Liberals are once again in an uproar over President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from an abominable international firearms treaty that would have trampled upon personal liberties and civil rights. It also would have subjected law-abiding firearms owners to likely future restrictive measures and bureaucratic control by foreign nations.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry signed the treaty in 2013. A year later and led by a new GOP majority, the Senate voted 53-46 to prevent the US from joining it. Only Democrats voted in favor of the UN treaty, which would have had grave consequences for gun owners in the United States.
The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) was negotiated at the UN headquarters in New York City in 2012 and 2013. Ratified by 101 nations and signed by another 34 that did not ratify it, including the United States, it effectively became international law on Dec. 24, 2014.The ATT seeks to regulate international arms trades, including small arms.
The treaty requires member states to monitor arms exports and ensure they do not violate existing arms embargoes, are not used during the commission of human rights violations, or used during acts of terrorism. While that sounds like an admirable goal, such a treaty creates an incredibly slippery slope that easily could and likely would erode Second Amendment rights in the United States.
One provision requires tracking end users of firearms sales and storing that information for 20 years. After all, if each nation does not track where the arms are sold, how could they know whether or not they wind up used during abuses of human rights or by terrorists? Doing that, though, essentially requires creating and maintaining a national firearms registry, which would violate individual privacy rights.
It also would expose lawful firearms owners to exposure to potential criminal activity by those who would break into homes and steal firearms, among other valuables. Such firearms tracking would make obvious political targets of owners of firearms – especially military-style firearms. After all, the information would be public, and anti-gun liberals certainly would use them to target and shame lawful gun owners.
Current anti-firearms messaging is using children to turn people against guns and blaming lawful gun owners for firearms deaths among America’s youth. The reality, though, is the vast majority of “youth” killed by firearms are older teen gangbangers involved in criminal activity. They mostly are not law-abiding gun owners.
Yet, opposition to semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines is growing, despite factual data showing such firearms seldom are used in criminal acts. Mostly, stolen and illegally trafficked handguns are the implements criminals mostly choose to commit crimes, according to the FBI.
But it is the vast majority of law-abiding owners of these scary looking rifles that anti-gun liberals say are the threat to other people’s freedom and personal liberties.
If the U.S. were to join and ratify the UN arms treaty, it would be subject to current treaty law and future amendments. Those amendments would not require support from the U.S. to impact citizens here. So long as a supermajority of states voted to amend the firearms treaty, those amendments would take effect here.
That could bring on more regulations than a firearms registry, including potential confiscation of firearms. If a terrorist or international criminal obtains an AK-47 or other similar style rifle, somehow, via a U.S. firearms dealer, it could trigger oppressive, knee-jerk firearms laws that erode or downright violate the Second Amendment.
For that matter, the firearm need not even originate in the U.S. for a potentially restrictive international regulation to be imposed. I just takes one bad event to get exploited and used to drum up support for further eroding firearms rights in the only nation that really has them.
The UN claims member states that ratified the treaty would not be required to violate citizen rights to bear arms, including the Second Amendment in the United States. But only gullible gun owners buy such assurances.
The liberal media is claiming President Trump bent to the will of the NRA, but that is not the case. While the NRA certainly opposed the treaty, so do most gun owners, as well as those who support the Bill of Rights.
President Trump was right to withdraw the U.S. from this U.N. Arms Treaty, which reflects the wills of the vast majority of law abiding gun owners.
Dont stop there, get us completely out of that do nothing, money pit that we finance, for what?
Now President Trump needs to close down the United Nations Building and run all the members out of the United States ,we do not need them in America ❗
Good for him! Good for us! We already face constant attack from clueless morons, trying to rid us of our 2nd amendment rights. We most certainly don’t need foreign powers thinking that they have the power to bypass our constitutional rights as well!
The hell with liberals. The UN has no business with our gun rights. We finally have a President who has a pair, unlike the left wing wimps that make up the Democrat party.
This is a prime example of a PRESIDENT that is standing TALL for the freedoms of the AMERICAN people and this country.
No other country has any right to come into our country and DEMAND that we violate our CONSTITUTION and our RIGHTS.
President TRUMP is for our people and our country. He is not a bow down kiss ass to any other country like obumma was.
the UN has become such a corrupt organization and also Anti
American in every respect. It was founded to help promote
peace and provide a place to settle differences without war.
Sadly it has become a One World government ploy to try and
destroy the individuality of others and destroy Nation to
overthrow government and let the UN become the sole
governing body of the world. It is made up of corrupt politicos
with dreams of world domination and primarily nations
ruled by islamic factions. That alone should tell you what would
happen to the people of the world if that were allowed to happen.
Obama and the Socialist Democrats were in full agreement with
the play and hoped to be part of those who were dictators of
the world. Thank GOD their plan was blocked by the election
of President Trump and others who stopped them for the
time being.
Yes, please Close down the United Nations , get them all out of the USA. Stop funding it and all foreign aid too.
Get the U S out of the U N,,, all they do is take our money & then trash the U S for how we live,,, the laws this creepy organization wants people to live by are mostly socialist views anyway… them trying to tell the most advanced nation on the planet how to live is nothing but jealousy , but they sure like our