When it comes to the gun control debate, the left has a serious honesty problem. Former President Barack Obama is no exception. He may be considered to have held a scandal-free presidency- if you ask low information liberals- but we know better. We know, he has shown a particular fondness for stretching the truth.
One of the most glaring examples of his dishonesty is the so-called pay gap between men and women, a notion to which no serious economist lends any credence. The other one that comes to mind is the “gun show loophole.” He said people could go to gun shows and buy guns without submitting to a background check.
This was roundly proven wrong by comedian pundit, Steven Crowder. He approached a host of gun sellers asking to buy without being subjected to a background check. He was rejected over and over. But we digress.
So, Obama, apparently not satisfied with the brick wall he and his anti-gun friends have run into as of late, thought he’d tell some more lies to try to move the needle on gun control. The former president went to Brazil earlier this week to defame our country’s relationship with firearms. During his visit, he told a record amount of untruths- six to be exact.
The record-breaking number of lies about guns in America came during a conversation on digital innovation. He said, “Our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon, any time, without much, if any, regulation. They can buy guns over the Internet, they can buy machine guns.”
This monumental balderdash contains six glaring lies. They are as follows;
Anyone can buy a gun
That’s not even a clever lie. Obviously, not everyone can (legally) buy a gun. Felons, those with domestic violence charges, drug offenders, illegal immigrants, persons subject to restraining orders, persons with adjudicated mental illnesses, fugitives from the law, kids under 18 years of age, and veterans with dishonorable discharges cannot legally buy a firearm.
Obviously, he was being glib. We do not believe that even Obama would intentionally tell such an obvious untruth. Likely, he meant that anyone willing to break the law can still obtain a weapon.
Any gun can be bought
We don’t know about you, but the last time we went down to buy an M16 or an Uzi at the local gun store, the owner told us to beat feet and called the police to make sure we found our way home safely.
Obama should know that his fellow liberal president, Bill Clinton signed a ban on fully automatic weapons. That ban is still in place, and only people with very rare training and clearances are allowed to own such weapons.
Of course, this hasn’t stopped criminals from getting machine guns. But it does stop people who obey the law.
Guns can be bought at any time
Bologna. Background checks take time, and waiting periods are set in place for a number of circumstances. What’s more, during a certain window, law enforcement can recover a gun recently bought if the buyer turns out to be suspicious in some way.
There are also restrictions on what time of day guns can be bought. Federal background checks can only be run between 8 am and 1 am. In many states, guns can only be sold between the hours of 8 am and 10 pm central standard time.
Few firearms regulations exist
This is just absurd. Of course, Obama’s entire statement falls apart without this central untruth. Obviously, the sale, transfer, and ownership of guns are heavily regulated in the United States. Obama could only get away with spouting such nonsense while in another country.
Guns can be bought via the Internet
This implies that a gun can be paid for online and then be sent directly to the buyer’s home with no federal firearms license holder getting involved. That’s a bald-faced lie.
Anyone who has ever bought a gun online knows the weapon must be sent to an FFL licensed dealer who will run a background check on the buyer. If the buyer does not pass the background check, the seller returns the gun to the online merchant at the would-be buyer’s expense.
Anyone can buy a fully automatic weapon
So, we’ve been over this. Fully automatic weapons are very, very strictly controlled. Even antique machine guns can only be legally bought after an extensive background check. So this part is just embarrassing.
It’s hard to imagine that a former president and Constitutional lawyer would be so badly misinformed on the subject of gun control laws in the United States. Obama is responsible for misinforming millions during his presidency and he seems committed to building on that legacy.