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CA Democrat Wants to Force Gun Owners to Turn Over their Rifles

Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell isn’t calling for gun confiscation – all he’s saying is that Americans should be forced to give back their guns or be arrested. At least that’s how Swalwell put it in an interview with Tucker Carlson when he poorly attempted to distance himself from the controversial term “confiscation”.

If you read the op-ed written by Eric Swalwell, though, you’ll see that gun confiscation is exactly what he is calling for. Swalwell believes that semi-automatic weapons should be banned and that the government should buy back all semi-automatic weapons from Americans who currently own them, prosecuting those who do not turn over their weapons. In Swalwell’s own words, “We should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.”

Such measures may not amount to the door-to-door style confiscation that many envision, however, they are an abhorrent form of gun confiscation nonetheless. For Eric Swalwell to go on Tucker Carlson’s show and state that he does not favor gun confiscation shows not only his hypocrisy but also his lack of the nerve necessary to stand by the words he himself wrote when faced with how ridiculous they really are.

To see clips from Eric Swalwell’s interview and to learn more about his gun confiscation plans, be sure to check out the video below.

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19 Responses

  1. I wish Cali. should just SECEDE already, and do the rest of the US a favor!

  2. Want them? COME TAKE THEM! Bring Friends willing to Murder to take them. I’m willing to Kill to keep mine! Your Move!

  3. Like we have said before..there is no California Democrat with a brain or spine! Gun confiscation is a globalist attempt to take over America! Impeachment is a tool by which Democrats want to punish Trump for defeating their witch! Jail is where all the liberal swamp rats belong! End of story.

  4. Anytime a dimocrat speaks they are lying and the result will not be good for the average person.

  5. now you know just how bad and ignorant the cali general public is to elect a died in the wool comunist like Swallwel

  6. The sad part based on numerous comments in social media is that people are IGNORING the fact they have written and tried to pass numerous bills into law that SPECIFICALLY are about confiscating guns. In some speeches they have even ADMITTED their goal is exactly that to have a completely defenseless US.

    Starting with civilians then when CRIMINALS continue to have weapons since the majority of them do not LEGALLY purchase them in the first place they will then move on to POLICE, and the MILITARY after all they will still be armed under currently proposed bans. Remember their excuse for the failure of “GUN FREE ZONES” the areas where BY LAW no one is supposed to possess a gun with very few exemptions is the fact that GUNS EXIST in the first place. Chicago among those with strictest gun laws on the book blames NEIGHBORING states for not imposing the same restrictions for their problem with guns as if the US BORDER is somehow better protected against smuggling than their cities own borders.

    One of the biggest lies being told by these anti gun politicians is that their PROPOSED laws would SAVE LIVES that just because the law is passed that SUDDENLY criminals will obey it and turn in their guns. This is FICTION.

    Laws simply DEFINE what is a crime and SPECIFY the punishment for committing that crime they do not MAGICALLY force the crime to never happen.

    It has been IRREFUTABLY proven in crime statistics around the world that GUNS are not the problem the CRIMINALS who intend to harm others will do so regardless of if they use a PLANE, TRUCK, BOMB, KNIFE or any of the other long list of items that have been used to KILL/HARM far more than any single gunman.

    From the one who killed 84 and wounded 202 with a truck to the one who killed 22 people using a knife because the victims were DISARMED and unable to stop them it is clear that the TOOL the criminal chooses to misuse is NOT THE ISSUE and wasting time trying to ABOLISH A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT they have no legal authority to even infringe will never PROTECT anyone it will simply change the long list of USED IN SELF DEFENSE list into just another KILLED by the CRIMINAL they could have defended themselves against in the past list.

    Think about this how many were killed by each plane used as a bomb in the 9/11 attack? Then remember the one that was brought down by the passengers saving who knows how many lives and how they did it then look to the FIRST new rule the government made.

    Their first act after 9/11 was to BAN PASSENGERS from having the tool they used to save who knows how many lives. The fact is they hijackers ALREADY broke the laws and restrictions that existed if the new ones were in place the only change it the third plane would have made it to its target because the PASSENGERS would have been denied what they had and used to stop the plane.

