You’re diligent. You went through the trouble and got your concealed carry permit. You take regular trips to the range. You’ve invested the time and money to arm yourself, and you know how to use the weapon. You aren’t one of those amateurs just blowing ammo as fast as possible. You’ve considered the variables, and you can shoot in adverse conditions. You believe in personal defense.
Despite the dedication, there are still times when you’re unarmed, and a gun outside of your hands is completely useless. It’s not like you’re going to shower with your firearm. So, the next step in perfecting your personal defense is to minimize the situations that force you to be unarmed.
Running has long proven a tricky situation for concealed carry holders. It’s important to stay fit, and long runs can do you loads of good, but safely stashing an accessible weapon while you’re on the trail is more than a small challenge. Many gun owners have capitulated to the inevitability of running unarmed. Unfortunately, runners are one of the primary targets for muggings, rapes and similar violent crimes.
Today, the struggle ends. This video will show you how you can easily carry and conceal your weapon, but it doesn’t stop there. It will also help you think of ways to train yourself to stay lethal even on a long run. Watch it and elevate your self-defense.