There are now three things in life that are certain: Death, taxes and people arguing about everything on the internet. Armchair experts will argue about literally every single thing on the web. Right now, someone is reading the title of this little blurb and preparing to argue with us because the two most popular rifle grips — the magwell grip and the C clamp grip — are not really the most popular rifle grips, because their patented monkey tango zulu grip is really the most popular.
Argue away, folks! It’s apparently what we do best.
The pro’s and con’s of the magwell and C clamp grips are well known by now, but how do they stack up against each other? Honest Outlaw Reviews takes a look at the question and runs a custom-made AR-15 pistol through some tests to check accuracy and speed of both grips.
The magwell grip is the primary grip used for training on the AR-15 and M4 variants, and it’s a good grip if you’re going to be holding the rifle up for a long time. One major con that Honest Outlaw doesn’t cover in the video below (here we go, arguing on the internet) is the fact that a faulty cartridge blowout could take off some fingers. The C clamp grip is the awkward-looking grip that you see in shooting competitions all the time.
Other than that, the video below is fun look at speed and accuracy tests for these two grips. Check it out and then feel free to argue amongst yourselves in the comments on which grip is better!
In my estimation it does not matter much where you place the non-firing hand as much at it does how well you maintain the cheek-to-stock weld and get the same site picture and your weapon is battle sight zeroed.
This action is not a legal act by an incompetent left wing group of wimps
Concise and to the point, as well as informative and clear.
Like any soldier, the rifle is as it is used in combat!