What a difference a few years makes! Back in 2016, the media was telling us that Donald Trump was a dangerous conspiracy theorist kook for claiming that Democrats want to take all our guns away and abort babies right up until the last day of the ninth month of gestation.
But here we are in 2019 and the leading Democrat candidate for president is calling for a ban on all semiautomatics, and Democrats are pushing bills in Rhode Island and Virginia that would literally allow abortions in the delivery room. We’ll just focus on Kamala Harris’s desire to take our guns away for today, though.
For those who don’t know, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) learned the rough-and-tumble ins and outs of backroom politics by studying long and hard under former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.
And if you didn’t understand that sentence – check out the link that explains just how Mrs. Harris prefers to “get a leg up” in political battles. If Harris ever ends up on a debate stage with Donald Trump it will be EPIC!
As a prosecutor working in the Reconquista state formerly known as California, Big Nanny Harris used to send parents to jail when their high school students skipped class. Now she wants to take the racial grievance politics that she learned from Barack Obama and use them to nanny herself all the way into the White House in 2020.
Before you think that’s just silly and she’s not a threat in any way to President Trump, here are a couple of things you need to know right off the bat.
Kamala Harris has jumped out to the front of the pack of 40-plus Democrat contenders for the nomination so far. We realize it’s still a long way out and a lot can happen between now and then… but look what happened the last time we all underestimated an affirmative-action special needs candidate.
Plus, a new poll shows that if President Trump fails to build a wall on the southern border, thus fulfilling his main campaign promise, 43% of his base will not vote for his reelection. That’s way more than the Democrats need to pull off a victory in 2020 and explains why Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have dug in so deeply in opposing “the immorality” of a wall. To put it bluntly, Komodo Harris is a viable threat, so we’d better take her comments on gun control seriously.
The media always telegraphs who the Deep State prefers to be the nominee for president. That’s why poor Elizabeth Warren hasn’t been able to gain any traction, despite jumping in the race earlier than Komodo Harris and having an actual federal track record to run on. CNN has already granted Komodo a full “Town Hall” special in Iowa.
You remember Town Halls, right? That’s where Jake Tapper hires actors and actresses to portray “Iowans” who stand up and ask CNN’s pre-scripted questions, which Komodo’s team helped to write.
Thus, a “pastor” from “Iowa” stood up and asked Komodo what she plans to do about icky awful guns, because “as a pastor,” he’s seen the devastating impacts of these dangerous military weapons in the hands of his fellow white people.
America’s Top Nanny responded, “You can be in favor of the Second Amendment and also understand that there is no reason in a civil society that we have assault weapons around communities that can kill babies and police officers.”
No reason in a civil society! Got it!
In her long and rambling scripted response to the scripted question, Komodo reiterates that semiautomatic firearms (which would include most handguns) need to be confiscated and banned to protect babies and cops.
Call us crazy, but it seems like there’s something that kills more babies than AR-15s, which Democrats are not eager to ban… What was it called again? Right on the tip of our…
Oh, abortion! Sorry. We said we weren’t going to talk about it, but there it is.
Republican Senators and Representatives should also be concerned that Komodo Harris has a “Clockwork Orange” plan to brainwash them all into supporting her gun control plans. Lock them in a room, she says, and force them to view “the autopsy photographs of those babies.” (The babies killed by AR-15s, presumably.)
It’s easy to try to dismiss Komodo Harris because she sounds like a nut. That’s because she is. But it would be dangerous to underestimate her. She’s a younger and more authoritarian version of Hillary. And given the track record of freedom-hating Democrat voters, it looks like she’s a viable candidate. Time to start stocking up again!
Typical Demonceat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It would seem that Kamala Harris herself, has no place in civilized society!
If we had a civilized society we would know who is in and control our border. We would deport all the socialist demorats like this canidate who does not meet the Constitutional requirements to be president or vice, by not being a natural born citizens, and disrespects the law of our land.
