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Undercover Video Catches Democrat Senator Up for Re-Election LYING about Gun Control

There are only a few weeks left before the midterms. Early voting has already started in plenty of districts, and anyone who cares about the future of this country is watching a number of races with bated breath. In Missouri, an interesting battle for the U.S. Senate has unfolded. The incumbent, Claire McCaskill, is facing a real challenge to keep her seat. Considering the voter base, she has been careful to try and say all of the right things. To the gun owners in Missouri, we have this to say: she is lying and we can prove it.

Public Record

Let’s start with what can be proven. McCaskill has a campaign website, and she’s been running ads like every other candidate for the Senate. She’s also been serving for a while, so we can compare what she says to what she does. It already doesn’t paint the best picture. Her website used to say that she supported the 2nd Amendment, but that part has recently been removed. Now, it doesn’t mention guns at all. On the campaign trail, she has said that she does not support bans on semi-automatic weapons but that she is for universal background checks. It’s a mixed bag.

When you compare her voting record, you see that she’s pretty far on the left. Even though, her website claims that she is against unconditional amnesty and wants to strengthen border security, anyone can look at the public record and see that she supported DACA and voted for provisional measures to provide unconditional amnesty to illegal immigrants.

She also voted for bans on bump stocks and high-capacity magazines, and she has supported multiple attempts to disarm citizens for a number of different reasons. One of her worst stances is that she voted against due process and in favor of forcibly disarming anyone on a no-fly list. Overall, the NRA has given her an F for her voting history. Still, she says on the trail that she supports your right to bear arms.

The Sting Video

Unfortunately, looking up voting history is too much work for the average citizen. They’ll listen to the lies of a Democrat like McCaskill and never check to see if she lives up to her word. Thankfully, groups like Project Veritas exist. They just published a sting video where McCaskill and members of her campaign unwittingly admit the truth to the world. It went viral instantaneously.

The entire video is rife with people admitting that McCaskill is much farther to the left than she claims. She is on film supporting a ban on semi-automatic rifles, and her staff is caught admitting that she wants to ban all semi-automatic weapons.

They undercover video catches her on other issues too. They admit that she has taken secret campaign donations from Planned Parenthood and that she is actively planning to vote to impeach President Trump.

There’s too much to cover all at once, so we’ll stick to gun issues. The most harrowing moment in the entire video is when a staffer admitting that if given an inch, they will take a mile. They openly claim that their true goals are a complete ban on all firearms across the country. Dwell on that for a minute. The Democrat who claims to be moderate and in favor of the 2nd Amendment sings a completely different tune behind closed doors. She wants to ban all guns. Forever.

A Vicious Response

McCaskill’s response to the video has been equal parts hilarious and horrible. Even though there is video of her talking about banning weapons, she claims that she never said it. She threw her entire campaign staff under the bus and said they were not authorized to speak to her positions. Then, she tried to claim that the video is fraud. She called on the Missouri government to investigate her fraud claims in order to try and silence the video. Her request was summarily declined.

It’s not surprising that McCaskill is in a state of desperate panic. The race was extremely close before the video was released. Now, with only a few weeks to try and stem the bleeding, her back is up against the wall.

What’s important is to remember that McCaskill is in no way exceptional among Democrats. Her views are run of the mill, and her actions are par for the course. Voters in Missouri have a chance to kick her out of Washington — especially now that they have video proof, but voters everywhere have a similar opportunity. There is a McCaskill in every state, and they’re easy to identify. They’re Democratic candidates. Let’s come together as a country and remove these liars and freedom haters from power. Remember this when you vote in 2 weeks at the mid-terms.

~ American Gun News

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4 Responses

  1. Any politician supporting gun control is lying to the people the FALSELY claim it is about safety or crime prevention despite the fact that not one single crime has been stopped by DISARMING the intended victims.

    Just a few weeks/months ago in LONDON they had a criminal using a FULL AUTO weapon to attack people one that under the 1980s amendment to the law would be prohibited even from someone in America with all the LEGAL paperwork to be allowed to own a FULL AUTO weapon.

    More crimes have been prevented or changed locations because the CRIMINAL saw armed people instead of defenseless victims when they arrived at the location they intended to commit their crime. The one that attacked a church a while back ADMITTED it was his second choice that he SAW AN ARMED GUARD at the school he originally planned on attacking so he changed to attacking a church where he knew the pastor did not allow people to be armed.

    With that confession among others and criminals LAUGHING at the anti gun people for making their crimes EASIER to commit and all the CRIME statistics from nations where they SUCCEEDED in copying the NAZI disarm all who are not blindly loyal to them policy only someone without the ability to think clearly would believe anyone who claims that Disarming NON CRIMINALS which is all any gun restriction has or ever will do would stop crime.

    Remember the SECOND amendment is about KEEPING the government in check so if they do decide to ignore the CONSTITUTION and the laws doing things like rounding up and murdering people based on their beliefs, race, religion, or politics like OTHER NATIONS who disarmed their citizens did those people can DEFEND themselves.

    There was already a case in the 1940s when returning service men were forced to defend a LAWFUL election against corrupt officials who tried to STEAL the ballot boxes and RIG the election to keep the corrupt individuals in office after YEARS of trying to get the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to do something about the blatant corruption and being told by the FEDERAL government yes they violated the law but they could not do anything about it.

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