If you saw the latest Democratic debate, then it’s time to acknowledge something. The left has not abandoned their desire to take your guns. They…
One Win and One Loss in State-Level Gun Control
The fight for gun control is strenuous and constant. While the mainstream liberal narrative will ebb and rise in fervor for seizing guns, the dedicated…
DNC Vice Chair Calls for REPEAL of 2nd Amendment
Louisiana State Senator Karen Carter Peterson (Dem- New Orleans) made headlines this week when she tweeted: “Repeal the Second Amendment” So why did a State…
Maryland Bureaucrats Attack 2nd Amendment Rights of Citizens
It appears that the second amendment rights of Maryland citizens are under attack again as the Maryland General Assembly turns its sights on gun restrictions…
Concealed Carry Mistakes that Could Get You Thrown in Jail
If you’re a hunter, a firearms enthusiast, a survival prepper, or just a parent who wants to do everything possible to protect your family, then…
Travelling for the Holidays? Know Your Carry Rights in Every State
The winter season kicked into gear with a snowstorm for the ages. As the holidays loom ever closer, many of us are finalizing plans to…
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