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Violent Criminals Drive ‘Child’ Deaths, Not Guns

Liberals are trying hard to make children the new face of gun violence in order to justify banning guns of all types in cities and municipalities across the country. Even now, during a time of relative world peace, liberals in the United States are comparing firearms death rates among youth to those of military and law enforcement, and pushing the false narrative that firearms are claiming young lives at extraordinary rates in the United States. That helps Democrats to push anti-gun legislation and eventually perhaps even topple the Second Amendment.

Many media sources are jumping on board with false narratives pushed by pinpricks of truths. Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt College of Medicine recently published a highly provocative report showing an average of 340 children ages 5 to 14 annually die from firearm violence, while 2,050 teens ages 15 to 18 annually die from firearm violence.

One of the study’s authors claims its shows youth in the United States are dying from gun violence at greater rates than law enforcement and active duty military did in 2017. The study reports, 144 members of law enforcement in the United States and about 1,000 active military combatants around the globe died from gun violence. Numbers that are less than child and teen deaths involving a firearm.

Other liberal sources claim the gun violence among America’s youth is even worse. Michael Bloomberg-funded EveryTown For Gun Safety says daily averages of 2,900 “children and teens” from ages 0 through 19 are shot and killed, and another 15,600 shot and injured by people using firearms against them.

EveryTown says gun violence is the nation’s second-leading cause of death among children and teens – behind only car accidents. It says children ages 5 to 14 are 21 times more likely to die from firearms use, and those 15-19 are 23 times more likely, than counterparts in other “high-income” nations.

EveryTown also pushes a subtle bit of propaganda by misrepresenting gun violence among “children.” It admits about 58 percent of all gun deaths for children and teens are caused by homicides at a rate of about 1,700 per year. EveryTown then explains for children under age 13, such homicides most often happen in the home as a result of domestic violence or other violence among family members.

That surely sounds highly disturbing. After all, those are little kids, and EveryTown says they are getting murdered by guns in the home during fights among mostly adults.

EveryTown also says suicides account for 36 percent of gun deaths among children and teens at a rate of about 1,000 per year. In 80 percent of those cases, EveryTown claims, guns belonging to a parent or other relative were used by the youth committing suicide.

EveryTown even plays the race card by saying a substantial disparity in gun homicide rates impact black children and teens 14 times more than their white counterparts. While gun violence is the second-leading cause of death among white children and teens. EveryTown says it is the leading cause of death among black children and teens.

The narrative from EveryTown and others is very overt: Legally owned firearms inside private homes are killing and injuring tens of thousands of young children every year. EveryTown would have us believe that gun violence also has a racist element by impacting black youth at much greater rates than white youth. Except, that is false conclusion based on cleverly subtle narrative intertwined among emotionally charged statistics take out of context.

In fact, the Centers for Disease Control shows the vast majority of firearm violence among America’s teens and “children” occurs during criminal activity. The people doing the shooting and often getting shot are actively and knowingly involved in criminal activity. And societal factors mean many areas in the United States have greater rates of violence than front-line war zones.

That cause isn’t firearms. The cause is individuals choosing to engage in criminal activity for a wide variety of reasons. To suggest firearms are causing youth to pick up guns and shoot down one another just because adults in the home have firearms is to remove all sense of personal responsibility for one’s actions.

There was a time when the NRA and gun safety classes were a norm in many public schools, especially in rural and agricultural areas. Children attended those classes, learned how to safely handle firearms as well as clean, maintain and safely store them. And they did not use them on their classmates. Perhaps what is missing now is the NRA in schools.

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8 Responses

  1. The ruling elite class that wants to disarm the peasant class is all the reason you need to keep your firearms.


  3. DemoRATS have ALWAYS pulled out Children like a gun. Like Bill and Hillary did in the ealry 1990’s when Chester the molester Bill decided he was going to run for President. The interview on 60 minutes after the Super Bowl every other word was The Children, the children, the children…… a faucet going drip drip.

    This country spends way too much time on children. When the real issues and TRUTH are glossed over. New media does not inform they INFLUENCE through BS studies like these In todays US society children are overly worshiped. It’s this excessive devotion to children to protect them at every turn. I’m talking about today’s professional parents, these obsessive diaper sniffers, who are over-scheduling and over-managing their children and robbing them of their childhoods Pressured to succeed for the sake of the parents. Isn’t this really just a sophisticated form of child abuse? Then they are used to further the neurotic liberal parents political stance on guns. Its pathetic and lame. They say children are special. No they are not. Children can be separated into groups like adults. A few smart ones and WHOLE LOT OF DUMB ONES.

  4. YOU can put my name and email address on this.
    Take a gun to the people that are trying to get them taken away from us (you may have to take it apart first) put it on their desk or table and back off
    stand back and wait for them to ask you what you are doing. Tell them that you told the gun to shoot someone and you are waiting for it to do that
    When they say that’s stupid. Inform them not as stupid as you saying guns shoot people. It takes a person to load it and pull the trigger!!!!!

  5. To the person that said we spend to much time on children. We don’t spend the right kind of time with them! CHILDREN are the only thing of value that we leave behind us when we die. IF we don’t teach them what is right and what is wrong so that they understand the difference. Then we would be at fault.

  6. The anti-gun freaks have been lying and suppressing the truth for years. They want to hang on to their freebie grants that the Dems keep doling out the back door to hijack supporters. Just like the global warming liars it isn’t happening. The only thing we know for sure is we don’t want AOC here in 12 years or any of those BS artists!

  7. EveryTown For Gun Safety are notorious for pushing false statistics and playing manipulative and misleading advertisements. One of the most irritating and egregious is one running on Mark Levin’s talk radio show. The voice-over is a wife who’s talking about her husband who lost his job, couldn’t find another one and is getting depressed about mounting bills.

    Nowhere in this narrative does the dumb wife ever consider going with her husband for counseling. Instead, she spouts off platitudes like “We’ll get through this together.” When she hears him say he felt like ending it, she says in a condescending voice, “I asked him what ‘it’ meant, BUT YOU KNEW. And he had a gun.”

    Then, comes the punchline. “There is one thing you can do. REMOVE THE GUN FOR NOW.” This ad is a promo for risk protection orders which gives the false impression that a family member can have the gun of another family member temporarily taken away “until the crisis passes.” They never mention how these protection orders can strip people of their 2nd Amendment rights for a very long time and make it difficult, if not impossible, to get them back as is the case in California.

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