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Oh, Goodie, It’s the One-Year-Later Brat Hogg Parkland Apology Tour

It’s been a year since the mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida. So, that means it’s time for the media to trot out crisis actor Brat Hogg once again to lecture all of us about how personal firearms use is anti-American. It’s not who we are!

Brat Hogg is a year older now, he’s had his eyebrows meticulously groomed, his talking points have been honed and rehearsed to perfection… and he’s ready to “have a conversation” in which he’s the only one who gets to talk. Welcome back, Brat Hogg! We… actually, none of us missed you at all.

Andrea Mitchell of NBC News was one of the first ones to have a crew slap some makeup on Brat Hogg this year to talk about why guns are so icky. Mitchell is the wife of former longtime Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan. So, shut up about the existence of some Deep State, all of you conspiracy kooks!

Mitchell is super-excited because Democrats in the House and Senate will be reintroducing the “Keep Americans Safe Act” this year. It doesn’t have a bill number yet, but it was S. 1945 and HR 4052 in the previous Congress, so you can read those to get the idea. Basically, the bill bans the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer or possession of 10-round or larger magazines. In Democrat fantasyland, this constitutes “sensible gun control” to “keep people safe.”

It’s fascinating to see how the mainstream media is still treating Brat Hogg like a frightened toddler. Andrea Mitchell sounds like a concerned grandma trying to convince a little kid that, no, there really isn’t a monster in the closet and it’s okay to come out from under the covers.

Brat Hogg is an adult now. He’s been accepted into Harvard and he is paid by George Soros to try to undermine the Second Amendment. So, pardon us if we don’t feel like handling Mini Hitler with kid gloves.

Andrea Mitchell wants you to know that Brat Hogg is oh, so very delicate, however, so he doesn’t have to hear any tough questions from her. In her first question for the little tyrant, she asks “what he’s learned” in the past year since the shooting and how Americans have responded to his “cries for help.” That question was so journalistically pathetic, we’re surprised that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t run into the studio to see if a cow had just farted.

Brat Hogg puts on his serious face and informs America that he’s learned that it doesn’t solve anything in the gun-grabbing debate if we attack each other. He then proceeds to attack all gun owners and pretty much labels all AR-15 owners as serial killers. “We shouldn’t be attacking each other, you bigoted redneck freaks! Shut up and let me finish!”

Mitchell and Brat Hogg talk briefly about the agenda that we’re seeing play out across the country right now, which is that Democrats are pushing radical gun-banning measures at the state level. They realize that their pipe dreams don’t stand a chance of passing at the federal level or being signed into law by President Trump. This is the reason why we see so many Democrat-run states pushing so-called “red flag” gun laws, where your neighbor can turn you in as a dangerous nutcase and then the SWAT team shows up at your house at 4 a.m.

The most hilarious offering from Brat Hogg is when he shows off his celebrated knowledge of the AR-15, “Weapons like the AR-15 have an effective range of over 1,500 meters. If you’re using a weapon with an effective range of over 1,500 meters, you are not defending yourself. You are hunting a human being! And I don’t think any civilian needs to have their hands on a military weapon like that.”

He then puts on his mad face, so you’ll know he’s really, really serious. Andrea Mitchell nods along and doesn’t challenge his assertions in any way. There are so many problems with logic and physics in that statement that it hardly bears discussing. But if he would have simply Googled range of an AR 15 he could have found out that statement isn’t true. The very first article would have told him his information was wrong.

We do have one question for Bratt Hogg, however. Where exactly can someone purchase one of those AR-15s that has an “effective range of over 1,500 meters?” Asking for a friend.

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29 Responses

  1. This poor paid liberal hasn’t learned a thing this last year, but he will fit right in at Harvard that liberal indoctrination center! I would like him to tell me where I could buy one of those 1500 meter range AR-15s? Maybe he can take a course in ballestics!

  2. You are lucky AR owners don’t hunt little PRICKS like you. Such a dumbass!!!

  3. Boss Hogg just won’t go away. Bring back the Duke boys and run him off the road.
    For you millennials The Dukes of Hazzard was a popular TV series of the south and that mad cap culture everyone in Hollywood loved laughing at. Everyone else except Hollywood is laughing at you Hogg.

