Take a deep breath and try to find a happy place, because we have to talk about the Las Vegas shooting again. Conspiracy theories can be fun, interesting or spooky at times, but I’m honestly just not that interested in them.
Most of the people reading this could have made the same shot that Lee Harvey Oswald made, without missing the first time. It makes no difference in my life if Stanley Kubrick filmed the moon landing in Hollywood. I still have to put my pants on and go to work tomorrow, regardless of whether the earth is round or flat. But this Las Vegas shooting… sheesh!
Bump stocks for semiautomatic rifles were banned by the federal government in December of 2018. This action was entirely predicated on the assumption that the Las Vegas shooter had a bunch of rifles with bump stocks that were used in the attack. Hold onto your MAGA hats now, because it’s about to get weird again.
Stamboulieh Law in Madison, Mississippi submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (let’s call them the ATF for short). Stamboulieh requested some records from the ATF, and it complied with his request finally. This is what the ATF said in its official response, dated May 1, 2019:
“We have conducted a search for ‘any records documenting the use of a bump-fire type stock used during the commission of any crime to date,’ and found no responsive records.”
In plain English, the ATF says it has no records of any bump stock ever being used in a crime – which means that no bump stock was used in Las Vegas, correct?
When the government acts like this, the American people are left with no option but to come up with their own theories about what actually happened in Las Vegas. We have a ton of unanswered questions about this incident that are just plain bizarre. And that’s not because of some conspiracy show on the radio or even conflicting eyewitness reports – it’s because of what the government has told us about the case.
Here are just a few of the unanswered questions. All of these questions are based on official government documents that originated from the shooting, including autopsy reports and the hundreds of pages of documents released from the ATF.
If no bump stock has ever been used in the commission of a crime, what was used to commit the mass shooting in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017?
AFT agents stated that they were not allowed to examine the internal mechanisms of any of the firearms recovered in Stephen Paddock’s hotel room. This would have told them, A) whether the weapons had been recently fired due to the presence of heavy gunpowder residue, and B) whether any of the weapons were converted to fire full auto.
Who did not allow the ATF to examine the insides of the firearms? What person, entity or agency prohibited them from examining firearms which were left at a crime scene?
There were 23 guns recovered in Paddock’s hotel room. The ATF report released a few months ago lists six AR-15 rifles with bump stocks, one bolt-action hunting rifle and a Daniel Defense DD5 rifle chambered in 7.62×51. That’s only 8 firearms. The ATF doesn’t mention the handgun recovered next to Paddock’s body.
What were the remaining 14 guns in the room, which we have no official description of? Was one of those firearms, for example, a belt-fed machine gun? We simply don’t know, because the ATF in its official documentation doesn’t tell us what the remaining guns were.
Media reports say there were 13 AR-15s in the room, but the ATF only lists six. If we give the media the benefit of the doubt (never a good idea), that still means there were seven firearms in that room that we have no information on. What were those guns?
From the Paddock autopsy, we have these unanswered questions: Why was his death listed as October 2, 2017 – the day after the shooting? Did he have any gunpowder residue on him, which would indicate that he had been firing a lot of rounds? (Autopsy doesn’t say.) Why did the coroner wait six weeks to send Paddock’s brain to Stanford University Medical Center for examination? Is that normal? Why did the coroner refuse to release the autopsy for several weeks, and only do so after a court order?
Here are the only two things we know for certain, according to the ATF: Bump stocks are banned… and no bump stock has ever been used in the commission of a crime.
We’re not trying to imply anything here, but the government is intentionally creating conspiracy theories about the Las Vegas shooting. If they wanted to they could clear this all up, but they haven’t. Which only gives us more reasons to scratch our heads.
this is just a tax that would be imposed by the IRS which has little regulation from the courts or anything else. it is easy for them to get a search warrant. while they are in your home under a valid warrant they can find many things illegal. or so they will claim. now it will be up to you to prove you are innocent because that’s the way our system is headed.——-Grampa
Democratik communists are always willing to sacrifice one or two if it is for the “greater good”. While I agree with you that conspiracies are always iffy at best, there is a case to be made that the gun grabbers staged this and possibly several other shootings to further the general cry for gun control (read confiscation}. There always seem to be unanswered questions in many of the narratives following these events.
I think the entire event was a “false Flag” event. Comments from concert attendees say gates were locked, shooters on the ground in the crowd….given the lack of gov’t transparency, it looks like a setup to push gun control!
We have too many corrupt people in our government! You cannot trust that you will ever get a truthful explanation. Sure you can keep your doctor! All bullshit!
In case you missed it the first time, I’ll say it again… the 10 scariest words you’ll ever hear put into a sentence is…(I’m from the GOVERNMENT & I’m here too help you)….nuff said.
There are a few other questions regarding the known “facts” of this mass shooting (and most others). Now my memory isn’t as strong as it was 40 years ago, and I won’t pretend I have read or heard every report of this incident so maybe I missed some follow-up reports, and maybe I’m not remembering some of the information correctly, however…
– Wasn’t the security guard, who was the first on the scene, “permitted” to leave the country right after the shooting? Since when does any LE agency allow a material witness and until proven otherwise a possible conspirator, to leave their jurisdiction for any reason, much less the country?
– Weren’t there eyewitness reports of multiple shooters, from at least 2 separate windows of the hotel?
– Weren’t there reports of black-clothed figures scrambling onto a running helicopter waiting to lift-off from the roof of a neighboring building? WHat was this about?
– Why did law enforcement wait so long after locating the room, and after the shooting has stopped, to breach the door of the hotel room? Didn’t they worry of continued shooting and loss of more innocent lives? Didn’t they want (or need) answers right away?
– Didn’t they find that the hallway leading to the hotel room had been rigged to alert occupants of an impending breach? How did hotel management and security allow this to happen? Surely they have cameras positioned all over the premises and would have been alerted to the activity required to do this.
Conspiracy theory? You be the judge. I’d like some real answers, supported by facts. Unanswered questions only contribute to the theories.
Because lying and deceiving have become the norm with the gubmint and media today. We will never know the truth about this. There are so many unanswered questions that require only simple answers.
Why not simply refer to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives as BAT FEces (a.k.a. “Bat Shit” crazy)?
I put absolutely nothing past demoncrap socialists/communists in our government. We have been experiencing the most corrupt politicians in our history with the obama adminstration and the swamp that remains. They are treacherous and they are trying to take down the USA in compliance with UN Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda, both of which clearly state that the United States needs to be brought down to a level more in line with the rest of the world (meaning the 3rd world sh*tholes)