Amid the cries for stricter gun control laws in the United States, there seems to be an all too common misunderstanding of how strict gun control laws already are. It’s not just everyday citizens who are grossly unfamiliar with the laws that are in place – even politicians in the highest seats of power have demonstrated such confusion.
After the Texas church shooting, Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) wrote, “A simple idea: Anyone convicted of domestic abuse should see their rights under the 2nd Amendment severely curtailed.” It turns out, that this is a simple idea – so much so that it’s already the law.
Sen. Schatz isn’t the only Senator to call for laws that already exist. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) recently announced that he and Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-New Mexico) were crafting a bill “to prevent anyone convicted of domestic violence — be it in criminal or military court — from buying a gun”. Of course, domestic violence is almost always a felony charge, and it’s already illegal for felons to buy a gun.
The truth is that the list of gun control laws on the books are already extensive, and thus far they have done practically nothing to curtail mass shootings. While more laws is the common, knee-jerk reaction to tragedies that have become all too common, perhaps it’s time we call on our lawmakers to better enforce the laws on the books and explore alternative solutions that might actually stop these shootings from happening.
Check out the latest set of gun control laws Congress is trying to enact in the video below.
~ American Gun News
Great article; the laws are already on the books; they are being poorly enforced, that’s the real problem!
NO more gun control period—we have enough
“Gun Control” means hitting the bastard who needs killing when I am defending myself, my family and my country.
In regards to “assault” weapons (or “semiautomatic” weapons), they have been around for about 120 years. Mass shooting events using these semiautomatic weapons is a relatively new thing, occurring in only the last decade or so. Why blame the tool, when it’s clearly the change in society and people that is to blame. They close down most of the mental hospitals in this country and wonder why so many psychos are out there. Our society has also lost it’s foundational respect for life and morality, plus the fact that the news media sensationalizes these mass killers and makes them all infamous household names. In some cases, they become heroes for the psychotic fringe elements of our society. Instead of disarming everyone and creating gun free zones, we actually need to arm more responsible people to aid LEO’s in protecting all the innocent people. These anti-gun (anti second amendment) are trying to take away my right to protect my family, myself, and others from the ever present evil in our world. Police can’t be everywhere and the courts have decided that they are not obliged to protect any of us from armed aggressors. Police are usually minutes away when seconds count. They’ve become experts at chalk outlines, dispensing yellow crime scene tape, and filling crime reports. As a free citizen, I will not abrogate my rights to keep and bear arms and self protection. The left needs to find a new cause and one that doesn’t piss off most of us law abiding citizens.
It angers me that We the People have ignorant legislators sitting in our seats of our government . Have had many arguments with various legislators on many topics that the legislators claimed were not on our law books , but actually are on our law books . If our elected legislators want to be vocal on a topic how hard would it be to do a little research on said topic before any verbalization ? Sort of like a child not doing their homework and giving their teacher a nonsensical answer , naturally the teacher would give the child a failing grade . Our legislators have been failing for quite some time and it seems they still are failing .
Also, a big reason for the public’s lack of knowledge is the anti-gun activists, politicians and mainstream news media are lying through their teeth. They are using the mantra that “The end justifies the means” and will stop at nothing to achieve their goal.
All of our politicians are assinine Republicans and DemocRATs alike except the President, Vice President and Cabinet. All the laws here lately are assinine.