  4. David Hogg’s and AOC must have
    been at the same school
    for dummies.

  5. Our Great Nation has the second amendment for the protection of all enemies foreign and Domestic – so a message for all the – when the comes knocking on your – call a Democrat to protect you and your family- Or realize the today and STAND YOUR GROUND AND STAND FOR YOUR FAMILIES- WAKE UP – YES GUNS KILL BUT SOMEONE HAS TO PULL THE TRIGGER- IDGAF IF IM NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT- IM A VETERAN COME GET EM –

    1. My apologies folks guess you can’t use emojis- missing words – sheep- wolf-world- America flag-

  6. Hogg ( pig ) is a perfect name for this indivedule who knows nothing about guns, he is another pawn for the gun grabbers to educate the young people to enhance a socialistic mind set for the future liberals who want us to knuckle under their control, like dogs

  7. This POS needs his plow cleaned. He is a disgrace to Florida and the country.

  8. I like this writer. No punches pulled. Brat boy has never let facts stand in the way of his media appearances, but he’s gotta realize that sooner or later, no one with brains is listening to him, except for comic relief like ocasio-cortez.

    1. Tina Gallagher millions of gun owners stopped listening to HOGG a long time ago. Unfortunately gullible, liberal Demwits like Occasional Cortex are still listening and they are dangerous.

  9. When gun’s are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Not a winning scenario. History proves this fact time and time again. Wake the hell up democrats.

  10. So, all of this brat’s anti-America crap got him into Harvard? The libs at Harvard must have been tripping over themselves to get him.

    1. harvard doesn’t provide any classes on his supposed major, don’t think he’s going there!

  11. So 17 million ARs in civilian hands must have killed about a million humans so far in the US according to the HOGG?


  13. There’s no limits on Ferrell HOGS in any state I knew of…

  14. I was trying to find a powder load for an 80 grain .223 bullet to be able to hit a target at a 1000 yards. I was using a Remington 700 bolt rifle with a 22 inch barrel. I talked to a Sierra bullet expert he said the round would loss it energy at 800 yards. Now for those of you who don’t know squat about rifles and ammunition there is a lot of differences between a AR-15 and a bolt action rifle. A bolt action is more accurate then a gas weapon. The effective range of a AR-15 is six to nine hundred yards depending on the ammunition (bullet and powder). So, this young pup with no knowledge of weapons and ammo should either read a few books on weapons and ammunition, or he should keep his mouth shut, because he comes off as one stupid libaturd.

  15. Idea: Why doesn’t somebody use the red flag law on Hogg? I KNOW he may not actually OWN a gun, but since his dad is FBI, you KNOW there are guns in the house! Then they can drag him off, kicking & screaming, to the slammer, where he’d get some REAl education of what a REAL man is. And, no I’m not talking sexually, either. But, he’d see that sometimes people with guns ARE the good guys, but most of the time, they’re actually the BAD guys! I’d STILL like to turn Hogg over my knee, & bust his butt good. He’s a spoiled brat, & was NEVER involved in the shooting! He wasn’t even AT school that day, but rode his bike to the school to see what was going on. As for his fake video, they’re STILL trying to figure out how he made it. It was done AFTER the shooting!

  16. LMAO!!!…A typical American boy who will grow up into a pussy man. Our enemies are laughing at these spoiled American Brats. I say make it mandatory to serve in the Military after High Schools and push these daisies through boot camp to instill into them their obligations as a MAN and a true fighting American

  17. i have never hunted a human being. i never would even though hogg is very tempting…he is just a loud mouthed tool of the gun grabbing liberal elitists…..dave i hope as you grow up you realize it was a nutty teenager that shot other teenagers… too bad you didnt focus on him.. instead of the n.r.a.

  18. I read on another site, that libs are having trouble functioning in the bedroom. Maybe Hogg will “catch the disease” and not bring forth any offspring, ending his contribution to the gene pool.

    MABA…Make Alexandria a Bartender Again.

  19. I wouldn’t waste a bullet on that POS! They’re more valuable than he is. However, I do think he should be “swatted” where ever possible.
    And like Mad Maxine stated, Be confronted and run out of everywhere he shows up! In states with open carry, by all means show up armed with those “magic AR-15s” !

  20. Hey,
    Maybe get a real job join the Military or Government Agency and see where that takes you. Maybe you will protect your Country with Honor.

    Some gave some, Some gave all for protections and rights that’s how this Country was built. My heart goes out to all the families involved. My deepest sorrow as Father and Grandfather. My son in-laws also served in different Branches of Service three of them for a good cause. We as a Nation need to pull together for the Greater good for our Nation which is heading down a dark road for everyone. Every one mourns in their own way let them be.

    Let who’s watching over us keep us safe!

    v/r JRC

  21. It Appears that Mr Hogg is showing his lack of Ability to research the issue in which he comments !!

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