How many times have you heard Democrats accuse the NRA of bribing politicians to keep guns in the hands of killers? Let’s debunk this right now.
Billionaire and Everytown for Gun Safety founder Michael Bloomberg, all by himself, has more money than the entire NRA. He spends more money on influencing elections than the entire NRA.
If Republicans are for sale, why doesn’t Bloomberg simply buy them off and get his gun control?
Of course, the narrative doesn’t end here. How many times have you heard the NRA called murderers and terrorists? The Southern Poverty Law Center officially labeled the group as a terrorist organization. So have politicians in California.
What’s crazy is that they miss the irony. They hide under this narrative that words are violence, and they use that to suggest that the NRA is committing mass shootings without firing a shot. Yet, that very acknowledgment admits that the problem is with people, rather than guns.
If they were capable of two, consecutive, intellectually-honest thoughts in a row, they might finally come to the conclusion that mass murderers are responsible for mass murder. What a revelation.
A New Poll
Considering all of that, the new poll you’re about to read won’t surprise you. It was run by Rasmussen. They asked about 1,000 Democrats how they felt about the NRA. Rasmussen found that 28 percent of Democrats fully support outlawing membership to the NRA.
Keep in mind that it’s not even against the law to join the KKK or American chapters of ISIS, but a third of the left thinks it should be illegal to support the 2nd Amendment. They don’t care that this idea violates the first two Amendments simultaneously.
But, there’s more to this 28 percent. This number also tells you how many Democrats in the country support radicals like “the Squad” and Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rourke. It’s a little over a quarter.
Stop and think about this for a minute. Roughly three-quarters of Democrats aren’t actually against the NRA or the 2nd Amendment, yet the mainstream platform of the party involves an illegal, unilateral, unconstitutional seizure of weapons. The Democrats are going far to the left to support a minority of their voters. 28 percent of the party is calling the shots for the rest.
A moderate Democrat physically can’t elect someone who supports their beliefs because those candidates don’t exist. The radicals are in complete control.
It’s a cliché to compare modern events to WWII, but there is a valuable lesson here. The Nazis took over Germany without ever winning a majority in an election. They got some seats in the government, but it was the bullying and intimidation that truly gave rise to their power and Hitler’s dictatorship.
The Nazi party was a minority of about the same size and temperament as the current radical left. When the majority caved even a little, the Nazis used their power to seize more control, and the end result was the terrible history we all know so well.
The far-left and the progressives are adopting this exact strategy in America right now. They genuinely want to be dictators of the country so they can seize your guns, your money, your property and your very lives. As AOC herself put it, “We’re in charge now!”
Worse, O’Rourke and Harris both admitted in a Democratic debate that they want to dictatorially take away gun rights in this country. This is not a hypothetical situation. They’re brazen enough to admit their goal. Harris even laughed when it was pointed out to her that she was proposing the destruction of the Constitution.
Here’s the final thing to remember. The NRA isn’t what protects us. They make it easy to assemble and keep things peaceful, but they aren’t the failsafe. The 2nd Amendment itself is the failsafe. It was written as a direct threat to these would-be dictators. It has successfully armed over a hundred million Americans.
That militia is a greater fighting force than any military on the planet, and it will not be quelled. The far-left would do well to remember that threat as they try to forcefully seize power. The militia is the difference between modern America and 1930s Germany. It won’t be 28 percent who win if they force this conflict to turn bloody.
Joe Biden and the democrats want to try to take our guns. There will be blood in the streets. Democrats are not American but power hungry world order socialist and communists who hate our constitution and our freedoms. Try it Joe . A big surprise coming for democrats for their betrayal of America. See if you post the truth.
Many times in my life I’ve raised my right hand and swore allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I never thought that i would ever have to face the possibility of facing off against my countrymen. God help us.
I really do believe it is heading the direction of a Civil War. Someone told me, “The Republicans will never riot like the left. We are civilized!” Well, Germany was civilized too, until Hitler confiscated their weapons and the Nazi party took over! The left is following the communist playbook of how to take over. Aggression, bullying, enforcing your will upon others, causing dissent and confusion, resorting to violence. They only respect one thing; greater violence against them! No more time to be nice. We have to use guerrilla tactics ourselves against them. These Antifa and BLM antagonists will start thinking differently when bodies start dropping and people fight back! It’s easy to bully when someone doesn’t fight back. It only gets worse.
Hey folks……..WAKE UP !!!!! The democraps have already accomplished the first step toward a take over……..THEY CONTROL THE MEDIA !!!!!!!!!!
We will not give in to their bullshit laws.
Any thing that is against what the Democrats want, they then want to get rid of it. What ever happened to what the what the American people want . They took a Oath to uphold the Constitution and keep the American people Safe, so far they have tried to break every law , rule they can, Many Democrats are Traitors . They are mini HITLERS.
Maybe some one should research that the only reason the Japanese after they bomb Pearl harbor didn’t invade the rest of The USA the were afraid because Americans were to well ARMED
Domestic enemy=Democrat Party
That’s correct! The Democrat Party has served notice that it is the principle Domestic Enemy of the United States. But nothing is being done about it.
Hitler learned a hard lesson from his early Munich Beer Hall Putsch. He learned, through being arrested and confined (a period during which he wrote Mein Kampf) that the way to co-opt power is to first have the Armed Forces on your side. The Beer Hall Putsch proved that without the Army on your side, your program and party are nothing. His second coup was successful because he first enlisted the key generals and general Army support.
This is what has to be done by the Conservative Republican Party; or by a new Patriot Party. Our Armed Forces are the sons and daughters of America. They will listen to their parents, their families, their conscience, before they will blindly follow orders from the likes of Biden/Harris. They already know what is right and wrong. Most can already see that the Democrat Party is the Domestic Enemy.
The best shining lights of the U.S. Congress (yes, there still are a few) have to begin the coup by communicating to the Armed Forces, usurping the fake authority of its lackey generals, admirals, and any/all senior officers who are “just following orders” from Biden/Harris. Once the majority of the Armed Forces are behind the “change” that is needed, the coup needs to mirror Blitzkrieg and occur quickly, decisively, and completely. The Domestic Enemy needs to be taken away, out of range of further threats to our Constitution and to the American way of life and values.
This needs to happen now. When it comes to protecting what still exists, sooner is better than later.
They can take my guns after I run out of ammo. I’ll take a lot more of them out then they can ever imagine. I am a vet and still take my oath seriously. Most people in Congress never has honored the oath they took, and never will. They are the domestic enemy in my opinion, and should be treated accordingly.