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New Jerseyites Lost All Their Guns in a Freak Canoe Accident. Wink, Wink

New Jersey’s “high-capacity magazine ban” went into effect on December 10, 2018. So, how many of the estimated 2 million gun owners in New Jersey promptly did their civic duty and turned their magazines in to the police before and after the ban? Well, gosh, funny thing about that… You see, back in October, there was this big canoe trip where all the gun owners went canoeing on the Delaware River… or maybe it was the Passaic? Yeah… and… um… this is SO EMBARRASSING!

Well, what happened was, it was Jim’s first time in a canoe. And he made this totally rookie mistake and the canoe tipped over and, um… New Jersey lost all the guns. Stupid canoe! And Jim! It was his fault, too. So, that’s why there have been zero magazines turned in to police in the first month of the magazine ban. No more guns! Sorry, politicians!

In all seriousness, 2019 is off to a great start when we’re already being treated to such a heartwarming story as this. After reporters contacted local and state police departments and the gun-grabbing New Jersey Attorney General’s office, not a single person in New Jersey has complied with the state’s magazine ban. Not one!

The New Jersey legislature criminalized any magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. If it holds more than 10, it needs to be rendered inoperable or surrendered to the cops. This pretty much makes any AR-15 or Glock, not to mention hundreds of similar firearms, automatically inoperable. Well, we guess you could still chamber one round without a magazine in a pinch, but where’s the fun in that?

Failure to comply with the draconian mandate is now a felony worthy of a $10,000 fine and 18 months in the pokey. Take that, you pesky Americans and your stupid rights!

Keep in mind, this insane law was just upheld by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. The only options that New Jersey residents have of seeing their Second Amendment rights restored will be through a Supreme Court decision (who knows how long that could take) or by replacing the legislature and the governor (really tough to do now, thanks to mass immigration).

In the meantime, millions of New Jerseyites are suddenly unindicted felons. This is a great reminder for those of us who live in more “gun friendly” states. It’s easy to be pro-Second Amendment when you live in a state that allows constitutional carry, open carry and other basic freedoms. Millions of true Americans who still live in states like New Jersey, Massachusetts and Illinois, or in horrible Third World foreign countries like California, can only exercise their rights under constant threat of imprisonment.

Seriously, all you New Jersey gun owners who lost your guns in that canoe accident: Our hats go off to you. You’re like Christians living in communist China.

It was infuriating to see many pro-gun groups speak out against the New Jersey ban, not because it banned citizens from owning high-capacity magazines, but because the law initially banned off-duty police officers in addition to law-abiding citizens. The gun-grabbing Jersey legislature was quick to amend the bill, so that cops can now possess high-capacity mags.

So, let’s see if we have this straight, supposedly pro-gun groups. You were so outraged that the police were banned from owning high-capacity magazines that you spoke out against this unjust law. And now that cops can own the magazines that citizens cannot… you’re okay with that.

Do you perhaps want to back up and take another swing at that issue? Since your position is the exact opposite of the purpose of the Second Amendment? Trust us, it says it right there in the text: The right of “the people” shall not be infringed. It doesn’t say the right of “the police” shall not be infringed.

To the politicians in New Jersey, here’s what America would like to say to you: We hope you’re having trouble sleeping at night. You want to push and push and push and keeping taking the rights of your citizens away. You thought you would just keep extending the line indefinitely and the “sheep” would go along with it because they were being quiet. It had worked every time in the past.

But now, millions of your citizens took a look at your new magazine ban and said, “No. That’s the line. No more.” You forgot something very important as you smugly thought you could dictate your anti-American fantasies to your “subjects” and that they would go along with it again. Just because something is quiet doesn’t mean it’s a sheep. Sometimes it’s a wolf.

Sleep tight, gun-grabbers!

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10 Responses

  1. These socialist animals have lost their brains and if they continue to try and turn America into a third world socialist state, they might get something to fill that void area where their brain vacated. LEAD!

  2. They will get my firearms and any accompanying devices, magazines, scopes, or anything else, from my cold dead hands. The second amendment is a constitutional right of the citizens of the entire United States. Any law made in defiance of that amendment is not only an illegal law, but violates and ignores our inalienable rights of the Constitution. Do not submit to an illegal “authority”, or soon there will be no rights, just socialist communism.

  3. NY did the same thing, except to a greater degree with the SAFE Act. After having to spend big bucks to buy preban AR mags to comply with NYS law, overnight every one was deemed illegal by our illustrious Governor, along with nearly every weapon I had.

  4. I know five Marines and their pretty dominant sister in Jersey, did they really think they would get those guns. If they did, I would only build them other MUCH more lethal ones. You might say checkmate.

  5. I’ll say it again,,, I’m locked & loaded, & waiting,,,

  6. A few years ago NJ had a contest to put a new welcome message on signs seen when entering the state. I submitted: “Welcome to New Jersey — We Are Not Just About Concrete Boots Any More!”. Easy to see now why it was rejected.

  7. Way back in the mid to late 70’s. ( Having been recently honorably discharged from the US Army) I had to wait for 4 months for a NJ State Police background check in order to purchase a single shot 410 shotgun.

    I saw the hand writing on the wall and made plans to leave that Godforsaken, unconstitutional state ASAP. Thank heaven for places like Texas !

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