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Dianne Feinstein Introduces Assault Weapons Ban of 2019

Throughout her political career, Senator Dianne Feinstein (Dem-CA) has been a staunch gun control advocate. Now, she has ramped up her crusade by targeting one of America’s most popular type of rifles, along with standard capacity magazines used with most modern rifles.

Earmarked the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2019,” her bill looks to add even more requirements, restrictions, and outright banning. Feinstein has yet to release the actual text of her bill to the public but has been hyping it to the press for well over a week.

By her own description, her bill would ban “the sale, manufacture, transfer and importation of 205 military-style assault weapons by name.” Also included are some firearms that have a detachable ammunition magazine and [have] one or more military characteristics including a pistol grip, a forward grip, a barrel shroud, a threaded barrel or more thana folding or telescoping stock.”

Included are magazines that “hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.”

According to the Senator she has also offered updated legislation that bans certain types of stabilizing braces for pistols and adjustable stocks so the law more complies with existing state “assault weapons bans.”

Co-sponsors Chris Murphy (Dem-CT) and Richard Blumenthal (Dem-CT) portrayed the bill as a response to youth gun control activists like as a method to take “military grade weaponry” off the streets.

The NRA and other 2nd Amendments rights groups point out there is no evidence that this kind of bill would accomplish nothing. A ban on so-called “assault weapons” did nothing to prevent mass shootings before it expired in 2004. It seems no coincidence that Feinstein is seeking to ban the most popular class of centerfire rifles with 16 million sold since the previous ban was lifted.

Ironically, the AR-15 and other such rifles used far more by law-abiding Americans than criminals. FBI statistics show that the most commonly used murder weapons are other types of guns, knives and cutting instruments, clubs, and other blunt objects.

It was an AR-15, used by a citizen hero that stopped one of the country’s most notorious mass shootings in 2017. When Stephen Willeford’s daughter told him she heard gunshots coming from the nearby Baptist church, he took his AR-15 from a safe and loaded a magazine. Once at the church he had to take cover behind a truck as the shooter, Devin Patrick Kelley fired several shots at him before speeding away in his car.

Willerford hailed a truck stopped at a stop sign and he and the driver pursued Kelly. As they found out later, the man had been kicked out of the Air Force and had a long history of domestic violence. When officials caught up, they found Kelly dead from a self-inflicted gunshot to the head, Police said he was wearing tactical gear and a bullet-proof vest.

“If I had run out of the house with a pistol and faced a bulletproof vest and kevlar and helmets, it might have been futile,” Willeford said. “I ran out with an AR-15 and that’s what he was shooting the place up with.”

26 people were killed that day, about 7% of the total population of Sutherland Springs, TX, and another 20 wounded.

Feinstein’s justifications for her bans have been inconsistent and contradictory over the years.

In 2013, she said: “Military-style assault weapons have but one purpose, and in my view that’s a military purpose, to hold at the hip, possibly, to spray fire to be able to kill large numbers.”

Now she wants to add stabilizing braces to the ban because she says they “transform assault pistols into assault rifles by allowing the shooter to shoulder the weapon and fire more.”

Feinstein’s measure of gun acceptability has changed many times. Every time gun owners seek to adapt to meet her guidelines, she adds more. As the NRA-ILA points out:

Her legislation is nothing so much as an attempt to deny law-abiding gun owners the benefits of modern technology and restrict them to 19th Century firearm designs.

The Supreme Court ruled in 2007, The Second Amendment “protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.”

Feinstein has made it obvious she will be satisfied with nothing less than an absolute ban on firearms. With the change in Congress, expect a tidal wave of national gun control proposals.

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32 Responses

  1. One answer is TERM LIMITS! They should never be able to remain in office for extended terms! They lose their “memories” about what/who they are there for!

    1. The military would look aulful funny with out a weapon to defenf fiensteins ass with.

  2. This woman is drunk with “power”she thinks she has but she is in reality the poster child for “Term Limits”
    I think she has “nightmares about gun magazines “and AR -15s so she probably sleeps (not very much by her appearance) with the lights on! If she did some reading and research to educate herself she just might have a different view about the value of citizens ability to protect themselves with guns!

  3. Ms.Feinstein you hypocrite, when you give up your gun toting goon squad of body guards then you, and only you can come and collect my gun. Until you do as instructed, you can go piss on Schumer’s leg and tell him it’s raining. Additionally look to where the 1st 10 Admendments are written 1st. Otherwise go f*** Pelosi.

  4. Pelosi and Feinstein should be removed from office. They only disrupt the country with their lunacy and lies. Feinstein should have been tossed for sure when she started the Kavanaugh debacle and now Pelosi holds the nation at bay because she won’t agree to fund a much needed wall and immigration reform. Two witches from California with the likes of Kamala Harris in the wings. How much crap can come from one state?

  5. Senator Feinstein the trust American people his place in the Senate and Congress is not being represented by those in office and in wbom we trust. Those in political power and want 2 take away the Second Amendment need to be removed from office.

  6. Please explain to me why the Jewish senators and representatives fight the hardest to take away Americans 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms??
    Are they so intrenched in the Deep State one-world government idea that this is their main focus?

  7. Stop the ban on guns it’s a waste of time. Feinstein needs to open government and stop worrying about our legal right to bear arms.

  8. Why is it that these privileged people who supposedly run the country have no clue what they are talking about, especially when it comes to guns. If another ban is forced upon the masses, that would mean the “priviledged” servants to the people, (what a joke), would have to require there personal body guards to defend them with bars and rocks.she hasnt a clue what it’s like for us regardless people who count on ourselves, not the government , or police to save us when things go wrong. Her agenda is a joke and waste of time for all…. she could care less for the 2nd A , maybe BBC we all just start to ignore the laws we dont like…. I can name several in CA. … losers….

