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How Can We Fight for Concealed Carry Reciprocity

It feels like the mass shooting hysteria has ebbed for a bit. The lack of national discussion makes it easy to forget some of the important issues that arise from those conversations.

Even while the liberals push for more gun control, Congress was a hair’s breadth away from passing a national concealed carry reciprocity law. Such legislation is paramount to our autonomy as citizens and the true freedoms granted by the 2nd Amendment. Rather than grow complacent in the absence of left-wing hysteria, we can redouble our efforts and try to make this law happen. Here’s how you can join the fight.


This is the most obvious point, and with midterm elections looming closer, it is the easiest thing to do. Simply put, you need to prioritize your issues. If gun laws and concealed carry are at the top of the list, then you need to know which candidates stand with you. The last big push was in December, and the bill easily made it through the House. As far as that part of voting is concerned, if you stay red in November, you’ll keep the hope alive.

The Senate is more complicated. For starters, conservatives don’t have a large enough majority at the moment to push anything through. Even so, there is a clear Republican majority, and it has failed to move reciprocity forward since the bill passed in the House more than six months ago.

They’ve been stalling and dragging, which makes it difficult to be as supported. Regardless, Republicans are far more likely to fall in line if the majority swings that way, but it wouldn’t hurt for you to remind incumbent Republicans that they are letting you down.


This brings us to the next important tactic. You need to regularly bother your representatives with this issue. Remind them incessantly that this is a vital voting issue and that you won’t take no for an answer. Needling is always at its most powerful right before an election, and you might even find that a number of Democrats are willing to sway on this point. After all, six of them crossed party lines in the original vote.

There are also strategies that can make your needling more effective. At minimum, an email will at least be tallied. But, researchers have looked into ways to more effectively pressure representatives. Even members of Congress have chimed in, and the general consensus is that actual facetime holds the most value.

We know that not all of you will be able to make this a reality, but if it is something even remotely considerable, having that level of conversation is far more persuasive than anything else. But, above all else, you need to be persistent. Politicians like to forget about controversial issues when we let them. Don’t.


We just talked about how needling politicians is most effective around an election. That’s only half the story, the other half has to do with timing.

If they can get away with it, Congress is going to avoid revisiting reciprocity before the midterms. It’s a risk issue with a lot of voters. If they can secure large majorities like they did two years ago, then you can expect them to be much more willing to try again.

That said, simply trying to time your influence with representatives isn’t all that easy. And, even if you do manage strategic facetime, that’s not enough to guarantee success. Ultimately, all of these things need to be combined and multiplied — which brings us to the final point.

Strength in Numbers

Associations like the NRA, GOA and USCCA exist for a reason. They are lobbying groups, and they work hard to bring weight to the combined voices of 2nd Amendment advocates. Simply being a member of those groups helps, but there’s plenty more you can do if you’re serious about changing the law.

It’s not just about money either. While funds always help, simply showing up to events adds gravity to the words of these spokespersons. A pitiful rally shows Congress that they don’t need to pay attention. A massive showing that shakes the very earth draws inescapable attention.

It goes farther than that. It’s also important to increase participation in group efforts. That really boils down to each of you taking new shooters to the range. The very most effective way to convert a gun hater is to get them time on a trigger. It has converted countless thousands, and it will continue to work.

It is only with patience and education that we can overcome the ignorant fear mongering of the left. When we do, Congress will have no choice but to grant us the laws we demand.

~ American Gun News

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5 Responses

  1. You people need to make up your minds re the following. Regarding discussions, are you interested in reader/viewer comment or input thereon, or do you want to play silly pick a picture games. Please advise, and thank you. By the way, this is the second time this I’m not a robot crap has come up.

  2. Considering the fact that we have a second amendment that states that our right to carry CANNOT BE INFRINGED UPON, I am at a loss to understand why we believe that permission is needed from those that serve us to exercise that right, especially given that we don’t question the idea that our first amendment rights are inviolable. How can our right to free speech be unapproachable and untouchable but the very next amendment listed hamstrung by every two bit politician EVEN THOUGH it states explicitly in that amendment that they are not allowed, under any circumstances, to violate that right?

  3. I support concealed carry, too many criminals has guns.
    If people would obey laws and not result to putting hands on another in a violent way many shootings would not happen.
    Road rage is another issue that happens daily that results in death many innocent people are wounded or killed.
    Many blame guns are not those use use or carry them Illegally.

  4. Remeber Oct/01/017 Rt 91. Hillary comes out the next day blaming Suppressor Legislation and 50 State Reciprocity stops after Hillary on Twitter was blaming the Removal of Bump stocks, and Suppressors.

    The Rt 91 still in questioned Clark CO Sheriff hides and moves on. Now Mandalay bay an MGM resort is suing the victims. I say F’k me America. Now ANTIFA wants blood in PDX OR, on 08/04/018. Threatening Gun violence.

    Time to Amend the 17th Amendment and take away the Kingship power of the U.S Senate telling F heads like Chuck you America Demo-RAT Schummer to keep out of Open Carry States. And Any ex-CA to Change or leave any Gun control Free States.

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