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YouTube Just Learned a Powerful Lesson: Don’t Mess with the Second Amendment Community

In its endless march to brainwash the public into thinking differently about guns, YouTube took gun parts manufacturer Brownells’ channel down without warning last week. No reason was given for the sudden termination.

Within 40 hours, the public outcry from the public over this totalitarian, unfair business practice caused YouTube’s owner (Google) to restore the Brownells’ page. Every patriotic American should be outraged at these modern-day fascist tactics and yet it keeps happening.

The anti-gun left continues to test the boundaries of what it can get away with in terms of censorship and destroying the businesses and livelihoods of everyday Americans for the crime of not sharing their opinions. Here are some key takeaways from this incident.

First, the left wants all guns banned as evidenced by taking the Brownells’ channel down without notification or warning. Every time a politician or pundit says they’re only interested in taking the spooky-looking (to them), “military grade” (which they’re not), fully automatic (*sigh* which they are clearly not), mass murder AR-87 weapons of grenade launching nuclear badness out of the hands of the mentally ill — or whatever the made-up excuse du jour is — it is a lie.

The left wants all firearms out of the hands of the American people so they can boss us around, force us to pay for the dictates of their weird weather cult, teach our children that whatever they say is the truth and burn our churches down while telling us they’re doing everyone a favor.

How do we know this?

Because Brownells doesn’t manufacture anything even vaguely similar to what the left considers an “assault” weapon. The Brownells YouTube channel is filled with helpful instructional videos if you want to know how to install a part or repair a firearm. They also do a lot of gun safety videos. (Why are you opposed to gun safety, YouTube?)

If you want to know how to repair or restore your grandfather’s bolt-action hunting rifle, Brownells is a company you can turn to for parts and helpful videos on how to do it. (Spoiler: Not a paid endorsement, just a fact.)

It is a mature, responsible, old school firearms parts company. Their channel doesn’t feature any videos on how to trick out your AR-10 with an undermounted rocket launcher or millennial boneheads testing out their homemade body armor while wearing it.

Our point is that if YouTube views Brownells’ channel as a “danger to the community,” then that’s a good sign that the left views all firearms as dangerous and wants them all gone.

Second, all of the Big Tech companies are openly opposed to your human right to defend yourself with a firearm (and therefore they are evil).

Firearms companies need to not rely solely on Silicon Valley anti-gun companies for their marketing channels. We need alternative channels for instances like this, when the left decides that the children of firearms company owners should starve to death because of their political ideology. Companies that rely solely on Big Tech for their online marketing are practically asking to go out of business.

Third, in spite of all the power that the Big Tech monopolies have amassed for themselves, “we the people” are still more powerful than they are. The Brownells takedown lasted less than two days before the Google Sturmbannführers realized they had stepped in a public relations nightmare and put the channel back up.

Patriots and lovers of the Second Amendment flooded the one phone line at YouTube and started blasting the company on Twitter and Facebook for its storm trooper tactics against Brownells. Picking on Brownells as a company was only slightly less repugnant than the TSA doing an invasive pat down of a 96-year-old woman in a wheelchair. Once YouTube/Google realized this, they reversed course.

We are still more powerful than the left and we need to flex those muscles when they try to bully our allies in the gun community. No matter how much Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and his buddies in Big Tech want to fantasize about a second civil war to shut up normal Americans, our side is still winning.

And about that second Civil War, Jack: Our side has all of the guns, all of the ammo and all of the attractive women, plus we’re not on a goofy plants-only diet. If you really want to try out that whole second Civil War thing, it will be a truly short and funny spectacle — so be careful what you wish for.

~ American Gun News

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21 Responses

  1. Utube, FaceBook , google, and Most all other Progressive Social Communist need to be REMOVED from everything American! And will be when THEY START THE NEXT “uncivil” WAR!


  2. Not only is You Tube doing it but doing it but Ebay and L.L. Bean are also trying to do the same thing. Its time to let them feel the reprocushions.

