The experts always say that you should fire a weapon before deciding to buy it. Unfortunately, that’s not always easy to do. Even if you do have the opportunity, there are a lot of firearms out there, and many of them are popular with niche groups. At some point, you need to narrow the field, and you might not have the freedom to do it by spending hundreds of hours at the range. That’s why videos like this exist. Experts who live on the range can help you find the weapons you want to fire first.
Now, this video won’t answer some of the age-old questions you still have to ask. Should you favor the reliability of a revolver or the capacity of a pistol? Is the gun for plinking, concealed carry, competition or something else? It always helps to have an idea of why you’re looking for your next gun, but even if you don’t have those answers yet, a few educational videos might help you make up your mind.
This video is short and easy to follow. It’ll walk you through some excellent budget pistols, and unless you’ve done your homework, you probably haven’t heard of any of them. Take a watch, learn something new, and make sure you stick around for the bonus clip at the end. It’s more than a little impressive. If you’ve got any other suggestions comment below.
Banks that interfere with our 2nd Amendment will have to count me out as a savings and checking customer. I shall also address my Senior Citizen meeting and relay this information to all of them (75 members) and ask that they tell all their friends…personally and by email across the country! Have to go now and send this email to everyone I know….cheers and remember that we return good for bad!
Banks have no business getting involved in political matters.making or owning firearms is a legal matter guaranteed under the Constitution. They were very happy to take bale out tax dollars to save themselves after making horrible bad decisions. A lot of those tax dollars came from gun owners and manufacturers and their employees. Be careful as to whosehand you bite.
What do you think of the Taurus PT111 G2 PRO.?
Exceptional site for informative, instructional and safety conscious gun use. Thank you!
have a arcuss 9mm clone of a high power and never have any problems with it. its all steel and a little heavy which i like.
DId you consider the Walther Creed 9MM? If so why didn’t it make the list? It sells on CDNN for $269. I was in the market for one but it looks like you may have a reason for me to consider another model.
Thanks for an ideal of what I could be able to get cheap.
There is the Ruger Security Nine and the Taurus G2C. My wife has a M&P 2.0 9mm which is a fine gun, but we both prefer the Security Nine. The Taurus G2C is my EDC… I’ve not had a jam of any type with it. The SecNine and the G2C are both very reliable!
Thank you very much
You left out the EAA SAR K2P. At $246.00 (CDNN), it is a great deal! This is my favorite EDC for weight and capacity but, also, it is accurate! At the price I don’t worry about it getting trashed!
What to you think of the Ruger American 3.5 bbl +P ammo rated ?
You gave no prices for the FMK, the EAA, or the M&P.
I noticed you left out allof the single action pistols one in partiular is the Star BM. Made in Spain, it is very reliable and inexpensive
Your number 1 and number 2 IMHO are spot on, I would sub out the CAI import from Turkey with the Beretta 92F wannabe Clone – Girsan Compact, for $6.00 plus shipping you can switch out the the empty mag slide stop/release with a Beretta one and use Beretta magazines with 100% reliability. Street price around $350.00USD
regarding Pistol @ 50 YARDS = Core competency for Bullseye Matches, is just that – with 45ACP.