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Lindsey Graham: Let’s Do Bipartisan Gun Confiscation, Guys!

It’s actually been kind of fun to watch Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) get out from under the shadow of the late John McCain, so that Graham could spread his little wings and fly. He was absolutely sizzling during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings, and Graham has also been a joy to behold when it comes to his sudden newfound support for a wall on the southern border.

But as many people pointed out after this metamorphosis, Graham still bears watching closely. Eventually, some of his old anti-American, far-left policies will resurface. Sure enough, Sen. Graham is now calling for a federal “bipartisan” red flag gun confiscation bill.

Graham has been a long-time supporter of things like red flag confiscation bills, in which a family member, neighbor or your mailman can tell a judge you look suspicious. This results in a pre-dawn SWAT raid at your home, where the cops come to take away your guns without an actual legitimate warrant and without you actually committing a crime. We’ve written about these disastrous “red flag” laws previously. Multiple blue states have passed these laws already, such as California, Florida and Illinois.

In Maryland, 60-year-old Gary Willis was shot dead by police last November when they pounded on his door at 5 a.m. to “red flag” him. Gary had answered the door with his gun in his hand like any sane person would when someone pounds on their door at 5 a.m.

Red flag laws are the type of abusive confiscation-without-cause that the British government engaged in against the colonists. How did that work out, by the way?

The Democrat-controlled House has already passed two new gun control bills. One would criminalize selling or giving a gun to your nephew, and the other would require instant background checks for… selling or giving a gun to your nephew. Sen. Graham says he hasn’t looked at the Democrats’ package of gun-grabbing awfulness yet, but he believes that it’s an area where Democrats and Republicans can hold hands and have a singalong together.

It’s like the old joke: ‘Bipartisan’ is an ancient Latin phrase that means, “Screwing Americans out of their constitutional rights.”

“I haven’t really looked at the House package,” Graham told CNN. “But this to me is the area [red flag laws] where we can really come together.”

This is the type of Republican “leadership” that has infuriated everyday Americans for decades. Democrats never compromise with Republicans on anything – unless they’re getting something out of the deal for one of their constituent groups. “Oh, sure, Republicans, we’ll vote for your hurricane relief funds… just as long as it includes amendments to fund partial-birth abortion, transgender rights, free dental care for illegal aliens and Muslim prayer rooms in schools.”

But even when Republicans are in charge, as they are in the Senate right now, they will still crawl to the Democrats and grovel with their hands out – just for the sake of “compromising” on something. No one asked you to compromise, guys!

Let’s take a look at the long list of everything that Democrats were willing to compromise with Republicans on recently. OK, we’re done! That was a short list – mainly because there’s nothing on it.

You really would have thought that Lindsey Graham had learned his lesson after the Brett Kavanaugh experience. Graham has built up a lot of good will in the Senate, for example, by voting for Barack Obama’s disastrous Supreme Court justices. He naively believed that many of his Democrat “friends” would grudgingly vote for Brett Kavanaugh, now that the shoe was on the other foot.

They burned him without hesitation, just as they will burn him on amnesty, gun control or any other issue. Graham is Charlie Brown and the Democrats are Lucy, wistfully gazing at him as they hold the football. “We really mean it this time, Lindsey!”

Thankfully, we’re starting to see some sanity on the “red flag” confiscation laws, at least in one state. Maryland sheriffs have put their state government on notice that they’re not going to be enforcing any more of these orders. One sheriff called it a “suicide mission” to send deputies to confiscate firearms from people who haven’t been convicted or even accused of a crime. He’s not wrong – but Lindsey Graham is.

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21 Responses

  1. Graham doesnt know where he stands on anything, till he sees poll numbers. Must have seen a CNN poll about guns this week. Bad move Lindsay.

