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Nevada Sees Drastic Changes to its Gun Laws Following Mass Influx from California

External influences are eroding Second Amendment rights in Nevada and are determined to repeat it at the national level if given the opportunity. Particularly since at least 2014, external money, combined by an influx of liberals moving to the state from overpopulated California, have eroded Second Amendment rights in Nevada.

They first did it via a 2016 ballot initiative that requires background checks for private gun sales transactions done at gun shows. That measure passed by about 10,000 votes and in only one county – Clark – among Nevada’s 17 counties.

This legislation passed even though Nevada had no crimes perpetrated by anyone who had bought firearms without background checks at gun shows. Virtually all sellers at gun shows are FFL dealers, likely due to the cost of renting display space at the shows. The gun dealers also did not sell to people who have out-of-state driver’s licenses.

In the months following the shocking vote is was revealed that the initiative was backed by thousands of out-of-state donors, whose money came via former liberal New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg funneled $12.4 million into Nevada and the state’s Democrat Party via two anti-Second Amendment groups. Those groups are Everytown for Gun Safety and Nevadans for Background Checks, which were the primary proponents of the 2016 ballot initiative.

Bloomberg and other liberal billionaires continue funneling millions of political dollars into Nevada to promote anti-gun legislation and support political candidates who oppose the Second Amendment. Their external financial influence in Nevada politics resulted in the recent passage of Senate Bill 143, which requires background checks for virtually all private gun transfers, including loaning a firearm to hunting partner.

But Bloomberg and his merry band of anti-gun activists aren’t done yet. They have several other pieces of gun control legislation they are working on. Next up is Assembly Bill 291, which greatly restricts Second Amendment rights by allowing cities and other municipalities to enact their own especially restrictive laws.

Current law requires all local units to abide by state firearms laws, which prevents lawful gun owners from running afoul of local laws while transporting firearms. Assembly Bill 291 allows local units to enact more restrictive measures, while also banning bump stocks and other devices that increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic firearms.

With a newly installed Democrat governor and a Legislature controlled by Democrats, plus nearly $23 million in out-of-state financial backing, Assembly Bill 291 is a likely new law in the making. Sadly, it more accurately reflects the will of non-Nevadans, rather than the state’s residents.

Meanwhile, an influx of liberal California residents is making it easier for liberal billionaires like Bloomberg to influence state politics far removed from New York City and its own high crime rates.

The Battle Born State of Nevada once was a bastion of libertarian ideals and conservative notions that fully embraced the Second Amendment and personal responsibility. Unfortunately, an influx of relocated voters from nearby California, and financial investments from New York-based anti-gun liberals are destroying the freedoms native Nevadans have enjoyed since becoming a state during the Civil War.

Many Nevadans view California as a communist state in which law-abiding gun owners become targets for social ridicule by those who never held a firearm. An influx of Commiefornians already ruined formerly great states, like Colorado, with left-wing politics that erode fundamental rights, such as the right to bear arms.

The Commiefornians have already eroded conservative voting bases in Nevada’s two largest cities. Reno, Las Vegas and many parts of Clark County, where most people reside in Nevada, have turned to the left and voted to give Democrats full control of Nevada’s state government.

Just a few short months after taking control of the Nevada Legislature, Democrats rammed through multiple anti-gun bills that punished law-abiding gun owners.

Given the tone of national politics, much of the same can be expected at the national level if President Donald Trump and the GOP do poorly in the 2020 election. Democrats are still mad Hillary Clinton did not win the national election, despite winning liberal bastions in California and New York by wide margins.

Trump’s win has many Democrats looking at the Electoral College as the obstacle to their political ambitions. Fortunately, the founding fathers were wise enough to create the Electoral College precisely to prevent regional domination of national politics. The current situation in Nevada very much reflects regional domination of politics in one state, with Commiefornians and Bloomberg bucks supporting policies longtime Nevadans never would. Let’s hope it does not repeat itself at the national level.

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12 Responses

  1. I am very disappointed in my fellow las vegans, for voting in a sorry assed californian for our governor. sure seems to be a lot of problems in california, you would think my fellow las vegans see the same things that i see

  2. The IDIOTS from californication are now trying to ruin this state just as they did to CA. They screwed up CA and made it so they can not live there any more so they are now coming to our Beautiful state of NEVADA and doing the same thing here. The demo-rats and the (now scum) idiots from CA want to make our state into a shit hole just like the state they ruined and left. We are a FREE state and PROUD of our heritage, we do not need or want any liberal socialists destroying our way of life. If you do not like to be free them move to a place where you can be ruled by the “ELITES” of the socialistic demo-rats. We do not need or want you here.

  3. I have never liked California. As a matter of fact, I was hoping he would do to CA what he did to Sodom and Gamorra. Sorry think I spelled S&G wrong.
    Just like they used to say about the Indians, the onl8good liberal is dead liberal.

