Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) broke her tape measure the other day while measuring the drapes in the Speaker of the House’s office. Just kidding! She has an illegal alien employee for menial tasks like that.
You would have to be living under a rock, however, to not notice the power-mad gleam in her eyes. Pelosi really, really wants to be House Speaker again. She’s even drawn up her to-do list for that eventuality. It only has three things on it: Slaughter gun rights, cancel tax cuts, impeach Trump.
We’ll just focus on her anti-gun agenda here, though. Here’s what Pelosi plans to do to gun rights if she gets the Speaker’s gavel back in her greedy clutches in January:
Ban “Assault” Weapons
This has been the dream not only of Pelosi, but of the wider Democrat Party for many years. They’ve been especially desperate to reinstate it, ever since President Bush allowed Bill Clinton’s unconstitutional ban to expire in 2004. No facts or reason can dissuade Democrats from this desire. The AR-15 is the most popular deer hunting rifle in several states – but it’s still an “assault” weapon that people should not own.
Expand Gun Confiscations
“Gun Violence Restraining Orders” are a cute little code that liberals like to use for “Taking People’s Guns Away Even If They’ve Never Been Convicted of a Crime.” Several states have these ineffective, pointless laws in place. But Pelosi wants a federal law nationwide, so if you give a stern look to an incompetent DMV employee, the police could show up at your doorstep with a restraining order to disarm you.
Universal Background Checks
Pelosi is always pushing this draconian pipe dream as well. With “universal” background checks, you wouldn’t be allowed to sell a firearm to your nephew or your neighbor without first playing “Big-Brother-May-I” with the federal government. A firearm is simply a tool and selling one should be no different between private individuals than selling your lawn mower to someone.
But Pelosi knows that the feds are always getting caught not destroying background check records as they’re legally supposed to, so this is another way for the government to track who has firearms. You know, in case someone files a Gun Violence Restraining Order against you.
Killing National Concealed Carry Reciprocity
National concealed carry reciprocity has been a dream of patriotic Americans for years. The idea that you can go to prison and have your life turned upside down just because you crossed an invisible line on the ground – with an unloaded gun in the trunk of your car – is offensive to most sane adults. We have an actual chance of moving this bill through the House and Senate and having President Trump sign it into law, striking a major blow for gun rights. But if Pelosi gets her mitts on the Speaker’s gavel, the bill will be dead in the water.
Phony “Armor Piercing” Ammo Restrictions
Will this lie never die? “Armor piercing” is the term the military uses for high-speed projectiles that can puncture armored vehicles. Gun grabbers stole the term and claimed that it means rounds that can pierce police body armor. Bullets that can penetrate police body armor have been banned under federal law since the 1980s. That ban was always and only intended for machine pistol bullets, which was primarily what gang members were using. The term “armor piercing” was never intended under the law to include rifle ammo. Period. Pelosi’s use of this phony term is really code for banning RIFLE ammunition.
Pelosi Will Kill the Hearing Protection Act
Everyone who watches movies know that silencers turn handguns, shotguns and combat rifles into whisper-quiet murder machines that make a teeny-tiny fart sound when you pull the trigger. Anyone who has ever used a silencer knows that this is a total fabrication by Hollywood. Silencers simply reduce the noise of a gunshot – there’s nothing quiet about them.
The Hearing Protection Act in the House would remove silencers from the federal restrictions of the 1934 National Firearms Act. The bill is intended to loosen silencer laws to protect people’s hearing. Pelosi has already demanded that the bill be killed, and she will nuke it if she becomes Speaker.
If you want to keep Nancy Pelosi’s visions of gun-grabbing totalitarianism from coming to fruition, there’s one way to do it. Sacrifice 30 minutes of your day on November 6th to get out and vote.
~ American Gun News
this article would require her to leave poolside at her compound in foolifornia.
She can do none of those. She’s not the queen. Nothing but “elect us” talking points.
they just want a war.
She is one dangerous person in our government. How do patriotic Americans keep voting a socialist / communist in office ?
The women is a crazy old nut that does not belong in congress anymore. Go head Nancy ,let all illegal immigrants in, OPEN THE BORDERS maybe they will come to your MANSION AND ROB AND MAYBE KILL YOU AND YOUR FRIEND CRAZY WATERS . BOTH OF YOU NEED TO BE TAKEN OUT OF CONGRESS AND THE SENATE, AND WON’T GET YOUR HEFTY RETIREMENT $$$$$ CHECKS.
Yavolt. Only der government gestapo err I mean officials should have guns. Disarm the population. Makes it easier for control of the little people by the elite.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is a complete and total Anti- American Socialist Camel Ass. She wants to Ban “Assault” Weapons, there is NO Such thing as an “ASSAULT WEAPON” as every commonsense people knows, (there morons has no commonsense that why they are all called stupid asses).