    The people behind that nonsense are the same ones telling us to ignore all of the ATTACK ON SCHOOL FAILED because an ARMED individual other than the criminal was present stories and accept the LOWER count of successful attacks as an excuse to pass legislation that would ensure the ARMED INDIVIDUAL who stops the attempts will no longer exists just as GUN FREE ZONES were supposed to have done. Remember there was at least three failed attempts around the same time as columbine yet it was only after them that the GUN FREE ZONES nonsense was proposed and passed. We just not supposed to be intelligent enough to recognize it was passed because of ARMED CIVILIANS stopping attacks instead of their excuse that it was because of the one that succeeded.

    1. You are so reading history. Their attempt will only cause history to repeat itself. Like the prohibition, you ban something people cherish, and crime will go up. This will be worse if these gun takers get their way. It will cause history to repeat itself.

  7. I’m willing to sell my 22 pistol for $100,000 if the Government wants to buy it back.My 22 rifle,I’ll be willing to let it go for a paltry $150,000.

  8. Tell me now how DemoCraps love this Country and love our Constitution and Bill of Rites. DemoCraps are nothing more than died in the wool Commies, Socialists they have one goal in mind to control the people all they ever talk about is more Control, more Taxes, and more Government and they will never accomplish this until they Disarm us all, they keep changing laws that will work in their favor at taking control of everything we do, and forget about getting ahead in life with them in charge they will tax you to death while they all live the good life on your MONEY. The first thing they have to do before they can take over our lives is take away our weapons all of them so we won’t be able to fight back just like the other Communist Countries did I don’t know about you but I don’t want to live under some Dictators’ thumb and think I’m free..

  9. I live in Alabama, where we have legal “Open Carry”. Liberals said, “The streets will run red with blood!”
    I haven’t seen any blood due to “Open Carry”, or read of any. Have you?
    Chicago on the other hand bans hand guns, yet before Memorial Day weekend they had over 1,000 shootings!
    I never read or hear about this, have you???
    Since shootings are now reported “Per 100,000 of population, Chicago drops to #16?
    I never hear or read about this, have you???Dems have run Chicago for over 100 years, so how can they blame the Republicans?
    Maybe since I never hear or see the “Lame Stream” media, they cover it? Anybody hear anything about this???

  10. When anarchy takes over, the Democratic liberal commies are the first to die!!!

  11. No guns 4 the politicians either. They can use swords until the London type laws r enacted. Their body guards can take chop socky lessons @ the local hollyweird studios. With no guns, swords,knives etc. politicians as well as our citizens will b absolutely safe. Everyone knows criminals & terrorists will not have any weapons after general confiscation.

  12. How can the voters of CA elect such idiots? It is time they (CA voters) impeach this jerk.

  13. My wife and I are recent refugees from the D.P.R.C. (Democratic Peoples Republic of California aka North Korea East). the governor is a gibbering squirrel and the legislature clutch of barking rabbits. Unfortunately, the voters also seem to be a herd of mindless lemmings rushing over a cliff every election cycle. How duo these people hope to improve their lives when they keep making the same stupid mistakes? They should have learned their lesson after Governor Moonbeam’s first assault on American values when he appointed Supreme Court Justice Rose Bird to the Court who immediately all death sentences to life in prison with the chance of parole (think Charles Manson and his clan of scum suckers). I guess the old adage is proving true, people get the kind of government they deserve. Thank God in America that we are still a two party system that can self-correct its mistakes with next election cycles. Thank you Donald Trump for answering our call for a necessary change of direction from the way our nation was being led down the drain of historical significance.

  14. My wife and I are recent refugees from the D.P.R.C. (Democratic Peoples Republic of California aka North Korea East). The governor is a gibbering squirrel and the legislature a clutch of barking rabbits. Unfortunately, the voters also seem to be a herd of mindless lemmings rushing over a cliff every election cycle. How do these people hope to improve their lives when they keep making the same stupid mistakes? They should have learned their lesson after Governor Moonbeam’s first assault on American values when he appointed Supreme Court Justice Rose Bird to the Court who immediately converted all death sentences to life in prison with the chance of parole (think Charles Manson and his clan of scum suckers). I guess the old adage is proving true, people get the kind of government they deserve. Thank God in America we are still a two party system that can self-correct its mistakes with the next election cycles. Thank you Donald Trump for answering our call for a necessary change of direction from the way our nation was being led down the drain of historical significance.

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