Do you remember when Barack Obama blatantly lied about the so-called gun show loophole? We certainly do. It may seem like a futile exercise to keep bringing it up, but it shows how eager the left is to get its way. And they don’t even care that their ideological opponents know for a fact that they are lying. All they care about is that enough useful idiots believe them to propel them to an ill-gotten victory in the polls.
Well, it might feel like beating our heads against a communist wall, but the left’s favorite anti-gun study has been thoroughly debunked. We thought it would be fun to go over their blatant lies and their even more blatant sophistry.
The Lankford study purportedly covers stats ranging from 1966 through 2012. Mother Jones summarized it saying,
“Over those five decades, the United States had 90 public mass shootings, defined as shootings that killed four or more victims. Of the 170 other countries examined in the study, only four even made it to double-digits: The Philippines had 18 public mass shootings, followed by Russia with 15, Yemen with 11, and France with 10.”
So John Lott, from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) asked the authors of the study if he could have a peek at the sources, but he was denied. This left Lott with little choice but to replicate the study himself. Science, of course, is not science if it isn’t reproducible. What Lott found was that the Lankford study missed, ignored, or misinterpreted thousands of data points from all throughout the 46 years it samples.
The Lankford study has been referred to by gun control advocates repeatedly as authoritative proof that the US has dramatically higher mass shooting stats compared to other comparable countries. But Lott tells us that the Lankford study is as wrong as it is incomplete. On the 4th of Dec. 2018, Breitbart News reported that John Lott found that the United States is not even in the upper 50 percent of countries with the highest mass shootings. When you account for the per capita frequency of population size to mass shooting ratios- the US has far fewer than many of the countries Lankford cited.
According to the Breitbart article, the US comes in number 64 on the list of countries with the highest number of mass shootings per capita. Granted, we would like it to be zero, but the real numbers are far better than the smear job presented by Lankford and his kind.
In his report, Lott writes, “Over the 18 years from 1998 to 2015, our list contains 2,354 attacks and at least 4,880 shooters outside the United States and 53 attacks and 57 shooters within our country. … Attacks in the US are not only less frequent than other countries, but they are also much less deadly on average. Out of the 97 countries where we have identified mass public shootings occurring, the United States ranks 64th in the per capita frequency of these attacks and 65th in the murder rate.”
What’s more, Lott’s research shows that not only is the US markedly low on the list but that the rates of mass shootings here have been going down steadily between the years 1966 and 2012.
This type of discrepancy between the reality and the reports of left-wing, anti-gun ideologues is hard to excuse as an accident. The huge disparity of the results of the two studies and the way Lankford refused to make his methods grandparent when asked for sources make it clear that the Lankford study is an intentional act of deception.
But the liberal media have been guilty of lying about gun violence on many occasions. In June of this year, the New York Times reported that there have been no less than 700 mass shootings in the previous two years. In 2015, Mother Jones said there were 355 mass shootings that year alone. That is the kind of discrepancy that should discredit entire left-wing institutions.
The true number of mass shootings in 2015 in the US was four, and the total number of mass shootings in the US between the years 1966 and 2012 is 90.
The left, it would seem, defines a mass shooting as any shooting at all- including shootings that only take place in their minds when they think of Donald Trump or a crowd full of red ball caps.
So called “climate change” (formerly global warming) and “gun control” theories have nothing to do with safety and fewer deaths. They are all about power and population control. Big media lies and biased educational institutions are attempting to convince citizens to VOLUNTARILY give up their freedoms. Then the rest of their “progressive” plans will fall into place. Ask any of your coworkers, fellow students, or acquaintances, what they know about current gun laws. Ninety-nine percent of them who support “more gun control laws” can’t tell you even what current gun laws exist!
One World Government is depending on no guns in the hands of the citizens, no religon, government control of education[common core ed.] healthcare[ Obamacare or one payer system], dependence on gov[welfare] and the list continues with the demorats pushing for socialism like UN Agenda 21 telling citizens where they can live, work, play, shop and population control. One World government is after that. People please think about what the demorats are doing.
Figure’s, typical Democrud/Liberturd tactics to try and take our guns and demonize our 2cd Amendment and the Constitution!!
OF course they lie about the facts they get in the way of their political agenda.
Just like years ago when that station that claimed the “Brady Bill” (the seven day wait on hand gun purchases) would have stopped that one who used military owned (exempt from all civilian gun laws) RIFLES to commit the crime.
The left’s claim to fame, has always been, lie, lie, lie. They know, many people cannot, think or seek truths, for themselves, so the left continues to lie and spread half truths to the very people that elect them.
It’s called, use and abuse the blind followers!!
I read an interesting article yesterday concerning the advent of television, published in 1966. The article made clear that television was not made for entertainment as advertised but for entrainment (BRAINWASHING). We can see the resulting effect quite well in today’s watchers.
Tony, look up MK Ultra it’s online. CIA brainwashing of civilians.