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Senator Elizabeth Warren Calls for Democrats to Champion Gun Control

Senator Elizabeth Warren has never been a friend to gun owners even going so far as to support restricting the Second Amendment and participating in the 2016 filibuster, led by Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut. During this debate, Warren made her feelings about gun ownership quite clear stating that “The next time someone uses a gun to kill one of us, a gun that we could have kept out of the hands of a terrorist, then members of this Congress will have blood on our hands,” according to CBS Boston.

The recent move to not only call for Democrats to champion gun control, but also to “shut down debate” on the issue. This comes during a time when many Democrats are urging moderation on issues like gun control in hopes of winning upcoming bids for reelection with a more moderate tone. Many Democrats feel that this is the wrong issue to stand on with so many rural voters – even those who generally vote for Democrats – choosing gun rights over other liberal causes.

Some, in Democratic circles, are concerned that what Warren and others taking up this rally cry are failing to see is that while not all Democratic voters are one-issue voters, most gun proponents are committed to this single cause and champion their cause quite vocally. The concern is that by putting all their eggs in the cart with Warren, many Democrats may miss out on their opportunities for reelection during midterm voting.

Nevertheless, she persisted – and may just take a few high-ranking Democrats down with her if she pursues the subject with the same determination she has brought to the topic in the past. This time, however, by attacking those within her own party who have moderated their messages about gun control and demanding that that Democrats effectively shut down any discussion on the topic.

In other words, Warren is commanding her party to be unreasonable by eliminating all possibility of debate on the subject. While the tone has certainly become more antagonistic in recent months, Warren has pounded the anti-gun drum more than once or twice in the past. She has even gone as far as to criticize her own party for squandering the opportunity to make meaningful changes to gun control laws by doing nothing to address the problem “during their time in the majority.”

After Hillary was defeated in the presidential election, many Democrats began to feel the pressure of an electorate they seemed to be sorely out of touch with. Now they are left to re-evaluate all the things they thought they knew about their constituents even in states that have traditionally been the truest of blue.

Is this new dedication, on the part of Warren, a cause for concern among Republicans or simply another reason to scratch their heads? While Warren was ramping up rhetoric against gun owners and the NRA, Paul Ryan made an interesting observation about recent violence in Charlottesville. Despite the fact that many protestors were armed, there was not a single shot fired. In fact, the only death that occurred was the result of an attack by car. Granted, true proponents of gun control are more than a little concerned over the tone Paul Ryan adopted concerning gun laws in that he indicated an interest in removing 2nd Amendment rights from citizens who are suspected of wrongdoing without requiring proof or conviction of a crime to do so. This, to many people, is even more concerning than Warren’s unwillingness to accept debate about gun rights at all.

One thing is sure, feelings on both sides of the gun issue are strong and passionate. Today, though, those on the side of protecting the 2nd Amendment have the definite edge in the hearts and minds of the population, which is why so many people are wondering what Elizabeth Warren’s true goal is by pushing stronger gun control measures so forcefully. However, Republicans might find trouble in their own camp should Paul Ryan’s ideas begin to take root.

~ American Gun News

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