  3. I think that these anti gun places are ridiculous, and these anti gun zones are getting people killed, and especially our children, Israel had the right idea on how to curb attacks on schools, in 1974 they had a school shootig that killed and injured quite a few children and teachers, and they immediately fenced off all of their schools and put armed guards at the entrance’s and if you don’t have proper ID or a legitimate reason to enter, your not allowed on the premises. They’ve only had two incidents since then and the perpetrators were killed only, no injured students or teachers were injured, and that is amazing, and apparently the right way to handle the problem, not make them no gun zones, where everyone in the school is at the mercy of a person with a gun. I have had a concealed weapon permit since the end of 1999, and have carried a weapon ever since and if I come upon a place that bans concealed weapons I don’t enter except government buildings (like post offices and the VA hospitals) and then I leave my weapon in my car, and there have been a lot of companies that have missed out on me patronizing their establishments, and I’m sure I am not the only person that has quit doing business there. I have never had to use my weapon (and I hope I never have to) but I’m 80 yrs old, and I’m not going to be killrd by some young punk that wants to get his thrills by beating down an elderly person. But one thing I do, is l carry $2,250,000 legal insurance (for about $40 per month), because if l do have to ever use my weapon l want to stay out of the poor house or prison or possibly both, and my advice to anyone is if you can’t afford legal insurance, DON’T CARRY A WEAPON.

    1. Youngster. I’m 81 and still a crack pistol. Not quite what I was 20 years ago. I keep a safe in the car trunk for when I go into the post office or bank and am sure to have nothing showing when concealed. I carry the NRA Carry Guard insurance for backup. We need plenty more old farts like us!

  4. I say one thing: When in trouble, dial 1911. THEN dial 911

  5. Indeed! And that last paragraph is just, well, the best I’ve read in years!

  6. We need some techie to start a conservative equivalent to u-tube and Facebook.

  7. America as a whole had better wake up to the leftists controlling many of our minds. More alternatives are needed re: google. It seems every search engine is enhanced by google. Isn’t there some alternative?

  8. Why are all these power house sites controlled by libturds?

  9. Average Response Time For A 911 Call is 9 to 13 Minutes. Response Time For A Average 9mm is 1150 Feet Per Second. You Do The Math.

  10. I personally am glad that people are starting to realize the agenda is complete and total annihilation of their freedom. Firearms are intrinsic to this freedom. The government, the media, the corporate multinational megalopolis regularly join together to attack freedom. They want to sell you the idea that freedom is becoming a pink haired pervert confused about your own gender. Nope. Freedom is your ability to direct, defend, and enjoy your own life.
    Firearms scare them, strong attractive women scare them. Men with guns scare them. Anyone who is sovereign within themselves scares them. Anyone want to live in a world shaped by scared psychological midgets? I didn’t think so.

  11. Hey, YouTube!!!, the second amendment is for real and has been supported by SCOTUS decisions. You have researchers, check it, damn it! And while you’re at it read Article 1, section 9, clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. I’m sure someone at headquarters would understand the statement,’no ex post facto law shall be passed’. I do believe that includes objects and activities both.

  12. While I share the author’s sentiments, I am disappointed in the article. It doesn’t say when YouTube silenced Brownells, or for how long, or what YouTube claimed was the reason for the silencing. Nor does it describe what it means by “public outrcry.” Just how, exactly, did the public cry out? Was it organized or spontaneous? And to whom did they send their outrage and by what means? Phone calls? Emails? Pickets lines and demonstrations? How?

    1. Every single question that you asked was answered in the article. Reread it.

  13. What GOOGLE, YouTube, and all the other controlling Tech companies want is POWER OVER the PEOPLE. Sharing OUR INFO just isn’t enough anymore. They want to CONTROL our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and BECOME MORE POWERFUL!

  14. Trent Kent: Patriots and lovers of the Second Amendment flooded the one phone line at YouTube and started blasting the company on Twitter and Facebook for its storm trooper tactics against Brownells.

    That was the outcry and how it was related to them, I doubt that is was organized just a lot of pissed off people. Had I known about the shutdown, I would have been on the phone facebook and twitter myself!

  15. If there is another civil war it will last no more the three days before the Liberal Leftists give up crying for their mommies

  16. All excellent pro gun 2nd amendment comments. Thank you

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