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75 Shot on “Barack Obama Day” in Gun-Free Zone Chicago

Wow, that was a hot weekend in Chicago! Illinoisans had to spend a great portion of Barack Obama Day mourning the dead or rushing loved ones to the hospital. By the end of the weekend, 75 people had been shot and 11 victims died of gunshot wounds in one of the most gun-unfriendly cities in America. The Chicago warzone is illustrative of everything that’s wrong with the gun control debate in America.

(Side Note: Illinois celebrates August 4th as Barack Obama Day. Not to be confused with Obama Day in Kenya, which is celebrated every November 6th. What? We didn’t say anything!)

While Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation, it has been surpassed by places like California and New Jersey in the wake of the Parkland, Florida shooting. Perhaps the lawmakers in Chicago were too busy dodging bullets to obliterate gun rights even further.

You have to get a permit from the state to purchase a gun in Illinois and you have to keep renewing the permit in order to “legally” own the firearm. You can keep the license to own a gun in your wallet, right next to your license to speak freely and your license to not quarter US Marines in your home during peacetime.

“Assault” weapons are outright banned in Illinois and Chicago. If you are a parent in Chicago, you have to keep a trigger lock installed on your handgun and it must be kept in a locked safe at the bottom of Lake Michigan with a fingerprint, retinal scanner and blood sample analysis required to open it. Ammo must be stored separately from the weapon, preferably on the moon. Despite those restrictions, they do still allow licensed concealed carry in Chicago and the state does not maintain an illegal registry of all gun owners — so it’s still better than California.

The mainstream media dutifully ignored the weekend shooting spree, but if you were aware of it or were able to glean any information from any non-MSM sources, the first thing that stands out is that all of the violence was black-on-black. This cuts right to the heart of the Democrat Party’s tryannical desire to disarm all law-abiding Americans. Liberal politicians have turned urban areas into hellscapes for minority Americans. The vast majority of the violent gun crimes in America, as chronicled year after year by the FBI, are committed by black and Hispanic gang members. If you subtract black and Hispanic crime from the equation, America has fewer mass shootings than almost all other modern nations.

But the Democrats can’t just come out and say they want to disarm all of the blacks. So instead, whenever there is a mass shooting anywhere in the United States, they try to take away everyone’s guns — thinking that black and Hispanic gang members will dutifully turn over the firearms along with everyone else. It’s much easier for a gun-grabber to rail against the dangerous hillbilly hayseed toothless hick Trump supporters in flyover country than it is to say we have a black on black murder problem in America’s inner cities.

In 2008, Chicago politicians defiantly refused to comply with the Supreme Court’s District of Columbia v. Heller decision and kept its handgun ban in place. This caused black market handguns to flood into the city, as everyone outside of Chicago predicted. The ban was finally lifted in 2014 when another federal judge specifically told Chicago to allow gun stores to reopen within the city limits. But the damage was done, and the people of Chicago have been suffering with consequences of the gun-grabbers’ “good intentions” ever since.

There are some signs of hope, however. The black community in Chicago is calling for Mayor Rahm Emanuel to be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail. They’re also calling on President Donald Trump to rescue the city.

If Chicago were to elect a Republican mayor in the vein of Rudy Giuliani, who would be willing to implement a stop-and-frisk program, that might slow the bloodshed down and eventually restore order to the Windy City. Otherwise, the only solution to the problem will be more gun freedom for the civilians of Chicago — followed by quite a bit of frontier justice.

~ American Gun News

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6 Responses

  1. Funny how the left s ALWAYS on the wrong side of reality. Whatever drugs they take to be this stupid, please overdose. You dumb spawn of unwed mothers, I hope you get what you have sown.

  2. 84 years of democratic control? Sounds to me these people aren’t to bright. You reap what you sow. Deal with it.

  3. The left is not on the wrong side of reality. They simply have NO reality…everything they do or live is a pipe dream laced with wack job rhetoric with the hopes of forcing the populace to totally rely on their “knowledge” to support them. When will the lamebrained people who consistently vote for the nitwits realize that they really are not caring for the voters and simply hoping that the voters will continue to fill the pockets of the “elected officials” with their hard earned money. WAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA.

  4. “the Democrats can’t just come out and say they want to disarm all of the blacks. So instead, whenever there is a mass shooting anywhere in the United States, they try to take away everyone’s guns — thinking that black and Hispanic gang members will dutifully turn over the firearms along with everyone else”

    This is the core problem with the anti gun politicians etc. they are of the delusional mindset that CRIMINALS who have broken so many other laws will suddenly decide to OBEY the new one no matter how many the have violated in the past proving they will in no way obey any law that interferes with their intent on committing crime.

    The fact is those who know the real history of anti gun laws know that it was about DISARMING minorities this expanded later to disarming all those a government wants to oppress or outright murder.

  5. To paraphrase a famous quote from the 70s and 80s “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns”! Learn it! Live it!

  6. Gun control laws do not work never have never will. Yet government keeps adding more every time there is a mass shooting. What do they expect the new laws to do? Because they accomplish nothing what-so-ever. The reason that is true is simple. They constantly blame the wrong thing. The gun, and no gun can shoot itself it takes a person to pull the trigger. But those making the laws keep on blaming the gun. Therefore, nothing will ever change short of total confiscation which is absolutely impossible in America. Why you ask is it impossible? Because Americans know the history of the 20th century. They know what dozens of dictatorships did during that bloodiest century in mankind’s history and therefore will never give up their ability to defend against a tyrannical government. Which I might add is the very reason why the second amendment was put in place in our bill of rights.

    Just exactly who is effected with gun control laws? The answer of course is the people who regularly obey laws. Do criminals or terrorists care about laws? Their actions are already illegal. Do crazy mass murders on mind altering drugs care about laws? So this government fails to do its constitutional duties (protecting the nation and the citizens) and instead further burdens the very people they are duty bound to protect with more and more restrictive gun laws. Is that what they seek to cover their mistakes and short comings? Everyone with an once of common sense knows law enforcement cannot be everywhere at the same time so a law abiding armed citizens assists law enforcement with his or her God given right to self protect. Disarming the very people who are most vulnerable the very people who are always the victims makes them more vulnerable not less. What is so difficult to understand about that? Is this one of those do something even if it is wrong instances? It does appear so. However, those in government charged with the duty of providing that protection are, by suggesting more gun laws, are the answer not the problem, are wrong and making the problem even worse. Such a problem is serious it involves peoples lives. When will the leaders of this nation begin to take this problem seriously and pass constitutional carry nationwide by passing reciprocity. Sooner of later most of the states will pass constitutional carry (no permit required). The constitution already allows that carrying of firearms (keep and “bear” arms remember). Therefore, the government should get out of the way and quit assisting these murders. Because assisting them is exactly what they are doing.

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