as two of those options. The Senator told Louisville’s WHAS-AM those items for sure will be front and center as we see what we can come together on and pass.”
Joe Biden has made it plain he will support nothing short of a ban on most weapons, but Trump has made it plain a ban on semi-automatic weapons like the AR15 is not on the table.
The NRA and many leading conservatives say there is no Congressional proposal under consideration that would have prevented the shootings in Texas and Ohio.
On that point, we must agree. President Trump called attention last week to the real issue in the most recent gun violence – we need to keep guns out of the hands of those who are mentally disturbed.
After the Parkland, FL shooting in Feb. 2018, Trump tweeted, “So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again.”
Democrats have called Trump hypocritical because he eliminated a proposed Obama-era regulation that supposedly would stop the mentally ill from legally obtaining firearms.
When Trump nixed that regulation, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo tweeted, “are you aware that one of the regulations you got rid of made it more difficult for the mentally ill to get guns?”
Cuomo’s response was as the Daily Wire reported, “a major distortion of reality” and “a cynical way of falsely tying the evil actions of one man onto the president and Republican lawmakers in the ultimate pursuit of gun control measures.
The proposed law in question would have revoked the Second and Fourth Amendment rights of tens of thousands of Americans. They would have denied their rights solely because they had received assistance in managing their Social Security disability payments.
Even the ACLU recognized how unfair this proposal was, yet Obama urged his party’s leadership to enact it.
Trump has shown in the past he is not afraid to cut through the party politics on both sides and use the power of the Oval Office to do what neither side can agree on.
Hopefully, Congress will see that and send him a bill that makes sense without infringing on law abiding gun owners rights.
There needs to be no anti-gun bills sent to the president. All Gun Laws are Unconstitutional. NEVER COMPROMISE!
Trump is the best choice for the real American people do you really think all these people trying to get into this country would be doing that if they knew they were coming to what they were running from they are coming for the freedoms that the Democrats now want to take away there will be no better life here for them