There is no place for abortions in a civilized society, Ms. Harris. You should watch an abortion. Then afterwards, come back and lecture us on women’s choice and the evils of the AR-15. If, after viewing an abortion, you have the boldness to lecture us as to why abortion on demand is acceptable and why the AR-15 is a greater threat to children than abortion, you have a VERY DARK SOUL.
Plaigerizing Mein Kampf! Not even changing the wording.
unfortunately, there are parts of our country that do not qualify for “civilized” and protection is necessary.
Kamala has an armed security team, why doesn’t she practice what she preaches? Besides, she isn’t a natural born citizen and was a flunkie of a prosecutor. She did manage to get up in the political ranks but supporting, literally, Willie Brown!
Kamala would be correct in her statement except for the problems that she ignores. There are many uncivil parts of our society. Antifa, MS13, Democrats, Planned Parenthood, even the thief down the street. And from what I read, she, herself does not even fit. But in typical Democrat fashion the laws only apply to the other guy. She is above the law. How can the Democrats even allow her and lying Warren to run for President is beyond me.
Guns are bad, but sleeping your way to top isn’t.
LOL…she knows why the second was in there. She’s afraid they will kill her!
If I were as corrupt as Kamela Harris in the Democrat party I wouldn’t want the people to have guns either, but then again that’s why the second amendment was written to protect us from the likes of Kamela Harris and her communist allies if I were as corrupt as Kamela Harris in the Democrat party I wouldn’t want the people to have guns either, but then again that’s why the second amendment was written to protect us from the likes of Kamela Harris and her communist allies in Congress ! All we have to do is listen to the people from Venezuela they have already told us to not give up your weapons but then again we’re smarter than they are and it won’t happen. Kamela Harris is exactly the type of people that the second amendment was written to protect us from.
Well she won’t get any of my guns, that’s a given,,, but in response to this Joe fella up hear☝️, I could be wrong, but I think you have to be born in America to be the President, that’s why Swartznegger couldn’t run for pres,,,
harris says guns shouldn’e be in civilized countries, I don’t think sleezy adultress sluts should be in civilized politics..just a thought…
Hey, How’s Trump doing?
Not a very complete list! But for starters…
1) Selecting Neil Gorsuch For The Supreme Court.
2) Ending the fraudulent and disastrous climate agreement.
3) Killing The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal.
4) Actually cleaning up the VA instead of just talking about it. Over 850 incompetents fired already.
5) Decreasing illegal immigration by 54%
6) Restricting the immigration of people who hate us from predominantly anti American countries.
7) Canceling 876 obama era regulations.
8) Freezing all Federal Hiring Outside of the Military.
9) Approving The Dakota Access Pipeline And The Keystone Pipeline.
10) Ordered Federal Agencies To Cut Two Regulations For Every New One They Propose.
11) Putting Out An Executive Order Asking The DOJ And Homeland Security to Withhold “Federal Funds, Except As Mandated By Law” From Sanctuary Cities.
12) Canceling obama and clinton’s promise to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrian muslims to this country.
13) The start on the wall.
14) Reinstating The Mexico City Policy.
15) Giving little girls their restrooms back.
16) Stopping the transsexual madness and allowing the military to put its actual job above political correctness!
18) Putting the left’s/Fake New’s anti America, anti Constitution bias so clearly on display so that even the blind can see it.
19) Enabling America to become energy self sufficient by unleashing our own energy industry.
20) A soaring stock market and record employment.
21) Actually begin the dismantling of obamacare.
22) Shut down obama’s “Operation Choke Point” that was designed to infringe on American’s second amendment rights.
23) Pardoned Sheriff Arpaio who was prosecuted for ENFORCING our border laws!
24) Federal jobs down 11,000 in six months!
25) Halting visas for government officials of countries who will not accept their criminal illegals back.
More To Come! You Can Count On It!
Order in the courtroom here come de judge Kavanaugh, SWEET!!
And he does it all for FREE! SWEETER YET!!
There is no place for politicians and bureaucrats, like Kamala (Godzilla) Harris, in a civilized society. What society really needs is politician/bureaucrat control. It is because of rapacious parasites, like Harris, that we continue to have problems in our world.