  2. I used to admire you, but. O more if you support this democratic anti constitutional legislation

  3. Now matter what color Graham is flying now, he hasn’t had my support in years!

  4. Lindsey is a GIRLS NAME. So what would you expect from this Testosterone FREE eunuch career politician. Get rid of these big babies and put REAL MEN in charge of making responsible decisions

  5. Graham is a typical politician; He stood with “WE THE PEOPLE” to get votes and he stood with Gun makers and lobbyist to get paid; Now he stands with the socialist Libs to be popular. It’s Time He takes a Seat outside in the cold.

  6. Yes, this senator,like many are sell outs ,but the red flag laws sweeping the states started with the words, “Let them take the guns first,then the courts can sort it out later.President Trump turned his back on 5 million legal gun owners.

  7. At what point is enough, enough? They have not only trampled on the 2nd, but also the 4th and the 5th, not to mention that the 1st goes away when we can no longer defend it. Unfortunately too many of us stood by and let the incrementalism get the water to boiling temp and it may be too late to jump out without disasterous results.

  8. Anything that stops us, the citizens of USA, to refrain us to use or have guns in our homes or carry, is against the second amendment.
    look what happen Venezuela, Cuba, and many other socialist contries

  9. What should we expect when analytical thinking has went the way of the do do bird. Emotional rather than logical thinking will be the death of America.

  10. I say let’s incarcerate red flagged politicians for fraud. Running on one political philosophy and operating as another. In other words…bait and switch…
    A political tactic since the beginning of time. Say what others want to hear with no intention of ever applying it in the real world. Its fraud. Every elected official tha functions in a way opposite of what they run on should be imprisoned.
    Try acting like a dr., dentist or lawyer while you’re not and see where you end up. Prison…that’s where. These politicians HAVE to be held accountable for lying and breaking the oaths they took.
    Prison for them all and let Hillary lead the way.

  11. Senator Lindsey Graham, R-SC: You took an Oath to Protect and defend the U. S. Constitution. Why are you now advocating a Law contrary to the Second Amendment to that protection afforded to Law Abiding Citizens by trying to work with the Left to confiscate their lawfully acquired firearms? Did you forget to take your Medications? Your actions in recommending the OK of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court are commendable but, this action which you call By-Partisan, is work on a Law to Confiscate Legally purchased firearms is abominable. What were you thinking when you made that suggestion?

  12. All Senators and House Members that vote for this anti second amendment anti freedom
    tactic will be voted out of their office by their patriotic voters. Don’t stomp on our God given

  13. Nobody would object to the Red Flag law, IF there were reasonable rules along with it. If somebody says that another person is dangerous, & should have their guns taken away, then they better have PROOF! I am almost 70, have never shot a real gun in my life, & have no idea how to safely handle one. I don’t own one, so don’t have to worry about red flag laws. However, for people that ARE gun owners, if there really is PROOF, of a mental disorder, it should be provable. And have a MEDICAL back up for it too. These laws are nothing more than pure Nazism. And, unjust too.

  14. He is breaking the law by going against the constitution

  15. This Senator can’t truly decide WHICH side of the liberal/conservative line he wishes to be on. He wishes to be known as a conservative, and manfully stands up for Kavanaugh, THEN waffles and wants to be popular with the liberals in their insane gun-control machinations! This, in addition to his amnesty stance, seems to indicate he actually wants to be a liberal, but manifests SOME trepidation (maybe to get conservative votes?), so he shows somewhat of a backbone. He should pick ONE and stay with it! Or just move to the Left Coast. He’s SURE to be popular there!

  16. I don’t care how many times in the past few months that Graham has stood up for the right thing… This one bad choice on his part will forever seal his fate with me. Red flag gun laws my butt. All a person with a vendetta has to do is tell a lie and ruin ones life.

  17. Red Flag Laws are a bogus way to violate a person’s rights freedom privacy etc.

  18. South Carolina Republicans need to start grooming a replacement for Senator Lindsey Graham when his current term expires.

  19. Any attack on the 2nd Amendment is an attack on the entire Constitution. The attacks shouldn’t even be considered let alone being passed into law.

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