Back in 2000, the economist John Lott committed a cardinal sin in journalism and looked at some actual compiled data from Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics. He reported that female police officers are far more likely to use deadly force against a suspect than male police officers.
We haven’t heard one thing on the topic since. Why? It’s a hate fact. It’s misogynist to point out the fact that because women do not have the muscular and skeletal advantages that men have, they cannot use intermediate force before firing their service weapons.
The reason for this should be obvious. In the vast majority of cases, a woman cannot subdue a full grown man.
This is not to say that female cops lack judgment or are more bloodthirsty than male cops. It makes perfect sense for a female cop to shoot earlier than a male cop would- because a female cop cannot afford to allow a suspect to get his hands on her person. It shouldn’t need to be said, but in this age of gender quotas- sadly- it does.
Cops are covered in dangerous weapons. Women are targets of sexual violence. And men have 32 to 56% superior mechanical strength. All of these reasons make it very sensible for a female cop to shoot a man who is physically threatening her.
To be fair, it makes sense for anyone to shoot anyone who is being physically threatening. After all, you don’t know if they have a knife, or a gun, or a case of hepatitis C and a proclivity for biting.
You could almost make the case that even a male cop should shoot before putting hands on an aggressive suspect. After all, even a weaker opponent could stab, or infect a physically powerful police officer. From that perspective, you could say that the male cop who takes you to the ground instead of shooting you is really doing you a favor.
Lott’s analysis indicates that not only are female cops more likely to shoot someone on purpose- they are also 15 to 19% more likely to shoot a person by accident. There are a number of reasons that this would be the case. For starters, handling a gun while under the influence of adrenaline and fear, anyone would be much more likely to make a mistake, slip on the hammer, pull the trigger, drop a chambered weapon and so on.
It bears mentioning that men are more object-oriented, while women are more person-oriented which, by the way is part of the explanation behind the idea that female police negotiators are more effective. But in the case of weapons handling, it means a woman will be less inclined to be competent and confident holding a weapon. They may not have the manual strength or the instinct to fully and properly work the action of a firearm. And they may become extremely jittery when having to draw down on a suspect.
According to Lott, every 1% increase in the numbers of female officers raises police shootings by 2.7%. This number can be brought down by simply adding male officers.
Private gun owners, by contrast, are far less likely to shoot someone- accidentally or otherwise.
It’s not surprising that feminists would insist that the standards for tests of strength and endurance for cops should be ratcheted down enabling more women to pass them. Feminists also insist that people stop saying men are physically stronger than women and then out of the other side of their mouths demand that strength tests be watered down. You see, stating that men have superior mechanical strength is hate speech, even when facing the facts will save lives.
The same thing has been happening in fire departments- with female recruits being given watered down tests of strength and endurance, and lives are being lost on account of this as well.
Interestingly, many studies have also shown that in domestic violence cases aggression is overwhelmingly initiated by women, and women are three times as likely to use a dangerous weapon in these confrontations.
Something that few people realize is the fact that feminist-trained people are increasingly in charge of the ways courtrooms are run and how police departments and fire departments are staffed. The result has been a mad press for diversity at all costs. Diversity of genetics- rather than diversity of opinion, knowledge, or experience- is taken as an unmitigated virtue. The first victim is competence, and when competence is missing in first responders – people die.
Leave me a comment below in the reply section to let me know your feelings on this controversial topic.
~ American Gun News
Same difference as relaxing academic standards or having a yellow card in the Corps boot camp It’s called the pussification of America my Grandfather is rolling over in the mausoleum
I personally know a lot of law enforcement and military personnel; male and female. In my experience, females PROPERLY trained in close quarters combat and firearm use are as competent as any male peer. Females, while USUALLY smaller and lighter, are more agile and quicker and those that I personally know, physically take down a male twice their size without ever using their firearm in less time. No studies, no data, just personal experience relayed to me by people I know personally.
That’s a bunch of B.S.. My 20+ years don’t lie. I have nothing against women in L.E. but what you’re saying just isn’t true. On many occasions I have had women LEO’s ask me and other males to please handle a situation because they felt they weren’t physically strong enough. Quickness may sound good but once that person gets grabbed, the woman usually doesn’t stand a chance
Training and real life situations are totally different. I spent 30 years in law enforcement and women on the force are a huge problem. They’re terrible at physical confrontations and the male officers always have to worry about them while trying to handle to the perp or perps. And after just a little time on the streets the females get moved inside to jobs that used to be reserved for men who spent 20 plus years on the streets and needed a break. Anyone who says there is no difference between and male or female officer is full of s… and has no experience in law enforcement whatsoever on the street.
Good for the female cops! They SHOULD be shooting MORE of these scumbags!
I was a special agent with U.S. Customs &DEA for over 20 years. I was an officer in the U.S. Army & U.S. Coast Guard for a combined total of almost 38 years. There is no comparison between woman and men in bad situations in most cases. In fact there is no comparison between a 110 lb male and a 210 lb male. There is no comparison between a coward and a person who is fearless in combat.
In all the world, the females raise the young and defend them when needed. Not go to be a defender for others. Nurture the young and raise them and teach them the world. To hunt, or talk, or what ever they need to learn. Nature knows.
I was Infantry and Cav for 25 years. Too many issues in field for women. Crotch rot, jungle rot critters in the night. The dems that want women in combat, field or as cops, don’t do it them selves. They are cowards, Hillery, Bill. michelle, Obama.
As 92 year old Retiree , associated with Law Enforcement for forty years, and 20 years as an active COP I find your article interesting and it hits the nail on it’s head. There are few female police officers that can compete with the male Officer, all things being equal There many places for the Ladies in Law Enforcement, many where she would possibly excel. Just an old COP’s opinion.
As a retired LEO I was aware of this stat. It’s good to see that the public is made aware of it also. It’s not a knock against anyone at all. It’s just common sense. Good job.
The first rule of thumb as an officer is to subdue the offender with NON-LETHAL Force. You should only ever fire your weapon when your life is in danger. You never have justification to murder the taxpayer that funds your salary. There is no justification for it, not holding a gun, not being threatening, not any thing. The only thing is if they are shooting at you, stabbing at you, etc. Your first priority is to RESTRAIN OR SUBDUE by NON-LETHAL means. If you cannot capture your target, you are a failure and have become a murderer, rogue to the Badge and not worthy of wearing it.
But alas, the government would much rather have citizens becoming cops, feeling superior, murdering other citizens and having us fight each other than focus on the crooks in power who ruin our life with a stroke of a pen from their broken old corpses.