Those of you who scour the right sources of news might already be aware. Canada is seeing a massive uptick in mass shootings this year. Is it really important? Are the Canadians being massacred in the streets?
The answer to the latter question is not really. Just like in the U.S., mass shootings aren’t an existential threat to the safety of Canada. The former question, however, is answered with a resounding yes.
The latest news in Canada completely unravels one of the left’s favorite talking points. So, we need to look at what’s happening, make a few comparisons and use it to shut down the dangerous cries for gun control that never seem to grow quiet in our great nation.
The United States Is Not the Mass Shooting Capital of the World
You hear the liberals say it all the time. The U.S. has a unique mass shooting problem. The thing is, this is flat-out wrong. And, we’re not just talking about comparing our country to train wrecks like Guatemala. If you only look at OECD countries (another favorite of the left), then the U.S. still doesn’t have a unique mass shooting problem. They happen in virtually all of these countries — regardless of gun control laws or anything else.
Here’s the biggest kicker, though. If you account for differences in population size, then the U.S. doesn’t even have the most mass shootings among these countries. That honor belongs to New Zealand. The United States actually comes in fourth. And, these numbers are based on statistics provided by the extremely left-leaning Atlas Research Group.
A Rough Year for Canada
It’s easy to miss it, but Canada has had two mass shootings in as many weeks. Naturally, mainstream media has completely ignored these tragedies. They can’t afford to admit that gun-control-heavy Canada has a mass shooting problem. That would undermine their web of lies.
Regardless, the shootings are happening, and the most recent left four people dead — two of them cops. That makes this the worst year for mass shootings in Canada in at least five years.
It’s actually worse than all of that. If you use 2017 numbers and adjust for population, the U.S. had double the mass shooting rate of Canada. As of now, that ratio for 2018 has fallen to about 1.5. Even if Canada has no more mass shootings this year, they will have severely closed the gap on the United States.
If trends continue unchanged, then Canada will have a higher mass shooting per capita than the U.S. In the meantime, New Zealand has been without a mass shooting all year, so far. Canada is primed to be the new leader among those OECD nations.
Bad Politics
The extremists on the left will tell you that Canada’s problem stems from the accessibility of firearms. This is a bad joke. It’s already notably difficult to get a gun in Canada. Moreover, their gun-ownership rates among those OECD nations are par for the course. Out of 25 countries, 11 have as many or more firearms per population than Canada. Despite that, the Canadian government is seriously discussing doubling down on their gun control. After all, it worked in Japan, right?
What’s perhaps most ridiculous about the whole thing is that mass shootings aren’t a problem in Canada. They’re statistically worse there than here, but it’s a minor issue. Wild animals are actually more dangerous to Canadian residents than guns. They cause more injuries, property damage and fatal incidents. The most disgustingly ironic thing about the whole situation is that having more firearms in Canada would likely reduce the number of fatalities caused by wild animals. Guns stopping crimes aside, more guns would make Canada a safer place. If you apply the well-known statistics of armed citizens stopping crime in the U.S., then reducing gun control in Canada would be saving large numbers of lives on multiple fronts.
There’s a point to all of this. The liberal narrative is built solely on lies and deception. When they can’t lie about it, they avoid the discussion. You can see this when socialist candidates avoid discussing the price tags of their proposals, and you can see it when mainstream media refuses to cover significant tragedies across our friendliest border.
The entire political agenda of gun control is pushed by a notion that mass shootings are a great threat and only a problem in America. It’s completely untrue, and it’s important to debunk these lies every time you hear them. Otherwise, the uninformed voters caught in the middle are going to side with the liberals and the great beacon of freedom that is the United States of America will be silenced and dimmed.
~ American Gun News
Overpopulation, failure of law enforcement to communicate, and allowing loonies from savage countries across the boarders are the problems!
The problem is that the leftists have free reign to do whatever they want and their demoncrat legislators not only turn a blind eye, but are complicit in their criminal activities. If you notice, about 98% of the crazy shooters are leftists or muslim extremists, the demoncrats favorite haters. The mind warped antifa creepshows are ALL demoncrats. Blame the left when the Right have had enough, and the subversives dissapear in mass. The reprisal is rapidly approaching.
Canada’s answer to mass shootings is dis-arm their subjects.
Everyone knows criminals will be the first to turn in their weapons. They are about as bright as the Brits.
Exactly in fact that is one of the gun control advocates biggest lies that the criminals will suddenly decide to obey the NEW law despite having violated all the past laws that get in the way of their criminal agenda.
That we are supposed to rely on the failed numerous times 911 system and police who are anywhere from five minutes to hours away for our safety when we only have seconds to stop a criminal from harming or killing their intended victim.
That is if the 911 people will even bother to dispatch the police as we have seen in some incidents they act more like their job is to enforce POLITICALLY CORRECT ideology than just get the location and what help is needed.
A while back they refused to even dispatch the police for over four hours while a man was beaten to death on the steps of a national landmark dozens of calls and all they were worried about was getting a STREET ADDRESS and the RACES of the people involved refusing to accept the FAMOUSLY KNOWN Church’s name as the location or that a person’s life in jeopardy when a gun was not involved or simply did not want to send the police without knowing the race of the victim as if it was more relevant than the persons life. When they finally did forward the call’s information to the police they flagged as LOW PRIORITY behind all the vandalism committed by the same criminals. In fact the incident was so horrific they did a news special about it.
Now we hear in one place that they FLATLY refused to send help to certain people because of their LAWFUL occupation enforcing US laws that certain politicians in power in that area dislike and think they can just ignore. Think about it what happens when those same politicians feel that BANK laws should be ignored or if they do not like the political beliefs of the banker and thus decide not to respond to a call about a bank robbery. Because it would be no different. Yet with the time it takes to respond along with examples like these where they did not already going on in certain places they insist that BY LAW we be forced to rely on the GOVERNMENT to save us in the few seconds we have to respond in order to survive a criminals attack.
More proof of the lies and misrepresentations of the leftist that simply want to control every aspect of our once great America and her freedoms!