Republicans in the Virginia legislature deserve some serious props for standing up for gun rights. The push for new anti-gun laws has been trampling American rights in state after state ever since George Soros pumped a bunch of money into coaching a busload of Parkland brats on how to tug on the heartstrings of gullible people.
But it looks like one state that is ready to remain firmly in the column of gun rights is Virginia, thanks to the colossal and humiliating defeat they just handed to Governor Blackface McKlanhood (D).
Gov. McKlanhood (birth name: Ralph Northam) is demanding a slough of new anti-gun measures be passed immediately. Red-flag this, confiscate that, register the other, ban something else, and so on. You know the drill by now. He doesn’t want to allow a crisis to go to waste, so after a recent workplace violence incident left 12 people dead in a Virginia Beach gun-free zone, he called the legislature into special session.
In a display of total contempt for his constituents and the entire history of the proud state of Virginia, the governor demanded “acts and laws, not thoughts and prayers.” As one of the only governors in America to openly call for babies to be killed in the delivery room following their birth, Mr. McKlanhood really seems to understand what makes normal people tick!
Under Virginia state law, if the Governor calls the legislature in for an
emergency special session, the lawmakers are required to comply. They must hold
a special session. However, the law does not stipulate that the legislature has
to actually do anything, so
long as they comply by holding the special session.
So, in an epic pro-gun boss move, the Republican-led Virginia Assembly gaveled in. Then, they proceeded to have some coffee, talk about their plans for the weekend… and gaveled out after 90 minutes. Session over. Case closed. See ya!
LOL, as the kids say these days.
Of course, we all know what this was really about. Gov. Blackface McKlanhood and Virginia Lieutenant Governor Credibly Accused Rapist (birth name: Justin Fairfax) are both desperately in need of something to distract the voters in Virginia from in their scandal-plagued administration. The shooting in Virginia Beach was a crisis they “didn’t want to let go to waste,” to quote Barack Obama’s old chief of staff.
Immediately after the governor creeped everyone in America out with his ghoulish comments about “making the baby comfortable” before killing it in the delivery room, the photos from his college yearbook emerged. The governor couldn’t remember whether he was the person in blackface or the Klan hood in his college yearbook, but he had a really good excuse: He was really, really good at doing the moonwalk.
And then right after that, two very serious professional women credibly accused Lt. Gov. Fairfax of raping them. It was an overnight sensation for the gun-grabbing Democrat Party. They went from policies of “Wearing blackface or a Klan hood is a career-ending act” and “Believe all women” to brand-new policies of “Wearing blackface or a Klan hood is actually a tribute to honor black Americans” and “Those b*tches be lyin’!” Two stunning reversals.
Of course, the Democrats always have a double standard in place. Sen. Dianne Feinstein carries a revolver in her purse. But for you deplorable commoners, personal concealed carry is just too risky. You should just call the police if the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia tries to drag you into a dark alley so he can “Joe Biden” you against your will.
Don’t think for a second that Governor McKlanhood actually cares about “gun safety.” His actions were so transparently shallow and disgusting that he deserved the humiliating defeat that Republican lawmakers just delivered to him.
The Second Amendment is a cherished right that secures all of our other rights as Americans. But for Governor McKlanhood, the Second Amendment was less important than trying to cover up his own personal embarrassing scandal (and that of Lt. Gov. Credibly Accused Rapist). Our rights supersede the petty personal feelings of elected officials. That’s part of what makes them rights. But for guys like Northam and Fairfax, our rights as citizens are disposable if they get in the way of powerful government officials.
So, let’s give three cheers for the Virginia GOP for their hilarious response to the governor’s attempted gun grab. Great job, guys! To the other 49 state legislatures: Do what they did. The voters will love you for it.