In the west, we live pretty sheltered lives. For the most part, we can count on being safe, comfortable, and fed at a pretty nice rate compared to historical standards. We give gratitude to those who came before us for all the wonderful innovations and hard work they put into creating this stupidly stable society.
However, all of this safety and luxury comes at a price. That price is the ease with which we forget what it takes to survive in the real world. Make no mistake, all of the gruesome battles with nature that ancient humans had to fight are still being fought now on a daily basis.
But they are being fought by other people, by machines, and by enormous organizational structures that are not especially transparent. We do not see the blades, bullets, poisons, threshing equipment, and low-level workers that save our lily-precious hands from being tilled into the soil.
Because we are so removed from the barbarian edge of our society, we forget that the meat we eat had to be killed. The hatred that coastal dwelling liberals feel for hunters is an excellent example which we will use to press our point. Most of them eat meat… but they think hunting is cruel.
The mindful hunter reduces the suffering of animals, funds wildland preservation, and provide high-quality meat to his family. Many of them also donate much of their game meat to the needy. That’s more good than the average liberal will do in a lifetime.
The debate over gun control is very similar to the issue of hunting. The opponent of hunting thinks he, she, or zee is kinder because they do not perform the killing personally. In the same way, the gun control advocate thinks they do not use or depend on guns simply because they pay money to have guns put into someone else’s hands. They are removed from the gun so they behave and think as if there is no gun.
The average gun control advocate has probably never had to rely on the police to protect them. If they had, they would know that they take at least ten minutes to show up. Most life or death confrontations happen in under 5 seconds. So the low-level liberal is just ignorant.
The politicians and the Hollywood so-called elites who expect you to give up your guns have security details. That means they, or someone who works for them spends the time and money to pay for teams of armed men to protect them with guns. In other words, that big time Hollywood meathead who wants you to give up your guns is berating you from inside a circle of loaded Glocks.
Just as the meat eating anti-hunting fruit loop thinks he is better than a hunter, the anti-gun goofball thinks he doesn’t use guns. The truth is he does, he just pays other people to do it badly.
Consider Leonardo DiCaprio. This half-wit flies his personal jet to an awards event to scold America about its carbon footprint. Just one flight of his gas guzzling private jet generates more exhaust than an SUV does in a year. But he’s going to tell you to drive a Prius because he used to look good on screen.
The lesson here is that we should appreciate the value of personal responsibility. Taking personal responsibility means killing your own food, and doing it as humanely as possible. It means learning to keep and use self-defense tools yourself.
Most people think Jesus said the meek shall inherit the Earth. This is wrong. The word he actually used means a man who owns a sword, knows how to use it, and keeps it in its sheath.
The meek will inherit bondage. But the peaceful warrior will win the day.
~ American Gun News
I believe that God made man and gave him a brain to find ways to survive on this world. We have done pretty well on that count but Satan has been trying defeat God through some of us and The rest of us have to be careful not to fall for their lies.
Of course this is a marvelous example of trying to interpret SAYINGS (“constituion”) with modern definitions. Earlier meaning of meek referred to one well trained, disciplined confident in the art of battle; exactly “a man who owns a sword, knows how to use it, and keeps it in its sheath.” A horse ‘meeked” was a horse well trained, disciplined and steeled in nature fit for battle.