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New York Law Attacks 1st and 2nd Amendment in One Terrifying Swoop

There certainly was no blue wave as everyone claimed there would be. Despite that, historical trends were enough to barely give Democrats control of the House. It would be nice to take a break from politics and rest a bit, but the left won’t allow that.

Even before the elections concluded, New York Democrats were working on a law that should frighten you more than anything else you’ve seen all year. Here’s what you need to know.

The New Law

Eric Adams and Kevin Palmer proposed a new gun-control law to the New York State legislature. Adams is the president of the Brooklyn Borough and Palmer is a state senator. Their proposal suggests that a three-year social media review needs to be mandatory before every single gun purchase in the state. Ignoring the logistical problems with this idea, the two claim that the goal of the law is to identify hate speech and use it as a legal barrier to purchasing a firearm.

They justify the proposal by pointing out that violent crime investigations pretty much always include this exact kind of social media review. Doubling down, they claim that this law would have prevented the Pittsburg shooter from being able to purchase the gun he used for his heinous crime. The scariest part of this law is that the last statement is probably true.

The Problem with Hate Speech

We all get tired of saying this, but hate speech is protected speech. That’s actually the point of the 1st Amendment. The exact reason hate speech is protected is because it’s a subjective concept. A follower of Jesus might find blasphemous rhetoric to be hateful. A fully transitioned transgender person finds basic biological claims to be hate speech. A flat earther might consider all globes to be hate speech. It’s a moving target, and that’s exactly why the left loves it so much. If they can outlaw hate speech, they can shift the goals in order to attack political opponents at will.

Is this clear yet? This is exactly what the founding fathers anticipated, and it’s why they put so much effort into denying the government power to regulate speech. The only speech we allow to be criminalized is speech that willfully incites violence. That’s already a law, and New York doesn’t need to reinvent it. Without this distinction, religious speech isn’t protected. Criticizing the government isn’t protected. The press in general isn’t protected.

The Case of the Synagogue Shooter

This all becomes clear when you analyze the synagogue shooter’s social media. He said two things in particular that stand out in regards to this new law. “HIAS [Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society] likes to bring invaders in that kill our people.” and “Screw Your optics, I’m going in.”

That first line is good old fashioned hate speech. Despicable as it is, the content of that sentence is completely protected by the 1st Amendment, and trying to punish anyone for saying those words risks all of the things we just discussed.

The second sentence is a different story. It can very easily be construed as a direct, violent threat, and it merits and investigation. Here’s the thing. That’s already the law. Violent speech is already illegal. This new law in progress isn’t aiming to change that. Instead, its real goal is to make the first quote illegal, and they want to do it in a way that simultaneously violates the 1st and 2nd Amendments. It’s an anti-freedom twofer.

Yeah. The elections just finished and it feels like there’s not much action to take. The thing is, the Republicans still control two-thirds of the federal government, and it’s the two-thirds that select most federal judges. Obviously, we can’t trust the New York officials to protect the constitution here. It will be up to federal review, and that means we’re still in decent shape.

Where you come in is that you have to continue to be an active participant in our government. You have to make it clear to your Senators and your Representative that you will not tolerate these assaults on our freedom. Make it the most important issue in the world to them so they can’t ignore it.

Do this, and you’ll see this law struck down so fast it’ll put a smile on your face. Ignore it, and you’ll have given New York Democrats the key to controlling speech and the future of our country.

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6 Responses

  1. I am a veteran and a honest and good American citizen. I support my country, my president and the American people and our way of life. Infringe upon my rights, take away my legal and lawful rights granted by our constitution and you now have a problem. I will fight tooth and nail against any efforts to restrict, modify or change any of our Amendments! I would hope never to have to face our law enforcement personnel or those of our military, but try and take away my rights, I will with deadly force and be saddened by the loss that will ensue. I will not live under socialism, communism or any other form of government, other than our Democratic Republic, period!

  2. New York can kiss Americas ass……….ignorance is abound ….

  3. New York politicians and officials are freaks. The 2nd Amendment is there to guarantee our rights of protection. The amendment is not there so fools can make a mockery of it and not allow the premise of the right to be destroyed by a trickery or nincompoops. These jerks are usually protected by armed guards themselves making it even more a hypocritical issue. Of course when something does not fit the issue the media just do not report it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. The New Yorkers should resist this and demand self protection of themselves and abolish the fool politicians rule that seek to leave them defenseless

  4. And we could do social media researches before morons are allowed to present legislation. That should be done and every stupid thing that person or persons ever posted should be published. We could possibly find “romantic” conversations between them and people, not their spouses.


  6. In typical Liberal Neurotic fashion ….being spiteful and revenge ridden, are putting together draconian laws that will kill many people where none died before. Cuomo is one of these Liberals. People in Liberal Spiteful States will realize that they will not be any safer and will be more at risk. Gun Control does not work.

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