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Gun Buy Backs Popular, But Ineffective

With several debates already completed, candidates seeking the Democrat Party nomination to challenge Pres. Donald Trump in next year’s election have made it clear gun control will be a central issue. The primary goal many candidates have stated is to ban the sale of military-style rifles and confiscate those already in civilian hands.

The so-called “assault weapons” that anti-gun Democrats cite the most are the civilian AR-15 and the AK-47. In technical terms, they are not assault weapons. Assault weapons are capable of fully automatic operation as well as semi-automatic fire. Many also provide a burst-fire option to prevent wasting ammo during firefights. The civilian models, though, do not. Enabling them to do so by modifying them for fully automatic fire is a felony.

The further behind in the polls, the more fervently it seems these 2020 candidates desire is to employ radical gun control measures and erode Second Amendment rights. Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand (D-NY) wants to ban all future sales and employ a gun buyback program to confiscate military-style rifles. So does Beto O’Rourke, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), former VP Joe Biden and most other Democrat candidates.

The so-called Parkland Survivors, led by 19-year-old David Hogg, recently unveiled their preferred gun control proposal. You can bet Democrats will adopt most, and likely all, of the platform. In fact, Democrat Party operatives likely are behind the former Parkland students’ so-called “Peace Plan” to stop mass shootings in the United States. That plan calls for:

· Creating a national licensing program and gun registry

· Banning the sale of “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines

· Implementing a mandatory gun buyback program

· Raising the minimum age to buy firearms to 21

The kiddies have another very scary and nefarious solution to gun violence: Declaring a national public health emergency and appointing a “national director of gun violence prevention.”

That director would report directly to the President and coordinate a national federal response to what anti-gun activists say is a national public health crisis.

A public health crisis is necessary so liberal elites can declare the “right to public health” supersedes the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

In other words: Declare a false crisis in order to violate the Bill of Rights and the rights of peaceful, law-abiding gun owners across the nation. Which is exactly what Bernie Sanders just proposed doing.  

Anti-Second Amendment activists point to the recent El Paso, Texas, shooting as proof white males with military-style rifles are the equal of white supremacists who hate all people of color. The shooter in that instance was a young white male who was fed up about the lack of immigration enforcement at the U.S. border. Democrats predictably say Preso Trump inspired the attack.

They do not say, however, that Sen. Elizabeth Warren and anti-gun Democrats inspired the Dayton, Ohio, shooter. That shooter, also a young white male, openly declared his support for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, gun control and socialism. That does not fit the false narrative of white males getting riled up by Pres. Trump’s rhetoric and lashing out against people of color. In, fact, most of the mass-shooters do not fit the description Democrats would have us believe.

So, as we enter a new election cycle, Democrats are poised to embrace the “Peace Plan” proposed by teenagers. That plan would potentially eliminate Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment, and Fifth Amendment rights, among others. Democrats say that is necessary to stop mass shootings.

History and scientific study say banning guns won’t solve the country’s problems.

The 1994 federal ban on so-called assault rifles had virtually no impact on crime. That is why Congress allowed the act to expire, and the sale of military-style rifles to resume. The new plan would stop the sale to civilians, and confiscate existing rifles.

The problem with that notion is, no one has been stupid enough to let the federal government inventory their firearms. That means millions of military-style rifles in the unknown, yet fully law-abiding hands of tens of millions of U.S. citizens.

The political path to confiscation is clear: enact a federal gun registry and national licensing program to learn who admits to owning military-style rifles. Once that information is obtained via the honor system – or direct violation of civil rights, armed officers eventually will show up to confiscate military-style rifles in civilian hands.

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