By the time you read this, Ukraine may have already fallen to the much better-equipped and better-trained Russian army. Vladimir Putin intends to arrest or…
The “armed insurrection terrorist attack carried out by white supremacists” narrative about the January 6th US Capitol protest has all but evaporated. There was never…
If you have delicate snowflake sensibilities, prepare to have them offended. That’s because I don’t have anything even vaguely kind to say about anyone who…
With the Presidential election approaching, gun owners should be especially aware of who former Vice President Joe Biden picks to be his running mate. While…
Joe Biden’s basement campaign may have suffered a death blow when acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell declassified the list of the real Russian…
The parade of terrible Democrat governors attempting to out-tyranny each other continues – and there is a new contender for the Worst Governor of 2020…
California is considered one of the worst state’s in the nation in terms of respecting gun owner’s rights…and they just got even worse. Citing coronavirus…
Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba issued an executive order last Friday, using what he claims are his broad civil emergency powers, to “temporarily” suspend law-abiding citizens’…
From Minnesota to Florida, trapshooting sponsored by public schools may be the last best hope for preserving the 2nd Amendment. The renaissance in a sport older…
Call this a silver lining: During the current shutdown craziness, a lot of liberals are suddenly attempting to become first-time gun buyers. We say “attempting”…
While there’s no doubt that COVID-19 has killed people, this disease isn’t what we were promised. In February health officials were predicting 80% of the…
The National Rifle Association (NRA) is feeling the pain of the coronavirus pandemic. Last week the Virginia-based gun rights operation reportedly layed off 60 employees…
President Trump overturned the previous administration’s decision on essential businesses and designated gun sellers as “critical” infrastructure making them exempt from mandatory shutdowns during the…
Gun-grabbing statists will never let a crisis go to waste. As America is reeling from the Chinese coronavirus, we have seen state and local governments…
USA Today reports that a growing number of cities, counties, and states from New York to California are moving swiftly to limit residents’ movements amid…
Several local governments have been caught using the coronavirus pandemic to ban firearm and ammo sales with emergency powers. It’s disgusting. Some are bold enough…
Well, we’ve finally found a salesman that topped Barack Obama’s ability to drive Americans to their local gun shops: The Chinese Coronavirus. Even gun-hating liberals…
Law-abiding gun owners in Champaign, Illinois, might soon lose their firearms and ammunition. City officials enacted a draconian measure under the guise of fighting the…
The black husband of the Los Angeles District Attorney greeted unarmed Black Lives Matter protesters on their front porch with a loaded gun. He pointed…
Kayla Rolland is the youngest victim of a school shooting in the nation’s history. The 6-year-old who killed her execution-style in front of their first-grade…
The Second Amendment truly is under a full-out assault from anti-gun zealots and Democrats. There has not been a single piece of rational legislation from…
The primary tool anti-gunners have found to get around the Second Amendment is the most controversial – red flag laws. Red flag laws enable ex-girlfriends,…
The hysterics over Michael Bloomberg’s flip-flop on Rudy Giuliani’s wonderful stop-and-frisk program that saved the lives of 20,000 young black men in New York City…
The U.S. gun manufacturing industry just got a boost in economic opportunity and potential jobs growth. It comes via President Donald Trump removing a federal…
The state of 3D printing continues its technological progress. More printers and improved technologies are making it possible to create many common objects with plasticized…
Despite days of hysterical media coverage claiming that a white nationalist terror group was going to capture the Virginia government the other day, it turned…
On July 1, 2017, Colorado man, Jeremy Holmes committed what investigators described as “suicide by cop.” According to police, they encountered Holmes and found that…
Just as with activist Greta Thunberg, the supposed 16-year-old climate change expert from Sweden, the gun control debate has quickly sunk into a quagmire of…
Anti-gun activists continue to re-define gun-free zones to fit their real agenda of denying our Second Amendment rights. Groups like Moms Demand Action are seeking…
Greta Thunberg, the mystical climate child just can’t seem to keep herself out of the headlines. She’s just so interesting that the media cameras can’t…
Far-left anti-gunners want to supplant civil rights for individuals, like those in the Bill of Rights, with “human rights” for entire societies. They are willing…
One of Virginia’s Democratic state delegates has requested Attorney General Mark Herring (D) offer a formal opinion on the growing number of Second Amendment sanctuary…
Virginia residents have responded overwhelmingly to Democratic Ralph Northam’s all-out assault on the right to bear arms by declaring many counties to have Second Amendment…
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is running for president on the Democrat ticket. That means the Democrats are considering a billionaire who hates…
If you’ve watched any of the Democratic debates all the way through, you’re a hero. You’re also probably extremely frustrated. The debates are useless because…
California has a well-deserved reputation as a rabidly anti-gun state. Law-abiding gun owners become criminals if they so much as transport a single round of…
Unfortunately, it isn’t very often that mainstream media outlets choose to publish content in favor of gun rights. Far more often, the media takes the…
Legal ownership of firearms clearly is a contentious issue heading into the 2020 general election. Like many other contentious issues, the partisan liberal run media…
The fight to preserve Second Amendment rights continually shifts among local, state and federal legal fronts. Local governments led by officials opposed to personal gun…
The long-awaited GOP proposal for combating mass shootings is receiving pushback from advocates for children’s privacy who say such laws could result in the “over-surveillance”…
Most times you want the protection a gun provides, but there are other times you want protection but non-lethal. As far as self-defense non-lethal options…I…
Owners of firearms have first-hand knowledge just how safe they are when handled properly. We know firearms are inanimate objects incapable of causing harm, much…
The anti-gun group, GunSenseUS is pressuring Pennsylvania sheriffs to disclose confidential license to carry firearms (“LTCF”) applicant information. GunSenseUS also wants sheriffs in the state…
When it comes to legislating firearms, those who oppose the Second amendment look to California for guidance and leadership. The state has become such an…
Recently, in our never-ending search to bring you facts to debunk the lies of the anti-self-preservation Left, we came across a joke headline that read,…
Gun rights advocates and the NRA have notched a few victories lately, despite unwavering opposition, not least of which took place in San Francisco last…
One of the favorite tools anti-gun politicians use to erode the Second Amendment is overly restrictive local ordinances. The U.S. Supreme Court in recent years…
Democrats are working hard to remake the United States in the image they deem most acceptable – a socialist nation with virtually no individual rights.…
Anti-gunners generally view firearms owners in the United States as conservative white males clinging to their Bibles and guns. That makes it easier for them…
When private companies start taking political stances, the results are rarely good for anyone involved. Now, by refusing to air any more advertisements for certain…
When facts do not support your argument, emotional appeals work best for turning opinions in your favor. That is why anti-gunners are blaming firearms, rather…
Presidential hopeful Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) appeared at a rally in Seattle, Washington with a message that included her plan to restrict gun ownership. Washington…