Call this a silver lining: During the current shutdown craziness, a lot of liberals are suddenly attempting to become first-time gun buyers. We say “attempting” because gun stores are still selling out of their stock of guns and ammo completely. The funniest thing about all this is that liberals are discovering that they have shot themselves in foot by supporting draconian gun control measures for so long.
California gun stores are estimating that 60% of gun buyers are now first-time buyers who have never owned a firearm before. They’ve had to start giving impromptu safety lessons to many of these formerly ardent gun control supporters, who learned everything they know about guns from Hollywood.
A lot of them pick up their new gun for the first time and start waving it around and pointing it at people while asking questions. Yikes! You can find lots of free gun safety videos online, folks!
Even funnier are the stories that a lot of first-time buyers are suddenly discovering that it’s not actually easier to buy an AR-15 than it is to buy toilet paper. Yes, folks, the media and politicians have been lying to you all these years.
In many states, it’s much like that classic episode of The Simpsons when Homer tries to buy a gun, only to discover that there was a waiting period before he could take the gun home.
Homer: “But I’m mad NOW!”
First-time liberal gun buyers in California are outraged to learn that they have to fill out multiple forms, wait at least 10 days and that they can only purchase a single handgun every 30 days. They’re also losing their minds to discover that they have to go through a background check to purchase ammunition, without which their firearms are pretty, but useless.
Why are liberals getting so mad about this stuff? Isn’t this what they wanted?
Is there any other industry you can think of that is more over-regulated in America than firearms? Maybe oil companies. Or storing nuclear waste. Maybe.
The irony, of course, is that liberals have been believing the politicians who lie to them about firearms for years and voting for those politicians so they could enact these stupid rules. And they keep believing them and keep voting for them, without bothering to check to see whether reality lines up with what they’re hearing. You know what I’d love to see right now? Amazon’s search history since the coronavirus lockdowns went into effect!
I can’t even count the number of idiotic politicians complaining about how you can buy a gun across state lines over the internet and have it shipped to your front door, so you can carry out a school shooting. You can just see liberals typing furiously into the Amazon search box and yelling, “No! I want a .44 Magnum! What are all these Dirty Harry movies?”
So no, to answer your confusion, liberals. You cannot buy a gun over the internet and have it shipped to your door in a few days through Amazon. In many states, you can’t walk out of the gun store with the property you just purchased. You have to fill out a lot of forms. In California, you even need to go through a separate background check to buy the bullets that come out of the shooty end of the gun.
It’s not that way in every state, of course. I bought one of my Glocks from a retired police chief when I lived in a state that’s not California. He was selling it at a yard sale. No paperwork, no forms to fill out, no waiting period. Because some states understand that a firearm is simply a tool (a constitutionally protected tool). And exchanging firearms with another American like this is no different than selling your neighbor a screwdriver or a lawnmower. It’s not the government’s place to interfere in that transaction.
Not that I own any Glocks. I lost all my guns in a canoe accident.
Anyway, we feel your pain, liberals. But we’re here to help! There’s a solution to the madness you’re experiencing on this first gun-buying excursion of yours. Vote against politicians who lied to you about firearms. Vote for politicians who support your constitutional right to buy and own firearms.
And when you’re at the gun range, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Another discovery you’ll make is that you are now entering one of the friendliest and most helpful communities in the country: The gun owning community.