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Crime Prevention Research Center Reveals a Fraud of Mass Public Shootings Stats

A supposed scientific study that liberal politicians and the mainstream media quotes to back up the claim nearly a third of the mass public shooters in the world have been in the United States has been proven to be false.

Since Adam Lankford released his study in 2015, virtually every mainstream media source, including Fox News, has cited his claim that mass shooters in America make up 31% of the total in the world.

Until now, Professor Lankford has refused to cite the data in order to back up his claim. Despite hundreds of interviews and intense media attention, the criminal justice professor at the University of Alabama continued his refusal until the Crime Prevention Research Center called him out on fake findings with information of their own.

Since then, The Washington Post and others suddenly quit quoting the professor.

Earlier in the year, Lankford finally released his sources, and he probably regrets that decision. John R. Mott Jr. and Carlisle E Moody have followed up by publishing a paper for Econ Journal Watch detailing the false claims Lankford makes in his study.

Without the due diligence of researchers like Lott and Carlisle, the truth might have stayed buried among all the numbers. Thanks to the two we now know why the professor was reluctant to back up his facts, – they aren’t factual.

Lott and Carlisle’s report for Econ Journal compared U.S. and non-U.S. mass shootings by using the official definitions Lankford claims he used – those identified by the FBI and NYPD.

On examining data 1998 to 2012, Lott and Carlisle found that although the U.S. has 4.5 percent of the world’s population, it represents less than three percent of worldwide mass shooting incidents or mass shooting deaths and less than one percent of mass shooters.

So how did Lankford come up with the misleading number that has driven the false narrative for the left and the mainstream media for almost five years?

Lott’s and Carlisle explain in their article, “What explains this incredible difference? While Lankford claims he is using the conventional definitions of public mass shootings from the FBI and NYPD, it turns out that Lankford’s 31 percent claim is an artifact of his having stripped out much from conventional definitions of ‘public mass shooter,’ notably excluding almost all incidents of terrorism outside the U.S. and most of the cases where more than one shooter is involved.”

Here is a more detailed look at this fatally flawed study:

  1. Lankford claims he limited his study of mass public shootings to those only perpetrated by a single mass shooter. He never mentioned that in his paper or the hundreds of interviews since then.
  2. There are many omissions in Lankford’s data. He includes one shooting in Russia with two shooters but excludes 40 other foreign mass public shootings that fit the FBI definition with 2 shooters. Using the NYPD data set, the U.S. just made up 1.45% of all mass public shooters. Quite a difference from the 31% used by the media since 2015.
  3. A look at the information he finally released, shows Lankford didn’t even come close to the FBI and NYPD he has claims to use.

Lott and Carlisle say that the professor still hasn’t made all his data available. They add, “It is obvious why Lankford refused to let anyone see his list of mass public shootings for years and why he wouldn’t even let us see it until after we had published our piece. Even with his novel definition of mass public shootings, he doesn’t follow it consistently, and it has many errors in it.”

In an address to the U.S. Conference of Mayors, then President Barack Obama said, “You don’t see murder on this scale, with this kind of frequency in any other advanced nation on earth.”

One week earlier CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Time, NPR, USA Today, and Newsweek all repeated the same claim in one form or another – “The U.S. leads the world in mass shootings.”

Like Obama, they all got that headline from the same unvetted study by proven liar Adam Lankford.

Of course, Democrat had no interest in ensuring a study they used to further their narrative was based on sound information. But what of the press? They have no desire to correct their stories or to make an effort to fix the narrative that American leads the world in mass shootings.

And they cry foul when President Trump calls it “Fake News.”

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10 Responses

  1. It is sad that this nation of ours has slid down an ever steeper slope into dishonor, dishonesty and selfishness. You can look back in time and see that politicians are not really bothered by blatantly lying to the public these days compared to 50 or 60 years ago. At least back then when a politician lied to the public he probably felt bad about having to do so. Today it seems to be a contest among politicians to see who can tell the biggest lie and have the largest number of people believe the lie. Even if caught red handed telling big woppers that everybody knows for a fact are not true, most politicians go through a list of excuses and attempt to pass the blame on to someone else. It is just a big game to nearly all of them and you and I are the little game pieces they move around on the board. If they screw up and a few million lives are damaged beyond repair, well heck, let’s try again three or four more times and maybe use a bigger hammer, but that square peg is going into that round hole no matter how many game pieces are lost. They cry and scream “It is for your own good! We will make you safer.” My favorite is ” We will save money in the long run if everything else works right.” The one that makes me puke is “But it is to make our children safe” and all the while you know it is a lie, they know it is a lie, everybody knows deep down it is a lie, but they smile when they say it and fools want it to be true so they say it is true but they know, way down inside, this ain’t no way to run a railroad.