  4. Looks like Nevada took a sucker bet from Bloomberg & lost… money talks,, B S walks… don’t worry, it happened to Washington St. & Oregone too,,, even Montana has problems with the big college city’s changing the way people live…, put in a residency law that says you must be a resident for 5 yrs before you can vote, the state I live in had one a long time ago, then Democrats took over the state & did away with that law & have been in charge for about 20 or so years,,, they have a super majority & do what ever they want… I really don’t see what Nevada can do about it…

  5. I believe every gunowner (present and future) should boycott all things connected to Michael Bloomberg. That includes his many business publications and other media. If you subscribe to any of these, cancel ASAP and message advertisers within that you will not buy anything with ads there. Nevadans must ASAP enshrine gunowner rights in their state constitufion, including no preemption by local governments. State legislators must be overwhelmed with voter requests to do so before too many Californians arrive!

  6. WHY DON’T THE REPUBLICANS EVER FIGHT? The polls closed an the republican AG WON… I WAKE UP AN THE NEXT MORNING A DEMOCRAT WINS. REALLY… THIS IS FRAUD 2 COUNTIES SWUNG THIS… BULL SH#T. Dean Heller and the rest of these people I voted for should have contested this. ONE QUESTION…When are leaders and or people going to retake America? 45 years of brainwashing in schools are major cities in control by criminals, communists EU sell outs, so called state level leaders like, de Blasio returned to New York, he raised money for the Sandinistas, subscribed to the party newspaper, and volunteered at the (pro-Sandinista) Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York. no leaders are standing up to physically stop the destruction of the country. The President is giving Israel the money that could build a wall complete. So what are we Winning? California Marxists, EU, UN sellouts through the unions and illegals are now in office in Nevada. They threaten and bragged about going after gun owners. Las Vegas tourism will take a dump because of these communists, Sisolak and Jacky Rosen. The strip will become a poop filled camp like LA, Portland, Seattle, of course we are getting the GHETTO NFL FOOTBALL CLOWNS, RAIDERS ARENA TO ADD MORE CALIFORNIA GANG CRIME TO THE LAS Vegas Strip. yes it is time to pick up stakes, But were do we go?

  7. I’m from CA and was considering NV to retire with my guns. I was looking forward to remove all the deformities from my guns. Now I have to look elsewhere.

    NV be forewarned, they will go after your guns and then your wallets with taxes after taxes.

    If NV is not careful, you will join CA in the sh!t hole.

  8. same thing took place in Colorado,
    CaliFOREIGNia lieberals moved to Colorado back in the early to mid 90’s due to company relocation due to high taxes and overreach of the lieberal government..
    I was one of those people fortunate to move there,
    the Gun laws were great and less of burden, same with the crime..
    everywhere I went i heard people complain about how those from CaliFOREIGNia was ruining the state..
    I told People Im from CaliFOREIGNia (conservative) and I love how the state is and would never change one thing,.
    the problem they will have, the lieberals moving there and the state would go down hill and it did…
    same thing with Nevada, companies moving there and Lieberal CaliFOREIGNian’s escaping high taxes, bring with them the same dumbass mentality, they try to escape from..

    1. AZ?

      TX is also in trouble with all the business moves.

      Be careful what you ask for, you will more than you bargained for from CA. I know, I’m in it.

  9. Hey, How’s Trump doing?

    Not a very complete list! But for starters…

    1) Selecting Neil Gorsuch For The Supreme Court. 
    2) Ending the fraudulent and disastrous climate agreement. 
    3) Killing The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal. 
    4) Actually cleaning up the VA instead of just talking about it. Over 850 incompetents fired already. 
    5) Decreasing illegal immigration by 54% 
    6) Restricting the immigration of people who hate us from predominantly anti American countries. 
    7) Canceling 876 obama era regulations. 
    8) Freezing all Federal Hiring Outside of the Military. 
    9) Approving The Dakota Access Pipeline And The Keystone Pipeline. 
    10) Ordered Federal Agencies To Cut Two Regulations For Every New One They Propose. 
    11) Putting Out An Executive Order Asking The DOJ And Homeland Security to Withhold “Federal Funds, Except As Mandated By Law” From Sanctuary Cities. 
    12) Canceling obama and clinton’s promise to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrian muslims to this country. 
    13) The start on the wall. 
    14) Reinstating The Mexico City Policy. 
    15) Giving little girls their restrooms back. 
    16) Stopping the transsexual madness and allowing the military to put its actual job above political correctness! 
    17) DESTROYING obama’s JV ISIS TEAM! 
    18) Putting the left’s/Fake New’s anti America, anti Constitution bias so clearly on display so that even the blind can see it. 
    19) Enabling America to become energy self sufficient by unleashing our own energy industry. 
    20) A soaring stock market and record employment. 
    21) Actually begin the dismantling of obamacare. 
    22) Shut down obama’s “Operation Choke Point” that was designed to infringe on American’s second amendment rights.
    23) Pardoned Sheriff Arpaio who was prosecuted for ENFORCING our border laws! 
    24) Federal jobs down 11,000 in six months!
    25) Halting visas for government officials of countries who will not accept their criminal illegals back.

    More To Come! You Can Count On It!

    Order in the courtroom here come de judge Kavanaugh, SWEET!!

    And he does it all for FREE! SWEETER YET!!

    NEWS FLASH BOMBSHELL: Mueller Finds NOTHING criminal done by Trump OR his campaign!!! Sweeter and Sweeter it gets!!!

  10. communist don’t care what state they live in. Moving to another state doesn’t suddenly give them a brain. They are certified nuts. Wherever they go. they remain brain dead. When it comes time to defend the nation, don’t stand a Californian beside me. He may not make it

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