““You can be in favor of the Second Amendment and also understand that there is no reason in a civil society that we have assault weapons around communities that can kill babies and police officers.””
First there are no ASSAULT WEAPONS or MILITARY weapons in the hands of everyday civilians they have been RESTRICTED since the National Firearms Act was passed decades ago an AR-15 is a SINGLE SHOT per trigger pull SEMI automatic DEFENSE/TARGET/HUNTING TOOL no different internally than any other SEMI AUTOMATIC.
The death toll from criminals using BLUNT INSTRUMENTS and knives is far higher as guns have been abused by fewer criminals than HAMMERS, BASEBALL-BATS, or knives to harm others. It is no secret why the nations who have CAVED to this DISARM the INNOCENT (criminals are not disarmed by these laws) have moved on to KNIVES and any other TOOL that can be used to stab someone meanwhile the criminals still use FULLY AUTOMATIC guns in LONDON to attack their victims and the media ignores it because they achieved the TOTAL GUN CONTROL laws decades ago that are now being pushed in the US. Having a story about the crime contradicts the anti gun propaganda that it is about protecting people.
Second the line ” no reason in a civil society that we have” is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM HITLER in his speech about why the JEWS and anyone who was not a DIRECT MEMBER or SUPPORTER of the NAZI party should be prohibited from having guns.
The UN themselves openly stated when creating their UNCONSTITUTIONAL small arms treaty that the PURPOSE was the same as HITLER that goal is to ensure that no one can provide any form of ARMED RESISTANCE to whatever their future plans are.once they have disarmed everyone not RECOGNIZED by the government as HAVING A RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES.
Somebody should remind these people that attempting to take or inhibit a right is tyrannical and that they should re-read of if they haven’t read the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence regarding how to treat tyranny, and it a’int by debate.
She has no armed body guards , including state troopers in CA.. We all know there is no need 4 armed police & security 4 politicians in CA. So she walks around with no security.
Kamel Hair-ass doesn’t have a prayer. She’s the new Wicked Witch of the West along with Pelosi & Feinstein. They have been showing their true colors and only the morons are buying it. Surely as Frank W Brown’s list above continues to grow, by the next election in 2 years the Witches will have self-destructed, like E Warren. The Wall will be doing its job, Judicial Watch will have ended most voter fraud. A O-C is already self-destructing to the point that even the Demonrats are now planning to limit her to 1 term. The 2nd amendment shall not be infringed.
This woman, and I use that term loosely, does not belong in a sane society. She has no concept of freedom, and would enslave everyone in the US. She needs to go back under Willie Brown’s tutelage for another 50 years.
It’s like the old saying “if you outlaw guns only the outlaws will have guns”. this can be taken several ways but criminals don’t care about laws so they would be the ones profiting through gun confiscation, honest citizens would not have the protection they have now.
And just where is this civil society she is talking about?!
so kamala, is one of your campaign promises going to be how to teach young women how to slut their way up the ladder and use people to their advantage? i mean look how successful your whoreing has been for you! you can write little school books so the girls can get their sexy moves down to get what they want from an early age and keep going using their prowess and all to not have tp pay for anything, get scholarships, housing, clothes, whatever. a chapter in tapping married men so they can bribe them forever as well. then the next book can be, how to lie and bully with a straight face which i’m sure you are the queen of. it amazes me how much hooker talent you haven and how polished you have become. in fact, many of those qualities are the same as the previous pres, obuma had and look how well he did! after all, dishonesty and hate and bullshit seem to work, that is your mantra, right?
I will not vote for you, and I hope others feel the same way. You have gone way too low for me to even care about what you say. Have you lost touch with American way of life and trying to change laws to suit yourself is very wrong. No vote for me to your cause.
She thinks she can find a civilized society? smokin the whakey tabackey ———Grampa
Well, Kamala, there’s no place for CRIMINALS in civilized society, either…so, what’cha gonna do? Get a GUN!