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Why the Kavanaugh Circus Should Convince You to Buy Guns

The left pulled out every stop with Kavanaugh. The idea of a Supreme Court that isn’t in their pocket terrifies them. They need it to circumvent the legislative process and the will of the people. In their fear, they have pulled some desperate tactics. The sweet irony is that their willingness to sink to any depth has backfired and completely galvanized the right.

If you’ve been watching, you’re probably angry. That’s good, but it’s not enough. You should also be afraid. The Kavanaugh process should be enough to convince you to vote at every opportunity. It should also convince you to arm yourself and become an expert with your guns.

The Hearing

The idea that Democrats would falsely accuse someone for political gain is nothing new. It’s been in their play book since before slavery was abolished. They did it to Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas most notably, but there are scores of other junior Republicans that didn’t come out the other side and their names forgotten.

That’s why pundits on the right were expecting something similar to happen with Kavanaugh’s confirmation. They hate his politics — since he actually supports the Constitution — and they were ready to fight tooth and nail to keep him off of the Supreme Court. Since they didn’t have the power to do it the right way, and since he has a clean record, dirty lies were the only play left.

When you look at the statistics, it all becomes even more obvious. Since the 90s, Democrats have been 90 times more obstructive against Supreme Court picks than conservatives. Combining that with their current lack of political power, a media circus was the obvious outcome.

What makes this so terrifying is what major leaders on the left have been willing to say. Feinstein, Sanders, Warren and plenty of others have openly called for an end to due process. They all firmly believe that a baseless accusation is tantamount to a conviction. It is unquestionably the most terrifying mainstream belief out of the left in modern history.

New Gun Laws

You might be ready to argue. You might find calls to abolish the 2nd Amendment more frightening. Here’s the thing. Abolishing the 2nd Amendment is difficult to do, and it requires politicians to go through the Constitutional process. Attacking due process is as easy as installing liberal judges who are on board with the agenda.

Take a look at how the gun-control battle has shifted this year. While plenty on the left are still calling for gun bans, there’s a new popular idea. They want to allow law enforcement to seize weapons. More specifically, they want law enforcement to be able to do this without a trial or even a court appearance.

The most popular new law in discussion works like this. Someone tells the police that you are a danger to yourself or others. They seize your weapons. Then, you can go to court and appeal the decision. It’s an assault on due process as much as the 2nd Amendment. It’s not a coincidence that it is happening at the same time as the Kavanaugh circus.

The Push for Socialism

There’s another huge leftist movement that correlates with all of this: the push for socialism. You have certainly felt a chill down your spine as open socialism has become more and more mainstream with Democrats. All of their most popular figures now wear the title with pride. That’s terrifying.

What’s more terrifying is that leftist leadership is smart. No, don’t dismiss the socialists as idiots. Their ideology might be the stupidest thing in history, but they are taking a strategic approach. They are attacking freedom on multiple fronts to try and weaken this country against totalitarian socialism.

Think about it. They know they can’t ban guns on a national level. Instead, they’re trying to convince the country that due process is dangerous and gets in the way of justice. They are using it to try and control the courts, and they’re introducing it as a way to take your guns. This is not a half-baked movement. It is insidious and deliberate, and if they aren’t stopped they will take this country.

The United States of America is probably the single greatest accomplishment of mankind. The petty and jealous have hated everything we stand for from the beginning. That hasn’t stopped our country from being the great beacon of hope and freedom. The biggest threat is not abroad. It is right here, and it has made itself known.

The first battle takes place at the polls. We can still prevent bloodshed by showing up to vote in November. If and when voting fails, only the armed citizenry will be able to save our beautiful home from complete destruction.

~ American Gun News

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3 Responses

  1. Diane Feinstein needs to be re-called and forced to leave office.

  2. My guns have been ready for years…………sad to say but bring it on , COMMIES,SOCIALIST,ETC….ETC…

  3. Gun control laws do not work never have never will. Yet democrat controlled government keeps adding more every time there is a mass shooting. What do they expect the new laws to do? Because they accomplish nothing what-so-ever. Even limiting or outlawing bump stocks will not change the fact there are nuts in America who are willing to murder innocent people for some unknown reason. It may however have an effect by limiting the number murdered by the murderer. Therefore it is reason to consider such action. In any case these killers are just plain crazy. Taking the guns however solves nothing if anything that would or could make things worse.

    The media and oppressive communist constantly blame the wrong thing intentionally. I do not say that lightly but with convection. They blame the gun, no gun can either load or shoot itself it takes a person to do both. But those making the laws keep on blaming the gun. The reason they do that is they want to eliminate the guns. They seek total and positive complete control. They do not want new gun laws passed to work. If they did the left oppressive communists would have no excuse to seek more restrictive gun laws anymore. Therefore, nothing will ever change short of total confiscation which is absolutely impossible in America. Those so called democrats (who are actually the oppressive communists and are just disguised as democrats) Why you ask is it impossible? Because Americans know the history of the 20th century. They know what dozens of dictatorships did during that bloodiest century in mankind’s history and therefore will never give up their ability to defend against a tyrannical government. Which I might add is the very reason why the second amendment was put in place in our bill of rights. Keep in mind our founders had just come through a very long and arduous revolutionary war with a tyrant.

    These so called democrats are so frustrated about Hillary losing the election because they knew the supreme court openings that were coming up could be filled by her with like thinking democrats/communists who would reinterpret the word militia in the second amendment to mean a government agency. Bingo all guns held by individuals would instantly be illegal and subject to confiscation. The second amendment was better than repealed it was negated. These oppressive communists just do not realize confiscation in the United States of America is and will always be impossible. Americans real Americans will never stand for such a thing. They just will not comply!

    Two wars have already started on American soil when an enemy came after our guns. The revolutionary war with England and the revolutionary war with Mexico for Texas independence. Both England and Mexico lost. The guns may not have been the underlying reason for the war, it may have been seeking liberty but they are the cause of it beginning. Make no mistake about that! It can and absolutely will happen again if someone no matter who comes after them again. Take that to the bank!

    Without the guns in Americans hands America could easily become another Venezuela. Because of the guns it never will! We will fight only as a last resort but we will fight. We will surely kill all who oppose us.

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