There are some big stories dominating the news right now. Tensions with Iran made everyone at least a little nervous for a few days. Impeachment is still a ratings driver for left-wing media. China and Hong Kong are still in great turmoil.
In the midst of all of that, one very important story has been mostly hiding beneath the mainstream radar. The governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, Mr. Blackface McKlanhood himself, is spearheading a campaign of the most aggressive gun control laws in the history of our country, and he has the legislative support to make it happen.
Perhaps the worst component of the whole thing is that his goal can only increase crime in his state.
Virginia Crime Before Northam
This can’t be understated. In terms of crime statistics, Virginia was in a great spot when they elected Governor Northam. It makes their decision all the more baffling, since he ran on an anti-crime ticket.
Virginia achieved the fourth lowest crime and violent crime rates in the country. In fact, the entire state of Virginia had fewer murders than the city of Baltimore in 2018.
Moreover, violent crime in the state has fallen rapidly in recent years. The overall rate fell by 17 percent in 2018, and it was already one of the lowest in the country.
A few more statistics really drive the point home. In 2018, 8 people were killed by rifles of any type. EIGHT! Comparatively, more than three times that number were slain by knives, and roughly twice that number were killed by bare hands.
It is in this context that we look at Northam’s attack on gun freedoms. Since pre-existing policy was working extremely well, only a complete overhaul of gun control and criminal proceedings is acceptable, right?
Northam’s general idea is to make the ownership of a long gun a felony. He’s working on laws to end all sales of rifles and to introduce mandatory confiscation of such guns. He wants no grandfathered protections.
That means that every citizen of Virginia who currently legally owns a rifle will become a felon if they don’t surrender their God-given right. At an absolute minimum, crime rates in Virginia will skyrocket just from people keeping firearms they already legally own.
What to Watch
What matters more is the set of trends that are likely to shift. As self-defense hits a rapid decline in Virginia, we all need to carefully scrutinize crime rates in the state — especially crimes pertaining to theft and violence. If the left is correct, then these numbers should drop precipitously. If they’re wrong, then the trends will reverse, and Virginia will suffer an increase in violence.
Sadly, it will be real Virginians who suffer and die in order to prove a truth that has been understood for years. Even sadder, those deaths will be in vain. The left won’t learn a single lesson from any of it.
Here’s the final trick to the whole story. Left-wing media will never report anything that goes against the narrative. Unless you hear about Virginia crime rapidly falling after gun confiscations, you can assume the legislation was as much a failure as we all predicted. Silence from the media on this topic will be an admission of bad policy. That should be the thing you watch most closely.
This governor has to go what are the people of Virginia waiting for? yank that bastard out of office he as useful as a pile of dog shit.
Anuther demoncratic ploy,2 keep legal U.S. citizens,in pre-empting
their right 2 protekting, family,self es property.His pre=emptiv socialistic policies start with the 2nd ammenment. His kind requeir a cell in prison,along wid the other demoncrats,such as bloomberg,pelosi,
biden es his family of corruptive demoncrats.
Northam not only needs to go-he needs to be put in his gave. Hopefully, someone will do it! He is not the only one. So many today need to be put down. It is the absolute to end the tyranny on America. We are all at the end of our ropes, hanging on by a thread.
I think that the answer to this conundrum is very simple. I believe that Northam, needs to become a statistic. This moron really doesn’t get it, does he? I bet he doesn’t realize that when you call people criminals, eventually they will see no reason to not become one. Besides, the older we get, the less time in prison becomes a deterrent.
To all the Conservatives, 2nd Amendment supporters, Right to Life supporters and Republicans/Independents/Libertarians who couldn’t be bothered to vote during the past three elections in Virginia and allowed the energized liberals in Arlington, Fairfax, and Alexandria to make all your political decisions, you are now reaping the results of your indolence. I find it difficult to feel any sympathy for you when you lose your rights. You let others shoulder the burdens for you when there are very active 2nd Amendment groups like the Virginia Citizens Defense League struggling to protect your rights when you could not be bothered to.
Also need to consider what will be worse after Northam. The old scumbag McAuliffe (no relation to the General at Bastogne) who was Guv once previously is gonna try for a re-run. It’s legal, unlike everything else he’s done.
The fact that when I think it was Florida first became an open carry state (later reversed) the crime rate dropped as the criminals began targeting places like AIRPORTS where they knew their intended victims would not be armed. When got to the point the state was at risk of no longer qualifying for federal aid for crime fighting they cited the INCREASED crime rate at Airports and the ANTI GUN MEDIA constantly showing people lawfully open carrying to change the law so the guns had to be hidden so CRIMINALS would feel safer committing their crimes and the rates would go up again. The politicians actually spouted their false belief that the media coverage that was TERRIFYING the criminals into avoiding the areas where the media showed people were armed was a BAD thing. They called it “bad publicity” instead of telling the media to stop their anti gun harassment they actually changed the law to keep the media from being able to show that people were armed and NOT committing crimes.
Are Lie-beral DEMONocrats crazy or evil ? I think they are both. They are suffering from the insanity of satanity and are FUGITIVES FROM TRUTH. Who but the insane would undertake to believe what is not true, and then protect this belief at the cost of truth? Truth is beyond one’s ability to destroy, but entirely within your ability to accept.
The only problem with the media is you are going to hear/read what the left WANTS you to hear. If they were able to go through with this, which I doubt, you will will hear how crime is almost totally null in Virginia, thanks to gun confiscation. Even if murder rates increase, you will not hear about it, you will hear the opposite. They fit the news to their own agenda.
The number of long guns turned in will be minimal and the crime rate will be on the rise. Wonderful Mr. blackface will then accuse conservatives of both the failures to turn in their guns and the rise in crime. His answer will be “See we tried to make Virginia safer but the GOP is stopping us from protecting you and this is all of their fault.
This is the “PERFECT” example of an idiot-in-charge. Total disregard for the peoples RIGHTS, and the power hungry greedy need to be the “DICTATOR” god over the citizens of VIRGINIA. This is the perfect example of WHY he and his yes men NEED to be REPLACED, ASAP, to SAVE the STATE.
I can not believe that the American people are letting the government take away their rights constitutional and fundamental rights people need to quit being like sheep and stand up and fight.for what so many have dyed for to give them the right that they are giving up