Expand Gun Confiscations but these asses say nothing about removing the guns from the gangs, drug dealers, Anti-American terrorist, ISIS nothing except the removal from LAW ABIDING Citizens of the USA.
Universal Background Checks that is already being done.
Killing National Concealed Carry Reciprocity all except for them and their body guards
Everyone who watches movies knows that silencers turn handguns, shotguns and combat rifles into whisper-quiet murder machines. SHOTGUNs do not have silencers and it is illegal to own them, that is how brain dead stupid these demo asses really are they know nothing as to what they are talking about that is so plain to see by the people.
Time for this career socialist politician to be put out to pasture. She is basically incoherent and her tired old agenda is babble. What about removing all the Security these anti-gun politicians enjoy? Is her safety and protection more important than ours?
This disgusting anti American thief, liar, and liberal bitch needs to go – to a federal penitentary for theft of taxpayer funds aka embezzlement and lying to the people of California as to what’s happened to these funds for various projects that never see a damned dime of the tax funds yet the three thieves in charge here; ‘fart’ faced fenstein, governor wannabee gavin ‘the giveaway’ newsom have no problem levying on the hardworking California taxpayershigher and higher taxes that eventually go to fund all the ‘freebies for all the bums, ‘boat people’ and parasites (their constituents) that seem to cling to the ‘dimopcraps’ like stink on S**T! These disgusting liberal ‘socialistts’ have done their damndest to destroy California with their ‘socialist’, progressive, liberal and to put it bluntly communist policies and agenda that the once great clean, affordable and prosperous city of San Francisco, the once crown jewel of California has become a dirty, overpriced and overrated and unliveable CRAPHOLE and compared to third world encleves like nairobi, calcutta and port au prnce and recently been named th doo doo capital of the USA because of the streets reeking with the stench of urine and piles of human feces, littered with dirty needles and used condoms. This among too many, are the so called ‘accomplishments’ of the liberals, progressives or the ‘dimoctaps’, sad, really sad!
Should the socialist Democrats win the House I’ve no doubt they’ll introduce bills to restrict 2nd Amendment rights, raise taxes, restrict 1st Amendment rights, allow more illegal immigrants, end all investigations into Hillary and other Democrats, AND impeach Pres. Trump.
Except for ending House Committee investigations, fortunately the Senate will prevent the socialist Democratic Party folly.
I would like to see her try to confiscate AR-15s and other modern sporting rifles or any guns for that matter. Good luck. That would be war as the democrats are quickly becoming the domestic enemy every federal government official has to take an oath to defend against.
Tell that low live B…. Pelosi to go to hell and stay there
Need to keep them out of office. n Pelosi and Fecalstain are both the same as far as our gun rights go…. Both are bad news.
The ONLY way to prevent the ideas Pelosi and other DemocRATS are promulgating is to VOTE. I first voted at the age of 21 in 1968. Yesterday, 10-22-18, for the very first time I voted a straight Republican ticket. The DemocRATS have become a tool of George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and several other extremely rich Socialists. If you don’t vote, you will get what you deserve. Unfortunately, that might be just what we don’t deserve. VOTE and if at all possible, take someone else that might not otherwise vote with you!
Phil in TX
Thanks Phil for your comment. BTW: this also applies to California where the liberals have destroyed this once great, clean, affordable place and turned it into a third world encalve within America. And to top it off, SanFrrancisco the one time jewel in Californais crown has becoem one nighttmarish CRAPHOLE and equated to nairobi, calcutta and port au prince of the west coast and recently named the doo doo capital of the USA due to streets reeking like toilets with the stench of urine and piles of hman feses, garbage, dirty needles and used condome, sad to say! This is th legacy of years of liberal aka ‘dumbocrap’ mismanagement, and ifiscal neptitude!
Pelosi and Clinton both are history and have no place in politics anymore. They both should retire and take care of their grandchildren.
It is very difficult to get rid of an incumbent because the party puts so money behind their re-election. The new candidate that runs against them doesn’t have the funds to beat them. We are in the age of the internet and if everyone would use the internet to donate to the candidate that runs against her in her next bid for her seat we can defeat her. With the internet, you don’t have to be from Calif. to donate against her.
Just got to the website of whoever is running against her and donate. In fact, if we gun owners would start a campaign and agenda to do this I believe we can get her out of there. She is doing things that affect all of us and we can ruin her if we get out against her to the effect we did for Trump !!!!!!!
We need to make this our MISSION.
I know we can donate against her because I have done it against candidates I didn’t like in other states for years.
Get busy folk.