  2. That seems to be the issue with everything the media and the Democrats present. They lie, they draw stupid conclusions, and then offer profoundly dumb solutions! Their climate changing hoax has been upended, their gun control comments proven to be lies, and their conspiracy pranks all reveal they cannot be trusted or even referenced.

  3. This is my rifle, this is my gun,
    One is for shooting, one is for fun…

  4. Do you truly expect anything different from the Democraps RECTUM SUCKING PUPPETS???

  5. I wonder how far we have to go back in time to list all the mass murders that have occurred anywhere in the world. Do you count the time Native Americans slaughtered settlers? Or, our cavalry etc. slaughtering Native Americans? The US Army never declared official “war” against them. Do you count the gunfight at the OK corral or other such incidents? Train and Bank robberies? Gunfights between the McCoys and Hatfields? Mob and Mafia shootings? Overseas, do we count Russian Czar Nicholas’s family and the Nazi slaughters of civilians in their homes? Or Stalin’s slaughter of farmers? Does 10 million deaths count as one incident? Chairman Mao’s many slaughters? Pol Pot’s killing fields? Idi Amin’s slaughters? All the genocides against peoples that don’t amount to wartime activity? Can anyone count the Roman atrocities? Genghis Khan? The English slaughter of Aborigines? In other words, it’s been going on a long time. It’s just that guns have replaced swords. And if history has proved anything, it’s best to always be armed for self-defense, as it will never, never stop.

  6. Hey, How’s Trump doing?

    Not a very complete list! But for starters…

    1) Selecting Neil Gorsuch For The Supreme Court. 
    2) Ending the fraudulent and disastrous climate agreement. 
    3) Killing The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal. 
    4) Actually cleaning up the VA instead of just talking about it. Over 850 incompetents fired already. 
    5) Decreasing illegal immigration by 54% 
    6) Restricting the immigration of people who hate us from predominantly anti American countries. 
    7) Canceling 876 obama era regulations. 
    8) Freezing all Federal Hiring Outside of the Military. 
    9) Approving The Dakota Access Pipeline And The Keystone Pipeline. 
    10) Ordered Federal Agencies To Cut Two Regulations For Every New One They Propose. 
    11) Putting Out An Executive Order Asking The DOJ And Homeland Security to Withhold “Federal Funds, Except As Mandated By Law” From Sanctuary Cities. 
    12) Canceling obama and clinton’s promise to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrian muslims to this country. 
    13) The start on the wall. 
    14) Reinstating The Mexico City Policy. 
    15) Giving little girls their restrooms back. 
    16) Stopping the transsexual madness and allowing the military to put its actual job above political correctness! 
    17) DESTROYING obama’s JV ISIS TEAM! 
    18) Putting the left’s/Fake New’s anti America, anti Constitution bias so clearly on display so that even the blind can see it. 
    19) Enabling America to become energy self sufficient by unleashing our own energy industry. 
    20) A soaring stock market and record employment. 
    21) Actually begin the dismantling of obamacare. 
    22) Shut down obama’s “Operation Choke Point” that was designed to infringe on American’s second amendment rights.
    23) Pardoned Sheriff Arpaio who was prosecuted for ENFORCING our border laws! 
    24) Federal jobs down 11,000 in six months!
    25) Halting visas for government officials of countries who will not accept their criminal illegals back.

    More To Come! You Can Count On It!

    Order in the courtroom here come de judge Kavanaugh, SWEET!!

    And he does it all for FREE! SWEETER YET!!

    NEWS FLASH BOMBSHELL: Mueller Finds NOTHING criminal done by Trump OR his campaign!!! Sweeter and Sweeter it gets!!!

  7. For those touting Trump’s accomplishments, here are the ones that really matter. He has not ended the Federal Reserve, continues to give Israel billions of dollars to support the Palestinian Genocide, has yet to get us out of needless war, has done nothing to end the joblessness & homelessness in the U.S., continues the deployment of the insidious 5G which is a killing technology, continues to allow the geoengineering of our weather to create agricultural, financial, & property losses thus bringing the country to its knees ect. The man tweets his fake accomplishment & the dumb believe. He is just another puppet in a long line since Kennedy who was killed by this vile group.

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