An event that just happened in the Bay Area sounds like something cooked up by a anti-Trump Super PAC just to enrage people on the right. But it’s very real and it’s not a joke.
From July 23 through August 25 this past summer, the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco ran an 11-minute film on a 24-hour loop. Silicon Valley tech gurus, Google and Amazon employees, and socialites in Nancy Pelosi’s District all showed up to check it out. No one condemned the film. The short movie’s title was: “Why Don’t We Murder More White People?”
The Yerba Buena Center for the Arts is a nonprofit that’s funded by the City of San Francisco, anti-gun zealot Michael Bloomberg, an organization called the James Irvine Foundation… and your tax dollars, through the National Endowment for the Arts. Here are some of the stunningly brilliant comments from The Diversity that Silicon Valley tech people slobbered over:
- “Whiteness should be, definitely, harmed and like, destroyed.”
- “F**k the pigs.”
- “We want to kill whiteness.”
- “If you’re not supporting people of color – I think you deserve harm.”
- “Whiteness is violence.”
- And my personal favorite: “Sometimes I feel like non-violence is not the best route.”
Forget about the dummies who made and starred in the film “Why Don’t We Murder More White People” for a moment. Instead, think about the people in the audience – you know, the folks who took time out of their personal lives to go sit down and watch it.
Imagine that room full of Amazon and Google tech nerds, almost all of whom are woke social justice warriors. Many of those (almost all white) audience members went on Twitter to proclaim the “powerful truths” of “Why Don’t We Murder More White People.”
Who thinks it would a good idea to put the audience of “Why Don’t We Murder More White People” in charge of deciding who is allowed to own firearms?
That’s one of the ideas being floated in front of President Trump right now, in Washington, DC’s latest “we must act NOW” to take away everyone’s gun rights because some criminals did something bad. The idea is to create a shadowy entity inside the Department of Health and Human Services called the Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (HARPA). The similarity to the Pentagon’s DARPA is intentional.
The HARPA program would have the tech companies monitoring you inside your house, using devices like the Amazon Echo, Google Home and the Apple Watch. If these devices are spying on you and decide that maybe you’re dangerous, you’ll get a knock on the front door from your local SWAT team as they come to take away your guns.
This all sounds kooky and far fetched, but I assure you (unfortunately) this is a real policy decision being put in front of President Trump right now.
This is dangerous for multiple reasons. First, imagine the potential for false positives. Most of us are probably fairly tame most of the time. We go to church on Sunday, try not to swear in front of the kids and we’re polite to our neighbors. But suppose you stub your toe or hit your thumb with a hammer, and an Amazon Echo device is listening in. I don’t know about you, but I tend to sound like a very crazy person for a couple of minutes after I stub my toe. I sound a lot less like Jesus and a lot more like Fred Flintstone having a “Bracka Fracka” moment. Can Amazon tell the difference between an outburst like that versus a person who’s planning a mass shooting? I doubt it.
Plus, the tech companies literally hate everyday Americans out in flyover country. They despise us and they frequently tell us so through their actions: They censor our beliefs on social media, they mock our families in Hollywood films, they tell us they want to murder us on Twitter (and Twitter never censors them), and they flock to short films like “Why Don’t We Murder More White People” and tell us how great it was.
They believe that our beliefs are a mental illness. How many times have we seen “psychiatrists” on the Fake News media telling us that President Trump is “obviously” mentally ill? Putting Silicon Valley in charge of red-flagging Americans to take their guns away is a terrible and dangerous idea.
Here’s hoping that Trump shoots the idea down, because I trust the audience of “Why Don’t We Murder More White People” about as far as I could throw them.
Then why are they still all alive? It doesn’t look like they even know what they are doing!