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5 Times Guns in the Right Hands Stopped Violent Crimes

Despite ample proof that guns in the right hands stop violent criminals, firearms remain a popular target among left-wing activists and liberal candidates. The narrative from the anti-gun mob typically runs along the lines of – there is no such thing as a good guy with a gun.

The more guns we have in society, the more at-risk we all are, the anti-gun mob would have us believe. Yet, facts prove otherwise.

Various studies dispute whether or not concealed carry laws reduce violent crime. Some, like Lott in 2000, cite the FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report as showing reductions in violent crimes in states that implement shall-issue CCW laws.

Shall-issue laws require states to issue CCW permits to residents who otherwise are qualified to own and possess firearms. Usually, that means they can’t be felons, have personal protection orders against them, or suffer from several mental defects. In many cases, lawful CCW holders have stopped violent crimes and potential deaths from occurring.

Those stories, though, do not draw the widespread national media attention that mass shootings in “gun-free” zones draw. Of course, gun-free zones exclude good guys with guns, which only leaves bad guys and any potential police or security in the area holding firearms. As the recent Parkland school shootings showed, depending on police protection can have deadly consequences – especially when police officers refuse to engage shooters.

Thankfully, well-trained CCW holders have proven they have what it takes to protect innocent lives. The following are five examples of law-abiding gun owners using their firearms to protect innocent lives:

Salt Lake City 2012

A 47-year-old CCW holder stopped a felon from stabbing more people in a Salt Lake City store parking lot. The violent criminal bought a knife inside the store and used it to stab an attack others in the parking lot. A licensed CCW holder drew his firearm and ordered the knife-wielding criminal to the ground and await the arrival of police. The attacker stabbed at least two others before the CCW holder took action and prevented further bloodshed.

Columbia, S.C., 2016

A pair of armed robbers chose the wrong barbershop when they attempted to rob the Next Up Barber and Beauty Shop. They accosted customers and beat a barber, when two patrons with CCW permits and concealed pistols pulled them and fired. One robber died from his wounds, while the other managed to get away, but without the money and without further injuring or potentially killing anyone.

New Orleans 2018

Two armed criminals entered a New Orleans Waffle House restaurant and began robbing customers and the restaurant cashier. A customer armed with a firearm drew his handgun when one of the robbers approached. The robber fled, leaving his accomplice to face the wrath of the armed customer, who fired several shots at the remaining robber, likely hitting him at least once. The robbers are suspects in another armed robbery that occurred shortly before the attempted Waffle House robbery.

Cicero, Illinois, 2018

An unnamed CCW holder, while stuck in traffic, saved the life of a Cicero Police officer and others when he intervened in an active shooting. While CCW holders generally are advised to avoid intervening in such third-party conflicts, in this instance, local police laud the private citizen for acting and helping to save at least one life and possibly more. At least one bullet struck the criminal shooter, who was hospitalized. The CCW holder likely saved the life of Officer Luis Duarte, who suffered four wounds and underwent surgery.

Titusville, Florida, 2018

A CCW permit holder shot and critically wounded a criminal, who showed up at a crowded public park with at least 150 children attending a local “peace rally.” The criminal earlier arrived to confront someone with whom he previously had an altercation. He left and returned with a firearm, and proceeded to fire several shots while at the park full of children. An armed CCW holder intervened. When the shooter pulled his weapon, the lawful gun owner shot him in the head. No charges were filed, and, better still, no children were injured or killed.

The five prior examples are just a few of the many daily occurrences that could be stopped when a good guy with a gun takes action. The stories run counter to the liberal narrative that more guns endanger more lives. In fact, more guns in trained hands help to protect innocent lives.

~ American Gun News

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One Response

  1. Why can’t trump or the AG hit them with a monopoly suit. They are all ran by one group of people. or just one top person that tells all of them what to say and do?

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