Gun-grabbing statists will never let a crisis go to waste. As America is reeling from the Chinese coronavirus, we have seen state and local governments across the country shutting down gun stores, claiming that they are “nonessential.”
On the one hand, these same officials are terrorizing people over the possibility of widespread chaos and social disorder. But at the same time, they are brazenly attempting to restrict the very constitutional right that was written to protect against chaos, disorder and tyrannical politicians.
And no one has been more brazen in this attempt than the sheriff of the most corrupt law enforcement agency in the country – Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva.
The Governor of California, Nancy Pelosi’s nephew Gavin Newsome, issued a statewide stay-at-home order to all Californians last week on Thursday night. The very next morning, every store in California was flooded with panicked shoppers, including gun stores. That threw Sheriff Villanueva into an instant hissy fit.
Villanueva declared himself to personally be the senior authority on all matters related to the current emergency in Los Angeles County. He was in charge of the shutdown and by golly, people needed to listen to him.
The sheriff was enraged that scared Californians were lining up outside gun stores to purchase firearms or ammunition. Villanueva compared gun shops to “strip clubs and night clubs.” After declaring them “nonessential” and announcing that, “You can’t shoot a virus,” Villanueva ordered all gun shops in LA County immediately shut down. (He let weed shops stay open as “essential businesses,” however.)
If you seem to recall the LA County Sheriff’s Department being in the news recently, you’re correct. It was just last October when the department made national headlines. With more than 18,000 deputies on Villanueva’s force, it is the single largest Sheriff’s Department in the United States. And according to those reports last October, hundreds of deputies on the force belong to a secretive Mexican criminal gang called the “Banditos.”
The Banditos all have secret tattoos to identify themselves to their brethren. The gang apparently harasses honorable deputies, shakes down drug dealers, plants evidence on innocent people, brutally beats black citizens during arrests and lies for each other in the furtherance of crimes.
If you’ve seen the movie “Training Day,” Denzel Washington’s gang of crooked cops is loosely based on the Banditos. But unlike the movie in which only a handful of police are involved in the criminal conspiracy, Villanueva’s sheriff’s department has hundreds of deputies that are a part of this gang.
Sheriff Villanueva insists that the Banditos are simply a fraternal order of deputies. It’s like the Elks Lodge for cops!
Yeah, right. That explains why Villanueva’s department paid a $1.5 million settlement to a female deputy who was harassed off the force in 2014 when she refused to sexually service a couple of dozen Banditos that worked in the same East Los Angeles station.
Here’s some additional work that’s been carried out by the Banditos on Sheriff Villanueva’s force in recent years:
- In 2016, two Banditos jumped out of their patrol vehicle and drew their weapons on an unarmed black man in Compton who was smoking a cigarette outside his mother’s home. The man was unarmed and was not wanted for any crime. The deputies proceeded to savagely beat him while calling him the N-word. After hospitalizing the unarmed man, they charged him with attempted murder, because he tried to resist the beating they gave him. In a deposition during the investigation, one of the Mexican deputies admitted that he really doesn’t like black people.
- In 2011 and 2012, Banditos were accused of routinely beating mentally ill and disabled prisoners inside the LA County jails.
- According to another 2016 lawsuit, after tasering black prisoners to disable them in jail, the Banditos have been accused of causing “fractured eye sockets and blindness, broken legs, shattered jaws, collapsed lungs, and nerve damage.” Again, these injuries were caused to unarmed prisoners who were first incapacitated by the Banditos.
Those are just a handful of the 35 federal civil rights lawsuits pending against Sheriff Villanueva’s department right now. And for some reason, Villanueva doesn’t want civilians to arm themselves! It kind of makes you wonder if Sheriff Villanueva has any tattoos.
Fortunately, Villanueva peed on the wrong shoes this time when declaring himself the dictator of Los Angeles County. The County Attorney’s office swiftly issued a legal opinion declaring gun shops to be “essential” and nullified Villanueva’s unconstitutional order. Gun shops are still open in Los Angeles County. Don’t you just love a happy ending? Even in liberal California, the idea of a tyrannical dictator doesn’t sit very well with the people.