  9. Let’s ban Feinstein. She has no right to remove our guns from the Americans. The American people have a right to remove her from office. She more anti Americans like her counterparts in California. I am sick of there BS. Let’s vote them out. MAGA

  10. Let’s ban Feinstein. She has no right to remove our guns from the Americans. The American people have a right to remove her from office. She more anti Americans like her counterparts in California. I am sick of there BS. Let’s vote them out. MAGA

  11. There is no such thing as an “assault rifle”. The only assault is done by humans wielding a weapon, or by their own body parts. The term “assault rifle” needs to be removed from the lexicon.

  12. I think it’s about time these people have the fear ofGod put in them. Disgrace to America. We the people need to have all judges and people like her deported out of the USA.The sooner the better.Wake up America.

  13. Here in the Socialist State of Washington the legislature is about to pass a law banning magazines over 10 Rounds and all of the guns on Feinstein’s list. They will allow legal owners of “assault rifles” to register them and larger capacity magazines, (so they can confiscate them), with WA State Patrol.
    Even if you register them you can only take them off your property to take them to a licensed shooting range or to hunt if they are legal for hunting.
    We have our house for sale and if it sells, I will attempt to persuade my wife to move out of this shithole State.

  14. Most crimes are committed with stolen handguns. Taking semi-automatic rifles from law abiding citizens will solve nothing. Stolen handguns are the weapon of choice because they can be concealed, unlike a rifle. Feinstein knws this, politicians are just trying to start confiscation, and a total ban.

  15. Feinstein and all the other anti-gun advocates do not seem to understand the 2nd Amendment and the Supreme court’s ruling on the 2nd Amendment. The Supreme court ruled the validity of the 2nd Amendment and Justice Scalia gave a detailed explanation of the use of AR weapons in the majority opinion. This concludes the argument. I just don’t know where States, communities and legislatures keep trying to violate not just the Amendment but the Supreme court ruling as well. They just don’t seem to understand “No” the 2nd Amendment stands . The Supreme court has ruled end of story. The issue in our Country is not about firearms it is about mental health, education and about being held accountable for your actions. Accountability is not just about firearms it is everything. Leaders and politicians are not held accountable for their actions, I feel this is the basis for most of our problems today.

  16. Is it just me, or does reality stop sharp at the california state line?

  17. She wants to ban our guns and use red flag laws in order to seize eve nn ammo without due process. She employed a Chinese Spy for 20 years, why has she not been investigated and removed from Congress.

  18. You are as clueless as Phoneystein about the lawful right to own firearms. Our founding fathers included the second amendment in our Constitution to ensure we have a means to stop an overbearing, repressive government from taking over – like the British were trying to do when the revolutionary war began. They were clear to state that the citizens needed to be proficient with the current weaponry on hand at that time and in the future. Read up on the true reasoning behind what was included. Stop believing the blatant lies the democlowns are shoving down your throat.

  19. Their gun control laws are working really well, aren’t they? NOT!!!

  20. I have a 32 gun collection of military style weapons and they are all semi automatic variety which I am happy with, no need for a fully operating automatic weapon for they waste way to much ammo. I’m proud of my dime size groups at 100 yards with my AR and 4 bit groups with the same gun at 500 yards which they say is the max effective range of the AR 15- 5.56 well my AR will reach a lot further than that but I’m not going to brag.
    Go ahead and ban military style weapons that are fully automatic and clips that hold more than 40 rounds for who needs them anyway,

  21. If being ugly is ever made a crime, Feinstein and Pelosi will get the electric chair. I would love to sit down with them one on one and talk about guns. All the democrats that want them banned are so ignorant they probably don’t even know what part is what on one. The video with the democrat idiot holding up a 30 round magazine told the crowd he was talking to that it was a machine gun. They are the ones that don’t need to be able to own a gun since they are so stupid.

  22. That wicked old witch can carry and she has the guts to start her sh$&( again . Let her shove it … Korean vet . Mike

  23. This woman has spend too much time in power and is sick in the head with it and thinks people actually go along with her?What fantasy world she lives in?If they want my guns i say come and take them from my cold dead hands,its the only way your getting them! I just wish New jersey’s Governor Murphy would lead the charge?As soon as i saw the whites of there eyes!I would target him 1st for sure! He is a TRAITOR like Brown,Pelosi,Schumer,Harris,Booker and so many more! And what ever happened to Wasserman being investigated for Election fraud for fixing the primary for Killary?

  24. Feinstein, Pelosi & Schumer (& others like them) should never have body guards with guns of any type & see how safe they feel. one reason we(the US ) was not invaded during WW2 was they knew we had “a gun behind every door”. I don’t think they understand the uses of different guns, or don’t care about the people they represent. There should be term limits on polititians & they should pay for their own security, especially after their term is up.


    Don’t think so? Time will tell+

  26. This has got to be the most unconstitutional bs I have ever heard! She and the sponsors of this movement to disarm the US need to be tried for treason and removed from office permanently!

  27. There is no lack of understanding of the 2nd Amendment by the liberals/socialist/communist, they just want to neutralize it. They also want the 1st Amendment to mean you can say anything you want that they agree with.

  28. Bruce, You are making a mistake telling the gov to go ahead and ban anything. That’s always their first step to get a foot in the door. They do not have the right to ban anything and bans don’t work. Just being illegal won’t stop a criminal from doing what they want to do, that’s why they are criminals.

  29. She has a concealed weapons permit but doesn’t want you to have one.
    Typical Hypocrite DemoGOD !
    If only Nasty Nancy Peelosi and Frankenstein would retire!
    Term limits Please!!!

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