As the left obsessively pushes for unlawful gun control legislation, it’s inevitable that something they say or do will come back and bite them. Most of the time, it’s the simple fact that they are so foul in the language they use and the warlike manner in which they conduct themselves.
During the staged town hall events, you may recall someone in the audience shouting out “burn her” at Dana Loesch as she tried to speak. Later, David Hogg told Marco Rubio right to his face that he was knowingly benefiting from the deaths of children. More recently, a “March For Our Lives” protester was arrested for threatening to kill the children of a United States senator.
These are just some of the many ways that opponents of the Second Amendment reveal themselves as violent, venomous, and anti-American. But sometimes, anti-gun Democrats will say something that invalidates their position directly. That is, they will say something that does not only depend on some false view of facts or history but something that is self-contradictory or wrong on its face.
After the recent horrific shooting at a newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland, gun control advocates have an example of something Second Amendment advocates have been saying for a while; a shotgun is more dangerous than an AR-15.
This has reminded us of a statement given by Joe Biden a few years back when he advised people to buy shotguns instead of AR-15s. But the left hasn’t seemed to notice.
Here’s The Blaze with more on this interesting example of left-wing doublethink.
“Ole Shotgun Joe”, keep your advice on gun safety to yourself. You don’t know shoot about guns.
A typical ego that puts the mouth in motion before putting their mind in gear.
A democrat hypocrite, oh no!!
It’s NOT their Fault that that shooter used a SHOTGUN!!!!!!
Just like it’s Not Joe Biden’s fault for telling Americans to buy a SHOTGUN for Protection.
I wonder If this guy took Joe’s advice?
Jo, you should feel fortunate you don’t have larger feet because you would have choked yourself to death the number of times you stuck foot in mouth. What these gun confiscate rs need to realize is bad people are bad people rather they be illegal immigrants killing our border agents with rocks, Muslims and their honor killing with knives, killers driving vehicles into crowds, bombs and the list continues. What is not being told is the number of good people with guns that save lives and our survival depending on good people with guns. Stop blaming the guns for the shootings and blame the one that controls that gun, if not the only result is banning knives, stones, cars, bombs and all that can kill. Soon there will be a ban on clothes using this mentality. When it is witnessed a gun walking down the street and shooting someone than that gun should be put in jail. that sounds stupid but that is the mentality gun control advocates are using.
i remember joes stupid statement,was watching when he said it,if you have a double barrel shotgun and fire it twice,you are standing on your balcony with an empty shotgun,need i say more
And this moron is one of the democrat party’s leading contenders for the White House. Baaahahahahaha!!! Losers! I’m almost sick of winning!
It’s clear that the point was not even to recommend the shotgun over the AR-15, but to tell people that the AR-15 is unnecessary, meaning overkill thus excessive which anti-gun advocates keep trying to convince us of.
Every time I come across an article about home defense and security, the article always recommends a shotgun as per the advice given by police officers. Of course within it’s effective range, and the right ammo, it is devastating. A fact that goes back to the Vietnam War. They are not advocating you kill someone, but that the victim has to have the ability to neutralize an aggressive intruder that intends to do harm to them them. That is the advice given by professionals that teach self defense. Anti-gun fools don’t understand this goal of self preservation.
I prefer not to explain anything or provide information on comparative effectiveness of firearms. Gun haters will only twist the truth and use scare tactics and drama to convince people that guns are bad and dangerous and we shouldn’t have any.
Because of their ignorance and their penchant to lie and brainwash people, they can’t be trusted to enact reasonable or fair laws. I fear if they view a shotgun as more lethal then they will call for restrictions or bans on them. Then they they will try to make a case against other guns. And eventually we will be banned from owning an ever increasing list of weapons which risks our safety, but gun grabbers care more about the rights of criminals and murderers.
As they eliminate certain guns, then whatever is left will be the most lethal choice and layer by layer they will strip every gun from us until a new corrupt government or foreign power strips us of all our rights and freedoms.
Most folks are unaware that the most popular self-defense load in the 12-gauge shotgun is ¾ ounces of lead or eight, .33 caliber lead balls of 41 grains each.
The typical 5.56/223 Remington AR type platform fires one, 55 to 63 grain projectile at a time.
Of course, the AR delivers its bullet at a much higher velocity, but you can draw your own conclusions about which load you would prefer being hit with. (Hey, would you mind pointing that gaping maw someplace else?)
Like so many politicians, Uncle Joe is no firearms expert. For that matter, he is no firearms enthusiast.
In fact he is of no particular technical expertise whatsoever except in inserting his foot into his own gaping maw.
OK Joe, let’s see a vid of Jill blasting 2 rounds out of the 12 gauge on your balcony as 3 perps are breaking into the garage or front door.
Your comments are moronic and you are putting your low information constituents in danger. Maybe that is not such a bad outcome.
A 12 gauge is only a single tool in the home defense arsenal.
A leading Democrat making stupid comments on a subject he knows nothing about ….. ?? So what else is new.