Former Vice President Joe Biden is pulling out all the stops to woo far left voters by introducing an all-out campaign against the gun industry.
Like Beto O’Rourke, after the El Paso mass shooting, Biden’s “gun-control” plan seems to have evolved into a harsher stance. He seems to be competing against his fellow primary candidates in a contest to see who can make up the most absurd excuses for gun crime.
Biden blames everyone but criminals for gun violence. His responses involve blaming everyone from law-abiding citizens to the legal gun manufacturing industry.
The Biden campaign has also blamed Republican leaders and President Trump with failing to take action, making the Biden plan necessary he says. A spokesman for the Biden Campaign said, “While Democratic leaders and the American public have reached an undeniable and broad consensus about what needs to be done to address the gun violence epidemic that has engulfed communities across America, Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Congressional Republicans, and the NRA refuse to take any sensible action.”
Biden’s “Plan to End Our Gun Violence Epidemic” includes:
- Reinstating the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban
Biden avoided O’Rourke’s “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15” blunder but the effect is the same. Instead, Biden’s plan emphasizes a national voluntary “buyback” of all privately and lawfully owned AR-15 sporting rifles.
“Bazooka Joe” as some have labeled him proposes the buyback of 16 mission AR-15’s without costing a single tax dollar. In typical leftist fashion, he has a plan that calls a new tax something else. In this case, the plan calls for registration for those who do not willingly accept the buyback, which carries a big price with it.
Biden’s plan also calls for gun owners that refused a buyback would have to register their AR-15 under the National Firearms Act. That would place the rifles in the same category as machine-guns, silencers and short-barreled rifles.
- Banning New MSRs
Modern sporting rifle or MSR is a term used to describe today’s popular semiautomatic rifle designs, including but not limited to the AR-15. These rifles are used by competitors, hunters, and many seeking a solution for home defense.
Modern sporting rifles have been called “weapons of war” by those who don’t understand their use or want to ban guns in general. Though those who are politically motivated present MSRs as new, today’s rifles, shotguns, and pistols were invented in the late-nineteenth century.
- Limit Purchasing Power
The plan calls for extending the waiting period for buying a gun to 10 business days; this despite the fact 91 percent of all background checks are resolved immediately or the same day. Of the 9 percent that are not resolved immediately, 88 percent are resolved in 3 days.
- End Online Sale of firearms, Build Kits and Ammunition
As the law stands now, any online sale of a weapon requires the sale to be completed with a face-to-face background check before a federal regulated firearms licensed retailer.
- Repeal PLCAA
Biden’s plan calls for repeal of the “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act”. The act protects firearms manufacturers from being sued for the acts of individuals using a gun.
Joe Biden is also calling for the elimination of “straw purchases” by making them a “serious federal crime.” But it already is, which the Obama administration didn’t realize when it authorized operation “Fast and Furious.”
Anyone who believed Joe Biden was a centrist before should know better now.
Sleepy Creepy Smelly Joe in reality has no idea of what his handlers are putting forth to prevent Americans from protecting themselves against the Communist BLM mob and out of control crazy democrat. The McClosky’s in St Louis are a prime example, they most certainly would be toast today literally with a burned out home if they had not protected their lives and property, worse yet just may have been assaulted personally. You can be next as these thugs move to the suburbs attempting to take what you have worked almost a lifetime to purchase, a home. God Bless America and our 2 amendment.
He is clueless as to what is going to be attached to his name.
As far as the corrupt democrats, they have no idea how many firearms are in the law biding public’s possession. And how many criminals will keep their Saturday night special’s to then use against disarmed law biding American citizens. I like many will not give up my rights to anything the democrats want to take from me. Not to worry America President Trump will have the next four years. And then another Republican like President Trump will take his place, you see the corrupt democrats will soon be a thing of the past as the swamp continues to be drained as promised. GOD, COUNTRY, AND PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!
Obama, Holder & others should be in JAIL for their roles in “Fast & Furious”. I would suggest that any honest law abiding citizen who has the opportunity to purchase a firearm with no strings attached ( back ground checks ) do so. If they don’t know you have it, they can’t take it. After all, the criminals always seem to be armed without any checks. President Trump; promises made, promises kept. nuff said!!
This only proves that Slow Joe is unfit to be President of anything, except maybe his shuffle board club. So now we’re going to disarm the public, law abiding citizens, defund the police, get rid of prisons, and cash bail, oh and send councilors to disarm felons. This sounds perfectly sane, just like everything else spewing out of their mouths, what could possibly go wrong!
As Hitler said “the first step required to take over a country is to disarm the citizens”. Joe is just stupid, the problem is pin heads like ‘Harris the Camel’ and the cast of fools called democrats.
Joe must be a communist . I wonder how many Real democrats know what is going on.
Poor ole Simple Joe, , his Indian name is actually WALKING EAGLE, Because he is so full of crap , he cant fly Thank GOD for TRUMP, we must keep our guns, it’s is our only protection against the far left Idiots ! ! !