“Shall not be infringed,” is clear and concise language, yet infringements exist at every level of government in our country. You can accidentally commit a…
Background Checks Do Not Prevent Mass Murders
Anti-gun activists love knee-jerk reactions, because they are done with virtually no logical thought process involved. You simply get people emotionally riled up and make…
The Official Anti-Gun Agenda of the New House of Representatives
The midterms could have gone a lot worse. Historically, we expected them to. That slight relief doesn’t change the fact that the Democrats are about…
Ammo Background Checks Undermine the Second Amendment
A new threat to the Second Amendment is emerging as liberals target ammunition sales as a way to circumvent the constitutional right to own firearms.…
Pelosi Wants to Take a Blowtorch to Gun Rights if She Becomes Speaker
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) broke her tape measure the other day while measuring the drapes in the Speaker of the House’s office. Just kidding! She…
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